
“This kind of thing…how is it possible…”

Ashe, who had just gathered the clansman together, looked at the gods in the sky, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

The arrival of the gods was quite unexpected to her, and the things announced by the gods were even more unacceptable.

My husband is the beginning of the destruction of myself and this World.

It feels like you were just working hard in the office as your security leader, and then suddenly the state leader came to you and said that because you put your left hand on the right hand, then our country is about to be destroyed .

And not only their country will be destroyed, but the surrounding countries will also be destroyed.

This kind of thing that simply has no explanation except that his right hand is the button of a nuclear weapon is too nonsense, so for her, it is really unacceptable.

“I also think it is impossible, but the problem is that it is what a god said, and it is a large group of gods, even if we don’t believe it, others will believe it.”

Sejuani on one side told this fact in a cold voice, but she was very clear that most of the Freljord people are superstitious people, not only superstitious of a god, but superstitious of most of the gods.

Those Frost Witches with powerful power, shamans who can Heal, or gods of World’s All Living Things.

This is how you often face-to-face with the gods, and you will unconsciously believe in the gods.

So she can be sure that there are already many idiots in her and Ashe’s kingdom who believe the words of the gods in the sky.

Lissandra did not speak, she would not say what she thought at this time, because she thought differently from Ashe and Sejuani.

She knows that Li Ke can do it. As long as he arrives at the right place at the right time and does the right thing, then all that is needed to destroy the world is some chain reaction that’s all.

This World is like that, destruction comes so easily.

So she didn’t speak, just quietly waiting for the development of things and thinking about her own survival.

And what will Li Ke do.

The images released by the gods do not simply appear in the sky. They appear in people’s hearts. Although there will be doubts, everyone can feel the mood of the person who releases these images. And feelings.

In other words, the person who released these images really felt that the universe would be destroyed because of Li Ke.

And now…

“We are willing to accept this employment contract, but I think you must be able to guarantee the basic rights and interests of our Freljord people, such as helping us solve some small problems and giving us the same status.”

Lissandra looked at the man in front of her who had to put on a down jacket in the summer because of the cold on her body, and smiled.

They still have to negotiate.


“Sir, I think you should take a look at this.”

In another country far away, a white-haired old man handed a document to an old man who seemed to be dozing off.

And the old man was sober for a moment because of his arrival, and then he saw the file in front of him.

“Don’t tell me it’s bad news again, this image that appeared in everyone’s eyes, and the gods that descended from the sky are enough to make my head big. Why is this not on the head of that nonsense duck? When did it happen?”

He couldn’t help but complained, and then watched.

But the result was that the whole person’s face changed.

Not because of anything else, but because there are too many gods in this free land.

“More than three thousand gods have entered our land and each formed their own sect? Now these sects have each declared that their gods are the truth, and then they fought Holy with our National Guard War?!”

“Yes, because they heard that our land is the most free in this world, everyone can choose their own life, so they came. In addition, the Vatican sent a message that their church has been The evil god with white wings is occupied, so it is necessary to let the people know what the real Kayle is like.”

The president couldn’t help covering his face.

“God would believe what Monkey didn’t believe in. This is too magical, sir.”

The secretary was just shrugged and then said something.

“After all, the characters in the game have already appeared in reality. In fact, Miss Ashe and Mr. Taidamir of Riot have already posted their cos photos. Ashe is actually the wife of Riot’s president… Also because They uploaded photos too fast and accidentally uploaded photos of their s…, a woman named Sejuani and two Freljord named Teddamers who were authenticated by the celestial dynasty gave a duel notice, so the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked me Do you need to condemn it.”

This magical thing made the president grow up his mouth.

“Don’t they know what is to be careful?! Forget it, let the Minister of Foreign Affairs have a headache, I won’t care about this… Is there anything else painful?”

He really didn’t understand that the monkeys underneath would do such a stupid thing. Why are there guys in the elite class who would do such a stupid thing?

And Mr. Secretary looked at the watch that recorded the blood pressure of His Excellency the President, and felt that Mr. President could still endure something, so he continued.

“Ah, there is actually another thing.”

After speaking, the man handed over some pictures again. It was painted with a round wheel, but there were countless twisted human palms on it, and each finger had an eye.

“They say this is Kayle, and hope that we can promote the correct look of Kayle, so as to prevent people from believing that monsters with bird wings are Kayle and gods.”

“What about Jesus? He would never be like this, right?”

Mr. President looked at those Kayles who were very strange but not like people, and couldn’t help but ask.

After the secretary pondered for a while, he began to speak.

“Well, I’m not very clear…but in fact…well, some black archaeologists and theologians think that the skin of Jesus and some gods may not be dazzling white, disgusting yellow, and Or seductive and inferior brown, but inclusive and able to accept all the kind that seeks common ground while reserving differences… Well, it’s not that special, but unique and unmatched, refreshing, and a joyful kind that represents tolerance. And China’s free and democratic… one of the variables in the vocabulary of impact to describe the first impression given by the appearance of something is not ironic, it is completely a kind of justice and equality.”

After listening to the president for a while, he opened his mouth and nodded, and then realized that he looked towards his polite secretary.

