“This…everything I can do is ordered by Sejuani. After all, I’m just a mount.”

The voice of the god of wild boars is clear. There was a strong convincing smell, and the uncle sound became thicker, which made Li Ke couldn’t help looking at each other’s abdomen, and then the wild boar was shy and hid. Li Ke didn’t let Li Ke see anything.

“Hey, do you think I would believe this?”

With his hand on top of the other person’s head, Li Ke couldn’t help but look at this uncle-sounding bastard. I thought of my experience of being knocked into flight several times. That was the memory of being attacked that he didn’t want to recall in his entire life. Especially when he recalled later, he always felt that when he was hit by this guy, he seemed to be picked up by this guy.

If this is not intentional, Li Ke can completely write his name upside down. So that heavy oppression once again appeared in the spirit world of the wild boar god, and the wild boar god immediately found a new excuse that seemed to be able to convince Li Ke.

“But I’m really just a mount, you know, if Sejuani finds me disobedient, will she continue to use me as a mount?”

The reason is indeed Abundant, with Sejuani’s temperament, she really won’t use mounts that once defy her or are self-determined. So Li Ke loosened the head of the wild boar god after thinking for a while, allowing him to swing his huge body into his fortress to avoid the snow. But of course, Li Ke didn’t give up getting to know Freljord at this time, after all, this god still seems to be able to communicate.

“It makes sense, but I have something else to ask you.”

So, under Sejuani’s weird gaze, Li Ke sat next to her mount and started They were in a daze, and Silas, who followed her in, looked at Li Ke strangely. They didn’t seem to believe that this was the husband of Ashe they were looking for. According to the rumors, they could help Ashe unify Freljord easily. , And the existence of the powerful force of Owner unimaginable.

It’s just that Li Ke didn’t care about their meanings for the time being. He didn’t know that these people were his wife Ashe’s men. He concentrated on communicating with the wild boar god Freljord’s information, and obtained A lot of interesting information. For example, Orn’s address, or why Myriadth in Freljord disappeared, leaving only Volibear, Ivinia, and Ornxian in the world.

Lack of faith and lack of interest.

“You mean, because of the lack of faith, many gods have returned to mythology, sleeping in nature, and no longer interested in walking in Human World?”

Li Ke a little bit Summarizing the information he heard, his perception told him that there must be more interesting information here. And the god of wild boar did not mean to conceal, but slightly nodded, and continued talking.

“Yes, because this land does not have many things that can make gods nostalgic, whether it is the props made by humans or the so-called gorgeous buildings, it is nothing to us gods. It is meaningless, because our life is closely related to the world, and our existence determines the rules of this World. So most of us are only interested in things related to ourselves. If it is not for human beliefs, it can enhance our power to some extent. If we can harvest a lot of people we admire, then the gods will not have any communication with humans, because humans are too weak and wild ambition.”

The god of wild boars said There was a sudden cold war here.

“Furthermore, the war at the beginning was very tragic. When Aoun was unwilling to lead Myriadth, everyone refused to admit defeat. Finally, the collections accumulated were all under mutual attack. It’s over, so many people are disappointed to return to this world, and no longer think about it. Only those gods who like to get along with humans will stay in this world, but being in this world is quite lonely and Rare, so it didn’t take long. Those gods also slowly left. Now, there are only Ornn who likes to create, Volibear who likes to destroy and fight, and Avinia who likes to preach. I am active. And…many gods have also been betrayed by humans. Those humans who each minding their own business give us their faith, and then each minding their own business regard themselves as victims. Seriously, it makes God distressed. “

There was a cloud of white gas from the nose of the wild boar god, because he thought of a lot of people, those human beings always feel that paying for their faith can satisfy their desires forever, but they are Why do you think that humans, and the things that humans cherish, are important to them? He has witnessed human arrogance many times, so he doesn’t want to say more about it. And Li Ke asked his own question again. He gathered the strength of Faith on his body to form a light spot that people could not help but want to worship to show to the god of wild boar, this light spot Shining with unimaginable beauty and countless ideas of praise and trust for Li Ke.

“So my ability to gather faith is really the ability of gods like you?”

The god of wild boar glanced at Li Ke’s hand with nostalgic eyes The light spot gave a positive answer.

“Yes, it is the power that we have… You are also the power given to you by people who believe in you. This power is an irresistible poison to many gods, because he It can strengthen our strength and satisfy and recognize our spirit. It is precisely because of these beliefs and praises that my brother sisters were once lost in the poison of these beliefs and praises, and then killed each other.”

He sighed in Li Ke’s heart.

“There is only so much I can say, powerful Li Ke, the power in you is too unimaginable, so try not to use the power of faith, even those of us who are born as gods People will lose their true self because of those praises and praises. If it’s not necessary, please don’t rely on this kind of power, because he will make you no longer yourself. And that’s why I will be a child The attitude of growing up in Freljord, instead of immediately using the power of faith to make herself bigger.”

What the god of wild boar said was a righteous, but one thing she didn’t say clearly was her The believer has long since died, and even if she wants to use the power of the believer to make herself stronger and bigger, it is a very slow process. Only by following Sejuani, who can gain a lot of faith, can he proclaim his reputation and give himself so much strength of Faith to restore his body.

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