It was also a group of people who were slaughtered, and it was also a burning village, but this was already the fifth Li Ke encountered on the road.

I didn’t hesitate to shoot and charge again, but this time Li Ke’s side was no longer Cherna, but Aklan and Lyles. These two craftsmen started from Li Ke in Aklan. After resurrecting from the dead, they decisively abandoned their carpenter’s tools. Instead, they picked up the battle axe and Longsword captured by Li Ke, and they also had some broken armor that Li Ke could not even look up to.

Of course, not only them, the newly joined fighters, in order to show that they are not useless people, they also followed along immediately after they charge ahead, leaving the soldiers looting in the village stunned. Looking at these knights who suddenly approached, Li Ke pierced a companion’s throat with a spear in a more horrified expression, and used a long spear to penetrate two warriors who were close to each other.

But his record ends here, because the Knights behind him solved the remaining people, so he can only jump off the horse and use the opportunity to pull out the gun to absorb this The vitality of two people.

This is already the 2nd day when he decides to absorb more people into his “Departure to Ashe Interest Group”, but after more than one night, he became sixteen fighters, and two One hundred and thirteen ordinary person leaders are now.

Among them, there are only 53 men including fighters. There are 94 adult women, and the rest are all children.

As for the elderly? There is no one, let alone how many people can live to old age in this kind of ghost place. And let alone the immediately attacked by these tribes, the only remaining old people stood up from their homes, stood with the soldiers, and bought time for others as much as possible.

After all, according to their experience in the wind and snow, the elderly not only have the ability to support themselves, but also drag down the tribe, so such facts are all too common. Even if there is no battle, many elderly people here will try to court death as much as possible when they find that they are unable to support themselves and make other contributions to the tribe.

Therefore, only in the villages that want to be rich and peaceful can there be elderly people and disabled people. That’s why there is no old man in Li Ke’s team, because when Li Ke arrived, these old people had already died for their families.

But even so, the speed of Li Ke’s team growth is far beyond his imagination, and their food is once again in crisis. So while Li Ke had to choose a more stable style of play in battle, he also began to consciously collect more Life Power.

But fortunately, he is not alone now.

“My lord, your spear.”

Akalan’s face still has some blood, but he didn’t care about it, instead he held Li with both hands with a pious face. The spear that Ke threw out fell in front of Li Ke. And the one who came with him was a sturdy Ryze man panting heavily with a lot of wounds and blood on his body.

“You were very brave just now, Aklan, but you still have to be careful. You swing your sword too far. The battle is not about cutting wood.”

For Aklan and the others Two choices to become fighters, Li Ke has nothing to say, after all, he is born to fight against all kinds of things. But this kind of respectful attitude is something that makes him very uncomfortable.

But now he still needs to maintain his unfathomable mystery god’s majesty, because if he doesn’t do this, his’departing to the Ashe Interest Group’ will have various problems .

After all, these furnace households are not without enmity between them. To be precise, it is too ideal for a village so close to have no enmity with each other. Therefore, there must be a strong person who can grasp the right to speak and convince most of them and rely on them.

“Yes, my lord, I will pay attention.”

Akalan’s face showed a surprise expression, obviously Li Ke’s praise gave him a great Sense of honor. However, he added a setting to himself because of his sense of honor, and among his duties, he must become a qualified subordinate of Li Ke, so he suppressed his excitement and turned his head to introduce Li Ke to his side. the man.

“He is the leader of this village. After he was taken away by the clan who sheltered them, the last food was taken, they met these robbers, so he is also willing to offer you loyalty and become yours. Sharp sword. And disband your own tribe and join us.”

After Aklan said this, the man beside him was nodded nervously and knelt down at the feet of Li Ke. And halfway through the conversation, stared wide-eyed got stuck there.

“Yes, respect…”

He simply doesn’t know Li Ke’s name, and everything on Li Ke’s body is simple and pitiful, and there is nothing well-known. For him to guess the name, after all, in addition to not looking the same as the people here, Li Ke only has the point that his face is more delicate and pretty.

“Li Ke.”

Akalan noticed his mistake, so he quickly reminded the leader who swore allegiance, and the panicked man quickly spoke again. I want to make up for it.

“Ah, my honorable Li Ke…”

It’s just that this time Li Ke directly helped him up, and he didn’t intend to let him go on.

“There is no need to be loyal to me. I just take people who want to leave here to a safe place. I don’t plan to be a leader.”

Li Ke is very serious. He said what he had said several times.

“So if you want to follow us, go to Cherna to report your number and bring your supplies. If you don’t want to leave, we will never force it.”

After talking about Li Ke, he came to a few guys who hadn’t died completely. When they ended their pain, they would also gain some vitality as much as possible. The man who wanted to break the crutch symbolized by his tribe leader with his knees, and the man who was loyal to Li Ke froze in place, looking at Aklan not knowing what to do.

“Have I angered that adult?”

He asked a little uncertainly. After all, if Li Ke wanted to, the small village composed of dozens of them had nothing The doubt will be destroyed in a short time.

Even if Li Ke ignores them, they will starve to death in the wind and snow.

“No, it’s just that the adult is not interested in power that’s all.”

Lyles came over and patted Aklan on the shoulder first. The disturbed man in rags went on.

“You just need to listen to him.”

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