“I don’t understand what you mean. Why do you think that the murdere can or the emperor Your Majesty is favored, let him not kill you?”

Put your own knife, Draven is somewhat curious to look at Switz for the drug given.

“Because if it is former, you will not care about this kind of killer will do something in us, you will only bring me what you can bring, can help me to kill how many enemies.”

Switz wants to go up from the bed, but he has no struggle, so when Draven handed him to him, he did not hesitate to pick up each other’s arm.

“This person is useful to the upper person, which is why he kills That Many civilians, and uses those people to do his art, but still can act in Ionia. His strength is natural, but Ionia can’t be considered Peak, let him live more than just his skills and wisdom, and his indispensable landscape. “

was supported by Draven, and Switz looked at the NOXUS meal in front of him. He had not heard a simple meat and bread for a long time. These simple foods can be very good. Provide nutrition for people. Although Ionia people’s meals are delicious, they are delicious than Demacia and Noxus food, but they are too cumbersome.

Whether it is eating or preparing, it is not very suitable for marching.

“So, because he can kill them kill the enemy, his value is more important than the territory, what other Will Not is important, sounded this NOXUS.” /P>

Draven can’t help but say a cold joke, this is also the reason for Noxus people can’t afford other countries. Everyone is clearly the same thing, and if you are justice, Noxus is evil. So this hypocrisy is Noxus spare no effort, after all, they can laze a layer of justice.

“So I must kill him, and pass the news I still alive, what is more than revenge more attracting NOXUS people’s sight? I have to re-return the command, and will be transformed here Our emperor Your Majesty needs it. And a qualified ruler in the heart of the emperor Your Majesty is definitely not to do a guy. “

Switz did not care about all his intended, killing only 1st Step, and even he can change a goal. But no matter whether it is private or complied with the moral revenge of Noxus, there is no more suitable candidate.

“I understand, in short, it is true that it is true. It’s really, you can’t say so trouble when you please,”

Draven is holding a meat dry standing. He pushed the door to go outside, and Swift did not speak, since it had already chosen Draven, then it should believe it.

After all, Draven pulled him in his life, and he could do it, it was a man who didn’t say this in the Empire in the Empire.

“So, you all have heard, we have to do it.”

I took the attendant’s handed aircraft, and the 情 的 情 情, Draven couldn’t help but blow a whistle. Because this is almost a blank, in addition to knowing this person can use the sudden thread to cooperate with firearms and bombs, the character, there is no place, it is completely, it is white.

“… but this makes me find it.”

After plugging the aunt behind, Draven’s momentum scratched his hair. He looked at the other ‘information’, and he was so happy that this is really good. NOXUS’s honor and luck, how can it get to NOXUS getting his Draven Uncle?

There are not many people who want to be NOXUS like him so much.

The information that has nothing is still so headache, so after seeing a while, lock the eyes on an identity of the ember.

“Miss Fortune …”


“Hey! I said Kai Yin! We have already run enough ?!”

Luo Station is slightly asthma on a maokai, and the Kaiyin resting underneath is not good. They have just hide to avoid the attack under the general, so it is now very exhausted.

“is not enough, there are tracking people in them, there are too many traces of us, and they must leave immediately.”

The same wheezing Kaiyin said that he wiped the sweat on his chin, and then looked up to see Luo, he couldn’t help but complain.

“I said you guys, let’s steal the way, it will be calculated! Why do you still give it a cleaning! How do you add to them to sleep before going to bed! And the girl is sixteen! This is still listening Before! And you tell me, your hand is not in the clothes of others! “

I said that Kaiyin does not play, they originally heard that there is Treasure where there is a prospective general, so I went to happily. As a result, although this general is overgrowth, but unexpected poverty, just persecuted the leadership for unrealistic dreams.

So they took away him to recruit new soldiers, as well as arms funds that were warned with another village, and things were very perfect. But this guy feels that this general is not a particularly bad guy, so there is a cleaning, saying what reducing the chances they have found.

So Kai Yin put down the sickle, and picked up with this guy.

But look at their perfect sneak, will not be discovered in the case, Kai Yin will endure this bastard, but the next thing will make him somewhat can’t bear it.

Because he quickly cleaned health, as long as they stepped out the footprints and what did it, this guy didn’t know how to ran next to the next door, gave the Daughter of this general. The story before going to bed. And when you think this guy caught off, sometimes the urgency is looking for him, but I found that this guy’s hand put it in his arms of the generals, and the general daughter took a hidden alert.

It was originally not discovered by anyone, so that it was found by the general, which made the habit of the head, but also let Kaiyin think about bringing this guy again, whether it will be Before being killed, he was killed by this live treasure.

