Who is it! Dare to interfere with my Supreme divine might!

Has been completely transformed into a half human half dragon, like Li Ke of an armored warrior wearing a giant dragon on his body, his sight instantly saw a girl who was about fifteen years old. Holding a lance and aiming at him. And this girl didn’t have the clothes of ordinary girls, only tattered animal skins, and some obvious scars. There was a strange oil paint on her face, and the thing on her body used to connect her so-called clothes not to fall off was either a rope twisted from animal skins or obviously treated vines.

And beside her, there are several lions that look very vicious, but now they are lying on the ground and dare not move.

With such obvious signs and weapons, as well as the familiar shape of Li Ke, he immediately realized that he had encountered a hero again.


Wild huntress, Nidalee, milk power, all Alliance only one woman with a maid skin. An ultimate lifeform between Big Mao and sexy women, can meet all the needs of male cat slaves at once.


Is an orphan.

“Who are you?! Why do you know my name?!”

The girl in front of Li Ke became vigilant for an instant, she cautiously looked at the oppressive Li Ke, carefully guarded, and squeezed Lance in his hand.

“I have no malice towards you, or I am very sympathetic to your experience… Ah, really, can you wait for me here for a day? If so, I might be able to help you Find your parents.”

To the girl in front of her, Li Ke doesn’t mind giving her kindness, because this girl’s life experience is really pitiful, and she has lived in this jungle since she was a child. , The traces of the parents were not found at all, either died or ran away. If it hadn’t been for a lioness who just lost her cub and was not very hungry, she would never have lived so much.

Although for this girl, she has become accustomed to life in the wilderness and is happy to live here. But Li Ke is very clear that this is just the reason why she has been in the wilderness and has not been able to contact human society. If this girl can be brought into a civilized society, at least the lifespan of this girl will be greatly extended, and after all, humans have to get along with humans. It is not a good thing for her to survive in the wilderness.

And Li Ke knows her backstory, knowing that she was actually very curious about humans when she first came into contact with humans, but the humans she came into contact with were not the kind that wanted to help her On the contrary, the human beings were full of hostility. In addition, those people attacked her group of lions as her family, and directly caused her to return directly to the wild world. It can be seen that Nidalee wanted to return to the human world for a while, otherwise she would not learn human language. But now that Li Ke met, he would reverse the tragedy and let this girl lead a relatively normal life.

After she finishes school and knows about in this world, what she wants to come back is beyond Li Ke’s control. But now, Li Ke just wants to take this girl out of the jungle.


But for this girl, the conditions Li Ke said did not make her care. She had not gone to school and had not been taught by humans. She doesn’t care about those anymore. Although she will think about it afterwards, she already has a new mother. Even if she wants to, she just thinks about it.


“What would Nidalee do in this situation!”

This girl is simply not Nidalee, but another Of a girl. It seemed to her that the separation from her family was just yesterday, and she was a little unable to refuse Li Ke’s words to help her find her parents. It’s just that she is not that stupid. After being hunted down many times by humans in this world, she certainly knows that not everyone will help each other. Most people suddenly treat you well just want to use you.

So she panicked, especially when there were several young lions at Li Ke’s feet, she simply did not dare to do unnecessary things for Nidalee. I can only hold Li Ke’s coercive force and hold Lance, making a threatening move.


Li Ke, whose perception has been magnified countless times, also noticed something wrong at this brief moment. He looked at the little coowering lions at his feet. And the lioness who couldn’t open her eyes wide, but bit her tail and was terrified. He immediately understood why the girl would attack him, but when he looked towards the girl who appeared to be Nidalee again, although the other person’s very young but very good body slowly faded in his eyes , Revealing the true form of this person.

“The disguise and imitation of the soul… and this dress and tail…”

Li Ke squinted his eyes, he unlocked his transformation, and in the same At that moment, the girl who used her talent to maintain Nidalee’s appearance was terrifying, and she was shocked to find that her transformation was lifted by the person in front of her by the never lethal method, and this person still appeared in front of her for an instant. .

“You are called Nicole, right?”

I put my hand on the head of this girl who was obviously scared, and Li Ke calmed it softly. Although he can’t remember the background story of Nicole clearly, he probably still remembers it, and this girl is also a pitiful person. Her family was killed by Noxus, and she was the only one who ran out and wandered so far. . This is also a very pitiful situation like Nidalee, and when he is now Emperor Noxus, this matter has something to do with him.

Because of these two girls, Li Ke finally figured out where he is now: he is not far from Freljord now, it only takes a few minutes to arrive, because he is now Located in the east of Shurima, the only eastern rainforest where there are still a lot of tropical rainforests and plants, from here you can fly directly to the place where you and Ryze just approached.

“How did you know that Nicole’s provoke! And how did you get rid of Nicole’s transformation affliction!”

But Li Ke’s actions made this girl extremely frightened. She was able to wander until now and has not been killed by humans because of her ability to transform through the soul of others, but this ability fails in front of Li Ke. She cannot see Li Ke’s soul, nor can she imitate Li. Ke’s soul, as if she couldn’t push the mountain, the desperate feeling made her even more aware of the terrifying of the person in front of her.

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