“I am back, Yapaks, don’t you want to pierce the sword into my chest, crush my heart?”

Overlooking the battlefield that has already been hit, Mai Ya once again felt the gaze of Yapox, she was eager to disappear from the heart, but she had to recognize one thing, that is When it is not dark, Yapers is indeed the strongest and the most qualified defender.

Just Yapers she saw, from the Very Beginning is a disaster.


Yapers gave a response, Mai Ya can feel that guys who have no existence, despise, indifference, and all kinds of disdain. But only, but lacking the hate that Mai Ya’s most wants to see, this is the biggest basis for her notice.

“Do you forget how I seal you? That scene is quite spectacular, seal you with your flesh and blood, to seal the monster with monsters, don’t you think this is really interesting?”

Mai Ya, who is finally connected with Yapox, has reminded a smile that can’t stand the unbeatable, and she continues to plunner with the nerve of Yapex.

She certainly knows that if Yapaks is angry, her new life will disappear, but her existence is to kill the darkness. If it is said that because the dish suddenly became a good person, it will let the wheat. If Yasha Forgives Those things they have ever have, then Mai Ia has no longer exist.

, even if you meet again, she has to let Yakothi disappear. And this Time will never leave a disaster, but to trust her, and personally push the era of the unexpected era, and being completely destroyed.

However, Yapen returned to her two words, and then removed.


Mai Yasa is silent, and Yapock is really calm, even if it is talking to her, there is no point. However, when watching Zoy’s memory, Yapeng’s performance is still as in the past. Once there is a flying in the Star Lielect, or Zuy appears in front of him, he will kill in the past, a little I don’t have any courage.

She confirmed a thing, so she even talked to Li KE, and to determine if she didn’t feel crazy guesses.

Yapen, wouldn’t you want to pick up the flying GLORY?

and li kenishness is naturally I don’t know how Mai Ya is trying to explore Yosha, the Immediately he reacts to the strength of I Xi by himself. He will be by her. The construction of the ice palace was shocked by Ai Xi and everyone of the leader of the various tribes.

Li Key, a TELEPORT, I saw a huge map on the table, and what kind of wood engraved on behalf of various facilities and tribes, and Aich is holding a sign representing a sign in several tribes Moving between the locations, it is obvious to consider local situations, to ensure that the hospital’s establishment points are sufficient safe and convenient, and can enable the nearby tribes to enjoy this convenience and do not affect the planning.

After all, the current Freljord has no way to give up the place where the frozen soil is complete, where many minerals are not something that can be given up, so some tribes can only continue to stay there, rather than all living in big cities. among.

So Aich has no way to stop the meeting, but lifted his hand to the newly built a chair with her seats, and then took the li ked down.

“Sorry, dear, trouble you first Wait a Sec.”

apologize for Li KE, Ai Xi will continue to start with the tribe of the beast, let the tribes of these Somewhat hate letting hatred, jointly develop their residents, and This gives a subsidy of money and various living materials. During this period, Li Ke did not say that it is just awe-resistant to watch the tribal leaders.

, especially when they use some beliefs and other wonderful reasons to refute Exi, his eyes will change the abnormalities. However, it is not that he is a person, these people have a good mother, after all, for Freljord people, Li Ke’s LUX deeds are dazzling, and he is also Ai’s wife.

Because of Sejuani’s reasons, it is more famous, so when some tribal leaders send a map to I Xi, the li ken of the arm is more than once by the war mother in the Eye eyed skin.

and wait until the meeting is ended. Ai Xi also sent everyone to this hall, especially after the guards were returned. Ai Xi changed the serious and serious gesture of the war mother, faded his feet from the boots, and put it on the leg of Li Ke, let Li Ke can grab her white checker.

and she stretched a lazy waist, revealing a tired look, and starting to ask if Li Ke is back this time.

“Sorry, dear, you know, even though I said you is the leader, but Freljord’s customs and traditions are not able to relieve it for a while … but have you come back this time? I have learned a kind of fish soup, if you don’t mind, I can do it … ”

She apologized for the temporary ignorance of Li Ke, after all, if not doing this, how many of the “hordic chaos’” will. So she must make a gesture to make their own commands better.

“is not, worshiping this strength, I am afraid that I have been busy in this life.”

li ken is duckling the foot of the Ai Xi, because he has the reason why you have coordinates and strengths on your own people, you can always perceive the situation around them and take them Teleport. So he will wait for Ishi to be busy here, not directly take away Ixi.

Beside now, Sivir is hunting with a team of soldiers, and Sarah is drinking red wine in their bed and doing some strange things with their fingers. He can take these wives at any time, just because they have their own careers, so Li Ke does not take all people directly.

“I came back this time, I want you to leave this world for a while, I will avoid a shelter with my hometown, avoiding some things we don’t want to see … because of my The enemy is not only the monster that takes me on our wedding, maybe there is a heriadth in the sky. “

Ash Somewhat Absent-Minded, although she is now able to grasp the monster of the original, but if she is God, she still dares to confuse. But she is very clear that she is an ignorant and inexperienced Little Girl, who is an ignorant and inexperienced Little Girl, who is a ignorant and inexperienced of Ignorant and INEXPERIENCED, so she thinks it a little.

“God … I understand, but I need to deal with some things again. And will it take a long time? If I have long, I hope to take some tribute to leave together, and if you say … … If possible, I want to take more people as much as possible. “

She is very clear, that is, Li Ke is a tricky enemy is not her ability to resist, even if she stays resistant, but I will add chaos to Li Ke. So she is going to do some layout before leaving. If the time is really long, the layout and prestige of her will disappear, will let the arrangements so far, then she wants to bring some not Hate of Freljord’s Child.

But if the Li Ke is not pressed, she wants to take all Freljord people away.

“… is not very real.”

li kehotel, every person travels to Parallel World, his strength will take a small part, if it is just the people around you, then his pressure is not very big. However, a person who gave a tens of thousands of people to Parallel World, then they needed to go all out of the battle, and his power will be cut large.

Aixi stunned, she lowered his head, then lifts the head, showing a smile in li ke.

“then, I will go back to the last one, you will place your other wife first, um … let them help me explore the road, after all, my housework is very bad.”

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