
Pantheon did not have any dissatisfaction with Li Ke’s refusal, and even became even more happy, because a qualified fighter has to learn not to use the power of others and not to trust anyone easily.

Only a person with such a will to fight and a cautious heart can become a true fighter.

War is to live better, to truly realize one’s ideals and ambitions, to win, and to have a better tomorrow.

So Pantheon’s face has a hungry and sincere smile. Every time they see a mortal who can become a real warrior, their heart is so happy.

Because only tenacious unyielding people can fight alongside him.

“You have a long-burning fighting fire in your heart. You will need my strength! When the time comes, you just need to keep your fighting intent high and call my name to the sky, then you will be able to Get my strength!”

He retracted his arm and looked at Li Ke’s back with a big smile.

“I bless you! Mortals, I wish you can realize your ideas in every battle! You can be wholeheartedly invested in it!”

“But remember! Nothing can be done by yourself! Even the most powerful fighter will need a helping hand! I look forward to the day when you fight side by side!”

He laughed and turned into light and disappeared on this mountain, returning from the earth to the sky.

Li Ke just kept walking forward.

“Why are the gods of this age different?”

These gods are absolutely different from the gods he saw in his own time. They don’t seem to have that boring arrogance and carelessness for mortal lives.

Especially Pantheon. In Aatox’s memory, Pantheon has always been arrogant. He has always felt that he is the first under the heavens, and that he is the only one who is the real Spiritual God.

Human beings are just inferior offal.

He heard these words in the words of Heavenly God more than once, and only those who have ascended can make them look at them differently.

But it turns out that they all think too much.

Myriadth only regarded them as guinea pigs, soldiers, and looked at them differently, only because they held the power of Aurelion Sol, their precious property that’s all.

So what made them change?

Li Ke looked at the stars in the sky. He could feel that there were two kind eyes looking at him in the starry sky. There was love and appreciation in these eyes, just like the elders looked at the excellent Junior.

So why on earth?

Myriadth went down to use human bodies, let humans fight instead of them, and let humans be their tools to fight for their cause.

So why can I feel this kind of “love” from God for people, which is not false at all?

“I always feel that this matter is very important…”

Li Ke thought about the major event of this World, but found that he still knew too little. And when he came back to his senses, he found himself saying goodbye to the wind and snow while passing through a stone cave.

This stone cave is not a monster cave, but a tunnel. After passing through for a while, you can see a natural square formed by a large piece of rock. The wind and snow outside can’t hurt the inside.

What’s interesting is that these very square Malphites form a natural stone bridge and tunnel. As this path progresses, you may even suspect that these places are palaces carved by craftsmen who don’t look at the design drawings.

After walking a little further, I completely bid farewell to the wind and snow, because what appeared in front of Li Ke was a green land.

The cold wind was blocked on the other side, causing the climate here to become more pleasant. Of course, there is also a magic element here. Li Ke can feel the magic elements here unusually active. As long as he moves his fingers a little and gives an order in his heart, he can blow everything up here.

But in this green, there are some not so beautiful things.

“You said you don’t want to be a sacrifice!? This is a Glory! If Kaia accidentally rubbed off a piece of Skin, you would not qualify as a sacrifice at all!”

What Li Ke saw was a strong old man piercing a lance fiercely in front of a weak woman.

But what is interesting is that these people do not look like Lakors, and their costumes are not like Lakors, but clothes made of cotton, linen, and fabric mixed with animal skins. And the five senses are also more inclined to Asians, obviously people who come to the pilgrimage.

Her body is not like Raquel’s girl, with a healthy and beautiful body, and a more or less wheatish Skin.

Her Skin is very white and her hair is light blue. If Li Ke hadn’t confirmed that Sona of his timeline was only fourteen years old, then he would have thought that he had accidentally brought Sona to this era.

Especially the chest is exactly the same as Sona’s Tachie-e, and although the opponent can see the weather-beaten look on his body, it is considered radiant compared to other people.

Such girls are loved and cared for in later times or modern times, but this is not the case in this era.

“You don’t have a strong body, let alone any combat experience. The only thing that can be praised is singing and craftsmanship. So making you a sacrifice is a gift for you! Not a guilt!”

The old man was very distressed. He didn’t want this girl who came to meet the world to be a sacrifice to the gods. She was weak and powerless. If it weren’t for being beautiful enough, their tribe was also rich enough, and this child was also very sensible. If there is very little to eat, this girl has long been abandoned.

Let alone become a sacrifice, letting her participate in the festival may actually make the gods unhappy. After all, gods are very powerful existence. If they are not strong and perfect people, how can they be worthy of being a sacrifice?

But now the sacrifice selected by the clan wounded Skin when they duel with another clan. There is no way to exist as a sacrifice, and only her can be selected.

After all, compared with no sacrifice, it is better to have some flaws in the sacrifice.

Fortunately, her Skin does not have any defects and can pass the inspection of the priests. As for whether offering such a weak girl will really make the gods unhappy…

There is no better way for him.

But the problem is such a glorious thing, this girl wants to refuse, refuses to serve the great gods, refuses to serve her tribe, refuses to contribute to her own world.

He had never heard of such a thing.

