“All those who are willing to protect the lives of this World, listen to my summon, and use my power to turn the desert into a mulberry field, and let the barrenness become rich. Use my power to turn it into The barriers of the world, defend our world!”

Don’t hesitate anymore, and forget about Ryze. If such a disaster is left alone, he will definitely regret it for life. He changed back to the form of an ascendant, and no longer suppressed the nature of his ascendant, and began to greedily breathe the magic power of this world, calling for the power of starlight outside the world. And as he expands his power to the greatest possible extent, his spirit can no longer control his overly large power. It is already his limit to be able to maintain energy supply instead of destroying it.

So he can’t use his spirit to control the trees to attack, he can only choose to believe in the souls of those ignorant trees, and believe in the lives that are rooted in the earth and are always unknown. They. This is something he has never done and experienced, but now he chooses to believe in some of these powers that do not belong to him, and do not belong to the will that he knows well.

However, he underestimated his position in the eyes of these plants and the call he made.

“Listen to your summon, the walker of nature.”

All the trees, flowers, and even Malphite in the Great Eastern Rainforest, the elemental creatures will hear the call of Li Ke, They also got the power that Li Ke added to them at the same time. Even though this power cannot seize their own body, it actually works on their body and soul. So the long-sleeping elements roared and stood up from the ground. Many places that were thought to be cliffs all opened their eyes. The Water Elements in the deep water used the power of Li Ke to start calling out to the air. The free elements prepare a generous drink for the army that is preparing for the expedition.

The trees have begun to march bravely towards the desert, and at first the void monsters who ate everything in this World wantonly, they were all surprised to find that the plants that they ate were alive. Get up, and shrouded a layer of power that makes them feel fear instinctively. They were entangled by countless roots in consternation, and then eroded, and then the most basic structure of the body was broken up by Li Ke’s power, turning them into the purest magical element that can nourish this World. So the originally quiet Void monsters began to counterattack. They used their sharp claws or powerful Void spells to attack these trees, causing Li Ke’s vanguards to suffer heavy casualties.

However, everything is endless. With the unreserved support of Li Ke, the speed and scale of the trees are much faster than this vanity vanguard. And most importantly, some creatures that have existed since ancient times and have acknowledged allegiance to something great, have also heard Li Ke’s call.

“What is that?”

Among the ruins of the ancient empire, elemental giant dragons raised their heads one after another, looking towards Li Ke’s direction. There they felt a kind of coercion and command from a force long ago. The acknowledge allegiance and fear from the bloodline made these powerful beings feel fear, and from their bloodline, they also felt a kind of respect from their hearts. As for the power that radiated to them, they felt ecstasy and comfort from deep in one’s heart.

This kind of long-cherished wish that seemed to be fulfilled thousands of years ago is finally fulfilled. The long-awaited child gets the praise of the parents, which complicates their hearts, although the arrogance of the giant dragon makes them reluctant to admit this. Feelings, but the bloodline that is flowing on their bodies and starting to boil tells them that their arrogance is worthless in front of that existence, and they should have acknowledged allegiance to that existence.

“…Aurelion Sol?”

The oldest dragons who have survived countless battles murmured this name, while the younger dragons never Unable to bear the call in his bloodline, and driven by Li Ke’s command, the moved towards Li Ke quickly flew in the direction of the call.

These huge element lesser dragons are shining with their Lux and colors flying in the sky, and they have no intention of hiding their tracks. And in the place where they flew, a wild beast also looked at them with fear and envy, and then moved towards the place where Li Ke called. The lion and tiger rushed away, while the hare Malzahar jumped on them, using their power to advance, all kinds of strange life rushed out of their nests, ignoring their respective ecological niches and the daily routine of preying on each other. , The dedicated moved towards Li Ke rushed towards the battlefield delineated.

It is not just these animals and magical creatures that have been swept by the power of Li Ke. In this jungle, there is a very developed country of magic technology, a country called Ixtal. Among them, all their Magical Artifact materials, as well as the magic Formation used for defense, lit up at the moment Li Ke’s power was emitted, and the instruments used to measure the strength of magic were bursts on the spot, those that contained elemental power. The magic spars began to shine even more, and it seemed that they could become elemental creatures and stand up at any time, moving towards the direction that Li Ke called. All the people also heard the call resounding from their hearts, the voice calling them to defend this World.

Such a scene left a deep impression on a prince named Paramecium… Qiyana, and besides being able to marvel and admire such power, she was the only thing left to lose Ap Carry and adults who are one’s head out of fear despise them, as well as their crying elder sisters.

But the most terrifying life that Li Ke calls is not the giant dragons, nor the Ap Carry of the mighty Ixtal, but a flower with a long sleep. Of rocks.

“What kind of power is this?”

Zyra, who was walking in his garden, watched as he was enveloped by the power of Li Ke, and became a shining body and eyes There was a lot of longing and expectation in it, and she extremely hoped that this kind of power could act more on her body and make her garden bigger and more gorgeous. So she opened up all the flowers in her garden without the slightest hesitation, and sent her pollen and spores in the direction indicated by Li Ke.

In the ruins of a Floating Void City against the power of the void, a monolith that had fallen asleep was also awakened by the power of Li Ke. He was pleasantly surprised to see the one that had crashed a long time ago. The Malphite that fell off on Floating Void City opened his eyes one after another, and his body was getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn’t help laughing out.

“It’s now!”

This is a war between two worlds.

Li Ke is not fighting alone.

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