The right, if you use the homophonic characters of Chinese characters, it can be far-fetched to the punch, and it is also a weapon. That is to say, the military force has the right, and in this world, the military force is the right is more obvious, and this is even more so in Noxus, which admires powerhouse infinitely.

However, power is certainly in the hands of the strongest, but the person who exercises the power is not necessarily the one with the strongest military force. This is because everything in the world is very complicated, so things are always done by the right people, which is obvious. There is no one who can trust and be familiar with Li Ke except Nora. Even if he has mastered the highest rights here, he can still only hand over the rights to Nora and let her carry the rights that belong to him in name.

Yes, this is why Li Ke said he lost, because Noxus is still under Nora’s control, because he does not have enough manpower and time to take over after Darkwell’s death Noxus can only let Nora and her people continue to manage Noxus. However, it is necessary to stand for the possible turbulence of Noxus, and make efforts to make Noxus try to maintain the status quo before freeing up its hands, so as to avoid the direct fragmentation of Noxus, and let the entire world fall into turmoil again.

And this time will take at least twenty years. The new generation grows up and understands his ideas. And because of Nora’s sudden refuge, his plans for Vampiric Sceptre from Noxus have been frustrated. He originally planned to continue to use his status in Noxus to attract those who are dissatisfied with Noxus’s current plan, because he directly became Noxus’ Great Commander and went bankrupt. The fact that I keep a large number of civil servants in Vi already makes the taste of Vi weird. It will take more than ten years to slowly change. If you do this in Noxus, then you can look forward to it. Breeders, ghosts, and snakes have used various methods to misinterpret their ideas and make their careers take more detours.

He has no doubt about this, because these all are things that have happened before his eyes. So he can only let Nora continue to be in front of her Noxus’ local tyrant, and he can do nothing about her. The lack of people, the people who can use him, and the people who understand him are his greatest weakness, and this damn weakness cannot be solved every ten years or so.

But also not to say that Nora’s refuge is completely harmless, at least Noxus will act according to his ideas, and the endless war will be temporarily stopped. And according to the chassis laid down by Noxus, it can also provide him with a lot of resources, and many things can be done. The development of Freljord and the population migration plan can also be directly put on the agenda, and he is developing the infrastructure of Noxus. At that time, the technological tree and volume of Vi will also increase, and new industrial cities will begin to be established due to huge dividends.

Also, Li Ke had already thought that Freljord, a cold zone that is not suitable for human habitation, and a part of the desert zone of Shurima, would all be his industrial park. The establishment of the industrial park will also allow the bottom people of Noxus to have enough jobs to allow them to support themselves, instead of as they do now, only by joining the army can they allow them to support themselves and not starve to death on the streets. The demographic dividend of Noxus will also be converted, and there is no need to use the least effective method of war to realize their value.

In general, his career will accelerate a lot because of this situation, and the identity of the Lord of Noxus will also give him the greatest right to speak in this world. He is no longer the master of a trading country, a country that does not have much military power, but the master of a country with the strongest military force in this world. Vi is still likely to have some turbulence, this time there will be no fools who want to find things at all, but will become extremely heartfelt and stable. There is no longer a need to guard against Noxus attacks, and the navy that Li Ke has developed vigorously has also been completely liberated, giving him another force that can be used.

It’s this feeling of being plotted against that really made him very upset, so Li Ke threw Noxus’s mess to Nora, and he didn’t worry that Nora would deny his rights. Steady, because in order for Li Ke to be on his side, Nora would only maintain his authority and strength infinitely, instead of courting death. So, when Li Ke played cards with his nine-tailed maid in his mansion, Nora was working hard for his empire.

“Master Nora, we have controlled most of the city, but there are still some of Darkwell’s loyalists who resist our inclusion in their mansion.”

Looking at a girl in a uniform, holding a staff and a dagger, a pale-haired general bent over to report to her.

“Very well, tell them that if they are willing to come out on their own, their next generation will not be liquidated. This is the kindness of the new king. We will only clean up those who have grown up, and Will not let their family be cut off, of course, if there is only one left in his family, then there is no way.”

To remove a curse from her body casually, Nora said She continued her work with a calm posture. If she didn’t provoke Li Ke, then Li Ke will be cursed now, and the guy who cursed him will be directly shaken to death by the power on his body. Do not have to be so troublesome to manually clear the curse. But there is no way. Since he chose to let Li Ke not be able to intervene in the Noxus situation for a short time, so that he has more time to make arrangements, then such troubles must be resisted by himself.

“Understood, but… Lord Nora, do we really need to be loyal to the man who killed Darkwell? He doesn’t look very powerful, maybe we can ……”

The general was a little unwilling. Although he also saw Li Ke burn a fortress through a road with a single blow, the previous kings were not so powerful, so he I feel that there is no need to give up this seat. Nora can sit in that position by herself, and the other party behaves like a puppet. If he is a puppet, then he…

Their family is actually quite suitable, after all, their family There was a Great Commander in our ancestors, didn’t you?

Just after he finished talking about this remark, he suddenly found that his neck was a little itchy, he scratched it subconsciously, and then he found a dark Elise crawling on his neck, and he The world also began to spin around. At this moment, Nora’s voice rang in his ears again.

“So, can you hold a sun in your hand and use the power of that sun? Fool. Who do you think we are facing?”

Nora’s voice It’s terrifying cold, and his world is terrifying cold.

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