“Your younger brother clan will train him to be an excellent warrior, but if you don’t go, then your siblings will not be able to leave the Giant God Summit.”

This person is undoubtedly a threat, and this girl who looks almost exactly the same as Sona also lowered her head at this moment and shed tears.

Her mother left as a sacrifice. She clearly remembered the smile on her face when her mother was chosen to be enshrined to the Mother Earth God, and then the pain and pain on her face when she cut her stomach with the Bone Blade confused.

She didn’t know if her mother saw a god, but she knew that her mother was definitely not dying with Glory and joy, because she could see the meaning of the last look.

“I don’t want to die.”

So she resists this very much. If it wasn’t for Kaiya to be her good friend, and she wanted to give her friend a last ride, she would not come here, nor would she be chosen as a substitute sacrifice Up.

And like my mother, I have to end my life by myself.

“I understand.”

But at least, she wants to keep her younger brother alive.

She closed her eyes, and looking at her gesture like this, Li Ke subconsciously wanted to do it. His murderous aura suddenly made the people who forced this girl to death watch him in surprise. Direction, and saw him.


The old man picked up his lance. They brought the girl here to avoid people’s eyes, otherwise he would not walk in such a place where ferocious wild beasts would appear.

But it now appears that he may indeed have made a wrong choice.

“People passing by.”

Li Ke walked over silently. The girl didn’t look at him, she just cried silently, and didn’t intend to stretch out her hand for help.

And Li Ke has his own mission, not to be able to interfere excessively with this timeline, so he went to the top of the mountain step by step under the guard of the old man.

“You’d better pass by and close your mouth, otherwise…”

The old man does not want to let people know about the secret exchange of sacrifices, otherwise their tribe will be excluded!

In this era, this is not a good thing.


Li Ke ignored him, but continued to walk upwards, but when he passed the girl, he heard the girl’s belly making a noise. Obviously, the old man was not just threatening her, he also used it. Some other means.

“…Even sacrifices must be eaten.”

Putting his hand into his clothes like this, Li Ke used his little power to give birth to an apple and wanted to pass it to the girl in front of him.

But at the next moment, the old man’s lance hit over and knocked out the apple in Li Ke’s hand.

When Li Ke turned his head to look past, the old man’s face was full of hostility.

“Don’t be nosy.”

He put on a fighting posture. The reason why he chose to be a girl is also because the girl did not eat for two days. The girl who is a sacrifice can not have too much dirt in her body. One thing happened when she did not eat for two days. .

As for why the girl didn’t eat for two days?

It’s simple, you don’t need to eat too much to be burdensome.

Regarding his behavior, Li Ke only glanced at the other person calmly without revealing any murderous aura, but the old man in front of him felt that one of his feet had stepped into the gates of hell. So he swallowed and immediately explained.

“If the sacrifice is eaten, it will make the gods suffer disaster.”

I am here to save the world.

Li Ke took a deep breath, chanting these words silently three times in his heart before reluctantly suppressing his impulse.

This girl is already dead. According to history, she either died in the later festival or in the hands of the monsters she had encountered before.

So even if I helped her, it was useless, and it would make myself fall short.

Leaving by yourself is the best choice.

“God will not like sacrifices being bullied.”

He took it alone and said something, and then proceeded to the top of the mountain.

And this time also appeared a god, a god appeared next to Li Ke when he left the hillside.

Not old acquaintance, but a Goddess full of justice. She stood in front of Li Ke with a compassionate look, and gathered her hair when Li Ke walked in front of him.

“Are you not reconciled? Such an injustice appears in front of you, but because of their justice, they can lend a helping hand.”

“Are gods all idle?”

Li Ke is a bit speechless, he doubts whether the gods of this world should be so idle, he can meet that many as he walks.

He doubted whether he had exposed something, but he checked his body again, and there was no power beyond mortals. Even the power of Leona’s head was hidden by Space-Time Force. Can exist as a flashlight.

“Because you are different, your inner thoughts are different from them, and at this special moment, your differences will naturally be noticed by many gods. And mortals like you who are beyond their own era , Even for the gods, they are quite rare.”

She extended the hand and wanted to touch Li Ke’s cheek, but Li Ke unceremoniously hit him aside.

But she was also lifeless, still looking at Li Ke with a smile.

“I know that you are very resistant to those of us who are of unknown origin, but please believe that we are not malicious. We just want you to release your real ideas and make this World better.”

The righteous Goddess tilted his head and showed a beautiful smile.

“For this, I can agree to all your requirements, as long as you are willing to stand up and end their ignorant behavior, no longer use your relatives and outstanding kinsmen to sacrifice to us, and do this again and again , I can promise all your requirements.”

“Any requirements?”

“Yes, any request.”

Goddess’s smile remains the same, the requirements of mortal creatures are just so few, she has seen a lot, but if a person who has transcended his own time can lead his race to avoid some detours and embark on it in advance On the road of happiness, then she will not be stingy with anything of her own.

But Li Ke only feels bored. He thinks he must have exposed something, so he is ready to be forced back to his timeline by the timeline.

“Even if I wanted you to be my plaything and slave, would you agree?”

He grabbed a strand of Goddess’s hair and made an outrageous request in a rather disrespectful tone.

“Yes, as long as you are willing to promote this.”

But Goddess agreed.

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