“Well … After all, if your things are stolen, then the family is still messy, will you be happy? So since we are doing thieves, it is necessary to do professional. Take money, also Let the people who are stealing, expecting we can come back next time. Only this can explain our abilities and professional, explaining what we do can go to the peak. “

Luo Somewhat Guilty, he swearing is that the chest … No, the age of General Daughter moved, Even more how he had said that he had already found it behind the closet. History. Nothing, after all, the general has no son, the future must be her inherited the general of the general, there are several kinds of love.

is just that his Didn’t Expect is that these lovers are unattended …

So he did not have a child’s story before going to the generals, and to confuse the daughter of the general, let her think that he is a color and relax. His sacrificed color is completely for their actions, and the Kay will have other ideas because he has been suspected of suspicion, and it is very good, so I will think more.

and watching the Lona pair ‘don’t blame me, don’t talk, Kai Yin knows what fart will be put in this balance. He Took a Deep Breath, started to complain in Laiaster in his heart. Because if it is not that make this bauble, he is only a guy who darens Girl, the most, but not now, I want to attract all beautiful girl’s big peacock now.

and so on.

Kaiyan suddenly thought of a thing, then there was no matter, Luo was because of this being caught.

“……… It seems that there is no difference now.”

He couldn’t help but frown, and once again considering it, don’t get rid of this babard, after all, the changing character of the other party and he really don’t work, if you really want to team, you have to endure and This guy out of the pub and showing those handsome and powerful postures in front of various people …

seems not bad?

Kaiyin once convinced himself, but time is very urgent, he pushes Luo’s face, pushing this bastard to one side, and then intends to run away until it is completely opened.

However, at this time, Lazat suddenly came to him, his eyes were together, turned to the chopping, and put Lu Luo behind himself.

Spark sputter, a gorgeous flower appeared on the sickle. And his face is also shrouded by a dark red material, turning his eyes into a sharp plug. But Next Moment, the air came to make him Turn Pale With Fright, because the Time of THIS TIME is coming back!

falling in the heart of Luo!

His arm is also wrapped in a dark red-cutly-cutly-secretly-wrapped, but when he once again waved, it turned this bullet to two and a half, this cut-off bullet suddenly issued The dazzling glare, put a pure white lotus bloom in front of him. At the same time, the fluctuations of more than a dozen air appeared in the wealth of Kaiyin.


The opponent is too Cunning, and Kaiyin has not yet doing more things, and the change in the return makes him no action. But at this time, Luo, who was protected, was thrown into the ground, and shrouded two of the green Green’s rays, and patted more than a dozen bullets from all Directions.

“There are sixteen people, we must find a sufficient complex topography!”

After being saved, Kai Yin didn’t say anything, because he saw that there was a blood marks that emerged in Luo’s arm, and under his unique Vastea magic power, those flowers lost gorgeous look. , Re-become a red blood.

“Don’t be hit, these attacks, there is a strange thing on their bullets, I just wiped it, Skin poured countless flowers, if I was not treated, then just a oil skin It will also make you slowly become a big flower. “

Luo has some asthma, just the shield is not a simple goods, even if he is also difficult to open again within a short time. And the most important thing is that he has not cared. This little scratch directly missed his arms, so that he can only flee from within ten minutes.

“Is this trouble?”

Kaiyin scratched his head, looked at the surrounding forest because of the gunshot, and strive to find out the position of those gunners.

But let him feel stunned, whether he is a sense of disappointment, or his eyes see is just a gun on the tree, not a gunman. SiMPLY is not except for any other human beings other than them! So they are attacked by the organ, but the guns do not have any organs, except that they are fixed, anything that inspires fire.

he tried to rush out of the Luo’s shield, but next moment, this sixteen gun is aimed at him and blooms the flame. But he has already prepared, the bigger Rayster was smashed by him, and then went a large piece of mud with the power of the secret, blocked the bullets in front of him, and immediately rolled to avoid The rest of the bullet.

But even if he shakes the field of view, the muzzle is still aiming at him, so that he has to avoid it again. However, this time is not so good before, when he stepped into a grass, he was clamped by an arrested clip, and he also saw the shelf while sending a screaming. Continuously rotate the ‘flowers’ bomb.

is bursting, then a gorgeous colorful smoke, hiding outside two kilometers, with a silk, mirror, and Telescope remotely manipulating this echo is a helplessness.

“Oh, there is this, there is always no fear of being previvable.”

He said that the booth is booted, because in the moment of Burst, the Kaiyin’s armor is covered with dark Red. So he immediately threw away everything that hinders him, Moved Towards drilled in a hole.

His coming this time, I have not intended to be paired with a darkness, just to collect the That’s ALL of the intelligence. As for this cost …

Dropped in his pocket, and the top of this paper, drawing a male Noxus with a pair of very happy mustache.

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