In Li Ke’s eyes, the world is divided into two sides.

While being shrouded in shadows, Parker is standing there, watching the two children indulgingly. Those two futures will inevitably become heroes. But in the world that normal humans can see, he does not exist. The dried fish in the hands of young Ezreal and Ekko suddenly appeared.

Dried fish is a normal food, but the people who give them dried fish are not normal.

In Li Ke’s current realm, he observed Pike’s inside and his essence after a little observation.

Pike is wraith. There is no doubt that his group is the sailors who were betrayed by Gangplank, and the sailors, workers, and fishermen who were crushed to death by various gangs and Gangplank. Resentment. These grievances drove his body and gave him strength to avenge the Gangplank who squeezed his sailors by fair means or foul, and let those who ordered the death of others die.

This is Parker.

He does not exist, but he does.

He is considered a wraith, but not a wraith either. He is closer to a creature between gods and demons.

If Jana is the god who the sailors wished to be born, then Pike was born of the grievances of the dead sailors, and the fear of what Gangplank did to him Monster out. The two of them are relative and equal. Jana will satisfy and respond to the wishes of those who pray for a better tomorrow, while Parker responds to the resentments and wishes of the dead sailors, as well as the wishes of the widows of those family members who have died.

Jana gives hope because he has gained hope, and Pike has gained despair and loneliness, so he will also give despair and the deep sea.

“It is said that you are from the Horror? But no matter how we look for it, we can’t find the legend of this ship!”

Ezreal waved his fist, he looked curiously Pike, who was full of discomfort, but kept giving them fish, had a puzzled expression on his face. But Parker’s face twitched abruptly. He always felt that he had forgotten something, but he felt that it was not important. The most important thing was that the two children should not be able to track down the Horror.

Because he has too many enemies, including the commander of the warship, the Boss of the Chamber of Commerce, some have become nobles in other countries, and some have now become void The monster. Once these people heard that someone inquired about the Horror and inquired about him, then how would these children be treated by those scumbags? Pike didn’t have to think about it.

Because he sees too much.

Some orphans and women he once helped find him, or avenge him who was still recovering at the time, but were tortured to death by those people. The best thing is to go directly to the sea to feed the fish.

And he could only watch underwater and watch silently every time. No matter how much curse and hatred he had, he couldn’t swear or act.

So in order to prevent Ezreal from losing his name for him, he pretended to be angry and grabbed Ezreal by the neckline, and then stared at him.

“Don’t go to the Horror, kid, if you don’t want to die.”

He stared at him very fiercely, but he can only make Izawa and Ekko on one side. Laugh out loud. Because he has scared them many times with this expression, but this is just a little ugly uncle simply not scary.

“haha! It’s not scary at all! Parker uncle! You should be a bit more ferocious!”

Izawa laughed heartily, and Parker can only helplessly let go of this The kid who fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, shook the head helplessly.

“In short, don’t go to those guys, there are also the Horror, otherwise it is not just you, but the people in your battle will also suffer.”

Pike closed in a little pain In his eyes, the scenes of the child returning home after looking for him, and then being brutally murdered with his mother or other relatives began to appear in his eyes.

These are all what he has seen and experienced. Several times, he didn’t jump into the sea wisely enough, or pretended to be dead and escaped a Zed, so let’s not say revenge for those people, he He was already buried in the belly of the fish.

He doesn’t want to see such a scene anymore.

Li Ke on the top of the building was a little silent, because when Parker threatened Ize, his body appeared in the true world, and he was no longer the ugly uncle with a kind face and mouth. It became like a shark with a big mouth, and red light with his eyes. Skin is the rotting and pale appearance of the dead body after being soaked in the sea for several days, and it exudes waves of stench with the smell of the sea.

But what the two children saw was still the uncle, who was dressed in tatters, but was very considerate, Vi’s underground hero.

And this wraith did not hurt these two children, because he is composed of countless grievances, and many of these grievances are related to their families, wives and children. They hate those who make them unable to continue living with their wife and children, and hate those who have killed their wife and children.

And as much hatred, there is as much love. Parker will not attack the child and mother unless that person has persecuted sailors and dockers to death. Otherwise, that person would not be Gangplank.

This is the action mechanism and fundamental structure of the hero named Pike. He will only kill those who are damned in Li Ke’s eyes, kill those who are for profit by fair means or foul, trampling on morality and Civilized people. He is not the kind of ghost that can be solved easily. Although Li Ke can easily solve the Pike composed of resentment, as long as there are sailors who are maliciously abandoned and betrayed by Gangplank and die full of resentment, then’Pike’ Will reappear.

“I hesitated a bit, Jana.”

He opened his mouth and called out the breeze around him, and a pair of white arms hugged him the moment he opened his mouth. On the neck, a beautiful Goddess dressed in cool clothes also appeared on his back in this brief moment, and the whole god was pressed behind him.

“You want him to be a god too.”

“No, no matter how much he shows his kindness, his essence is still resentment, killing those betrayals After the sailors’ “Gangplank”, he will kill those Gangplank who are not actually betraying his crew for his own survival, because his composition is like this. The life born of hatred can only rely on Live with hatred, and eventually become the monster he hates.”

Li Ke sighed, don’t look at Pike now is safe, but once the scum from Bilgewater is clean, then he will The attack carried Gangplank identity and put on dead people-even if it was just an accidental Gangplank, and killed them cruelly.

So Blood Harbor ghost shadow Pike must be removed, because after all, he is just a monster aggregated by grievances and driven by grievances. If you want to change this, you are denying his existence. .

“I just feel that I should believe in hope and warmth.”

I clenched my palm, the light of the spark converged in his palm, and finally A Shurima-style glove and a pale Inhibitor were formed in his hand.

Then he threw the two things that contained his own expectations and strength at the heads of the two heroes whose destiny had been drastically changed by him. The smashed Little Brat disappeared on the roof when looking up towards the sky, leaving them with a clear blue sky and a blue bird passing by.

He left the seeds of hope, but whether it will germinate or not, you can only see these two little heroes.

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