Without the slightest hesitation, he jumped off the back of the steel bristles, and stepped on the skull of the god of wild boar. Li Ke Fei appeared beside Ai Xi with anticipation on his face, and under everyone鈥檚 gaze, he hugged this girl who was already petite to him into his arms, and then pointed it at The other’s lips.

No matter how complicated his heart is or what he has experienced, Ashe’s really waited for him for so long, and has been working hard to maintain their two careers. He is also the only one who can fully understand himself among all the people around him. She holds the same kindness in her heart as her own, and she fits well with her own three views. Although the level of education may not be enough, this is actually the least important point.


Ari riding Lilia made a dissatisfied voice, while Sejuani, who still had Li Ke temperature in his arms, was somewhat absent-minded Looking at Ai Xi who is enthusiastically interacting with Li Ke. Once again, I felt that Ash was suddenly far away from herself, and she had already reached a place she couldn’t see or touch. This feeling violently impacted her heart, making her want to step up to the two of them and interrupt their reunion.

But she didn’t do it, because as a friend and sister, she could only bless Ash here silently, and let her enjoy such a reunion. However, as a friend, after hearing Ari鈥檚 dissatisfaction, she should have put forward a duel to Ari, let Ari pay the price of blood for despising her sister鈥檚 feelings, cut off her beautiful head and use it as a urinal. Because this is what a qualified blood alliance does.

She didn鈥檛 do it, or even just as if she didn鈥檛 hear it, and because of her attitude, the soldiers who were going to trouble Ari also quietly dispersed after looking at each other and decided not to mix in. Join this matter. After all, Li Ke, Ashe, and Sejuani have violated the rules and customs too much, and this is not bad. They are not shamans and Elder, and they are really not qualified to intervene in such things.

So they are very sorry, after all, Ahri’s tail looks really warm, and it is very suitable for making a scarf. The face is also very beautiful, the skin is also very good, and tiger tooth looks very suitable for arrows. So when Ari made a dissatisfied voice, they even thought of how to use Ari’s bones. Even if Lilia is dissatisfied with this, they don’t mind if there is an extra deer on this list…

No way, this ghost place is so barbaric.

This kind of malice that even thinks about how to use the bones can’t hide the natural insight of Ari and Lilia, so when the two of them noticed this. Lilia almost lay on the ground on the spot, and Ari looked at the soldiers Sejuani was leading with an uncomfortable face, and showed her fangs and sharp claw to them. Such provocation naturally angered several fighters, but they just wanted to rush over, they were stopped by Sejuani’s eyes. When Ari saw Sejuani’s cold look towards him, he couldn’t help shivering, and no longer showed that provocative look.

After all, Sejuani is vulnerable to Li Ke, but for her, Ari is still a very strong opponent.

On Ashe鈥檚 side, the two who finally separated were panting slightly, and Ashe blushed because of being intimate in front of so many people, but even In this way, she still suppressed her shyness, gently stroked Li Ke’s scattered hair, and then stroked Li Ke’s cheek.

“I thought it would take a long time for you to come back.”

And Li Ke picked up Ashe, who was already short by more than one end, and put him in her He whispered the words that he had parted with her for a long time.

“I haven’t let you give birth to a cute child, how could I let you wait for so long, you know…”

When it comes to this, Li Ke鈥檚 head It was buried in Ashe’s neck, and he uttered a secret word that only the two of them knew.

“…I miss the smell of charcoal very much.”

Aishe鈥檚 face is redder. Of course she knows what the smell of charcoal is, because she always When going out for a tryst with Li Ke, Ignite charcoal is used in the house to warm up. The hint in Li Ke’s words couldn’t be more obvious. But this unconcealed desire made her really happy, because it means that Li Ke has not forgotten her and is still obsessed with her. She is impossible and unhappy about such things.

“Well, our child will be very cute.”

Stroking Li Ke鈥檚 hair, Ash nodded, some greedy Li Ke鈥檚 breath hitting his neck feel. The hot flashes of breath and the slight coolness when the other party breathed in made her body tense and excited, and her heart began to heat up constantly. But she still pushed Li Ke away slightly and looked towards everything he brought back, as well as Sejuani with a complicated look.

“But it seems that Sejuani has already talked to you…”

“Yes, you gave me a big trouble.”

“Sejuani is much more beautiful than me. I don’t think no one would like this trouble?”

“You know it’s not the problem, and you are the most beautiful.”

“How is it possible that I am too skinny…Sejuani is the best look.”

Although the conversation between them was quiet, everyone watched quietly. When looking at them, even the smallest voice made them clearly aware. Especially when Ashe said that he was small, the older Old Lady looked at the chest and crotch of the two of them, and then agreed with nodded. After all, Ashe did look thinner and weaker, not so plump. Compared with Sejuani, who was known to be a good-natured at first glance, she was indeed not so pretty.

How about the face?

Sejuani is indeed not bad, to be precise, there is no unbeautiful female iceborn, but Ashe’s’slim’ figure is really a huge loss in Freljord.

These conversations and sights made Sejuani feel severely uneasy, but Ashe gave her a caring and warm smile at this time, so that she could only pursed her lips and stood helplessly. In the same place.

Anyway, all of this is what Ashe hoped. She, the loser, only needs to accept it, and she can’t resist.

“In short, will this matter be to my mind? Honey, I really don鈥檛 want to lose everything. After all, isn鈥檛 our wish like this? I know I鈥檓 self-willed, but I really don鈥檛 want to be With a peaceful solution, let any one of us lose something.”

Lightly touched Li Ke鈥檚 lips. Ashe鈥檚 tired face was a kind of relief and tolerance. With a smile, she gently stroked her lover’s cheek, trying her best not to irritate her lover with her own request, and didn’t want her self-willed request to make her feel uncomfortable.

As for her own happiness?

She feels that she is already very happy in this cruel world.

Freljord, which is about to be reunified peacefully, does not need to meet his only friend. His only love is someone who has the same dreams as him, and he is also a person whom he can rely on absolutely. The dreams and extravagant hopes of her life have been realized, and she is really satisfied.

All that is left is a little greed.

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