“You mean…black?”

The secretary seemed to be frightened and waved his hand quickly.

“I didn’t say that, Your Excellency the President.”

But the president couldn’t help but scolded.

“Fak! How could Jesus be black!”

But with his tone barely fell, everything around him quieted down. People with dazzling complexion quietly looked at Mr. President who had just yelled at him, making the whole room quiet all of a sudden.

“…Your Excellency the President? This is racial discrimination.”

The president also reflected, he looked a little flustered, and couldn’t help but grabbed the documents in front of him, and used the documents to ease his nervousness.

“Ah… well, I mean, Jesus could be anyone, so we don’t need to dye Jesus a special color, don’t we? He represents the tolerance of God, ah, of course, except for the yellow race, God is not the god of the yellow race, and God does not bless them.”

The secretary couldn’t help being nodded.

“Of course, because he can’t control them, otherwise the flood will overwhelm them.”

His words made more people watch him, especially his Mr. President, so he quickly put away his expression when talking and laughing with the beautiful girl, instead putting on a serious face.

“I understand, President, the statue of Jesus will be made up of lines, and there will be no controversial things.”

“That’s good, so that no one will be dissatisfied.”

“What about the color of the line?”

“How about green?”

“It reminds people of Stars and the moon, which is not good for our public image.”


“I think this will anger women’s rights. They will think that this is provoking and saying that this is saying that Jesus is a man, but not that it means that we think that Jesus can also be a girl.”

“blue ?”

“This is very good, at least gay organizations welcome this, but Mr. Pope may be dissatisfied.”

“He is not a little boy…oh, I mean blue does not represent youth and health?”

“But he didn’t want to mention this, especially in the last exposed photo, he was wearing blue underwear.”

“That white?”

“There will be many people who think this is racial discrimination, Your Excellency President.”


“You will be impeached for being too close to a certain ideology.”

“yellow? This will never irritate who, right?”

“This is pretty good, but yellow is the color of Judas. I don’t think this is good for Jesus. I think he might not like Judas. And, you know.”

“Go to him, it’s yellow, and Jesus won’t give me votes, and don’t we still use their space station?”

“Then there is no problem, sir, there is one other thing you might be interested in.”

After the secretary confirmed the matter, he took another look at the blood pressure of the President and found that his blood pressure seemed to be lowered.

“What’s the matter?”

“The armed turmoil that started because of the coming of the gods has killed more than 20,000 people. If the National Guard suppresses it, about 200,000 people will be killed or injured, but this is not a very important thing, so I put it to you. The next time you visit Dongying, you need to bring the following documents.”

The secretary pointed to the documents around the President, and the President looked directly at the documents around him, and he saw those documents as expected.

So his face became very severe.

“Too much! Sir! You are too much! How can you put this thing on this!”

The secretary was a little flustered by his quarrel. He didn’t know whether the president was for the people, or he was really crazy, but at the next moment, Mr. President pulled out another document.

“You actually put the file of that dog under the epidemic prevention report. Next time you had better have some diplomatic awareness. Sir, our country is a free country, but it doesn’t mean that everyone can careless about foreign affairs. Treatment!”

Mr. President’s voice is quite harsh and atmospheric, and Mr. Secretary is also sighed in relief.

He almost thought that the President was really crazy.

“Yes, the President. Ah, then I think you should be interested in another matter, but this matter is not very important, so I think you should not be very interested.”


“Scientists have discovered that our universe is collapsing, and they think it will not be long before our world will be destroyed.”

“Ha! I might as well worry about whether I can be re-elected, sir, if you have time to listen to the nonsense of scientists, you might as well quarrel with my predecessor on Twitter, sir.”

“Yes, Your Excellency the President.”

Mr. Secretary opened the door and walked out, while Mr. President continued to handle his official duties.

As for world annihilation what?

They are very self-aware and know that it is definitely not something they can say casually, so they will never expose their position before things change significantly.

And since the Oldest Big Brother, who is on the surface and strength, doesn’t want to directly show its position, then other countries will naturally not.

But they have to do so in some countries behind them.

“You have violated our country’s laws, so land immediately!”

The whole family was yelled at the gods in the sky by the pilot who had been picked up somewhere, and the hand holding the joystick was trembling slightly.

As a Chinese pilot stationed in Mold in Dongying, his status was originally low. As a generation of immigrants, he had received his whole family into the mold country, and he never dreamed that he would one day open fire on the gods.

Moreover, his current identity is a Korean driver! Driving the Corki of the Great Cold Underworld!

“Where did Kha’Zix come from?”

The god who was threatened by him, who was observing this World was slightly frowned. He could feel the fear and anxiety in this human heart, as well as more despicable places.

So as a representative of justice, he will not forgive the prisoner who abused the surrender and the recruit.

Yes, the moment the soldier was about to attack Valoran Myriadth, they read the other’s memory and understood his origin.

Corki burst directly in the air, and the gods who were planning to use the sun as a signal transmitter for the Earth’s survival, finally began to look at this World.

Then, the filth and beauty of this World made the gods unbearable…

A battle of gods was launched.

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