
Rather than let your family and friends be tortured by them, it is better to let them get a relief in their own hands.

Li Ke knows that those gods will not liquidate their family and friends after they die, unless they deliberately look for the troubles of the gods. But it’s not necessarily true for other people. They also have hopes of letting themselves die for their families.

So after he refused, although God would not take action, people would definitely take action against his family due to venting anger and other problems, and tortured in all kinds of ways. Li Ke also knew that he was definitely not a person who could tolerate this happening. So he won’t give this opportunity.

Since I can resurrect, kill my family and friends.

There is no possibility of survival in this World itself. If you can prepare wholeheartedly for the next thing, then naturally there will be nothing. If you die too, then it means that their only hope is gone.

Avoiding death from torture is the greatest kindness he can give.

And if they survive, it goes without saying that they can be resurrected again and live the life they want.


“I have departed from my homeland after all.”

Feeling the shock and despair of those people for their family’s sudden death, and the desperate people who scolded themselves for cold and ruthless after knowing this, Li Ke knew that he had taken the last straw in their hearts.

In their desperate situation, they will continue to promote how cold-blooded a person they are, how indifferent they are to all mankind and the whole world.

Even if I finished everything, the impression of killing my family and friends Demon King will always be engraved in the hearts of the people of the two worlds.

The pain of being taken away from the probability of survival will also make them hate themselves from the bottom of their hearts.

“Suddenly able to understand Atox, this sense of disillusion caused by the gods.”

It’s just different from themselves. Atox was that they did something wrong on their own, and in the end they could only resent the gods for reluctance to organize them when they were right, like a little child.

And myself, but really enemy of Myriadth.

It was not Myriadth that brought him this uncomfortable feeling, but the mortals.

Li Ke silently flew to the space tunnel to the Valoran universe. There was no god around him to attack him, because they knew that the plan had failed. They still could only sacrifice half of the gods to restrain Aurelion Sol and let Aurelion Sol. Deal with this person they can’t control.

Where Li Ke went, Myriadth retreated. They were even more diligent than Li Ke to destroy the machines and raw materials that could produce Li Ke clones, for fear that Li Ke’s power would increase again.

And Li Ke did not stay here, but went straight to the direction where Atox was.

Without going through the tunnel full of void creatures, when Li Ke walked to the gate of Heaven Realm, what he saw was the god of time who wanted to stop himself.

“The end of time is when you and Atox meet! It’s still too late! Li Ke, think about the beauty of this World! Are you so eager to annihilation our world?!” [19459002 ]

The God of Time roared out in anger, and the breath on his body was unusually strong. He borrowed countless amounts of his own power in time and the power of Myriadth. His power was continuously sublimating under this operation, but He is destined not to go long, because his body is rapidly collapsing, even if Li Ke does not kill him, he will not live long.

“Correct it, you are the only ones who will destroy.”

Li Ke extend the hand summon has left something in the Valoran fragment. The reason why he didn’t ask why the land of rune was a ruin is also very simple.

Back then, Aurelion Sol wanted to break the land of rune into pieces. Now that he is out of trouble, why wouldn’t he do that?

Aoun also died because of this. When his sword went to find Aoun and let him go to his own world, Aoun, Avenia, and even Volibear refused. They said they were The god of this world should coexist and die with this world.

They can’t save their own world, they can still do it when they destroy their own world together.

So they died, under the dragon’s breath of Aurelion Sol, even Li Ke couldn’t bring them back to life.

But there are still some things left.

The dragon horn, and the light cluster that Li Ke saw, linking the stars.

“You are finally willing to help our father get out of trouble completely.”

The dragon soul in the dragon horn still exists, but Li Ke did not answer the question of the elder sister. Instead, he caught the look of the dragon horn, but barely opened the front and added a large sword with a handle. .

Then he waved his hand behind his back.

Dai Anna, who was planning a sneak attack on Li Ke, froze in place. She dragged out an ignoble existence in order to wait for Li Ke and get revenge.

Not for others, but for Leona.

As a friend of Leona, I will never give up Leona, nor will I give up persuading my friends.

But now, there is an extra blood line on her white neck, and then the head with beautiful white hair separated from her body and was lifted up by Li Ke’s hair.

“I actually don’t want to kill you.”

With a sigh, Anna’s head and Leona were tied together, so that the two conscious heads were tied face to face.

Let them face the eyes and nose to the nose, but they can only make eye contact.

Then he looked towards the God of Time who was waiting in battle.

“Are you ready to die?”

The god of time moved immediately, he opened his time domain, and countless illusory shadows representing time appeared on Li Ke’s body.

Among these things are clocks and hourglasses, and even corona and watches, clocks, and bells.

They represent the flow of time, surrounded by Li Ke’s time, and want to change the flow of Li Ke’s time, turning the focus into the starting point, and let Li Ke do one thing forever.

“I will use myself as a sacrifice, repeat your time forever! You can never achieve the truth of destroying the world! Break down in the time of Infinity Edge!”

Facing such an attack, Li Ke just stuck his sword on the ground, and then easily waved his arm. The realm of time was shattered in the sound of glass breaking. The body of the time god suddenly stiffened, and his consciousness was time-out directly by Li Ke.

No, to be precise, his time was time-out.

Then the scene changed, and when the God of Time reacted again, he had already entered the time tunnel.

He looked around, looked at all the familiar things around him, his mouth made a lot of money, and his face collapsed.

“Impossible! Impossible! I am the god of time! How could I be time-out by others!”

Of course he knew what Li Ke did, and that was what frightened him, time-out his time in front of him, the god of time, and he didn’t even have a chance to react, like this Things, this kind of thing happened…

The people of this world can never do it!

Only the kind of people who are detached from this World and can swim in the sea of ​​the universe can do such a thing, because their own rules are completely different and they come according to their own will.

The laws of the world naturally cannot restrain such existence.

“You have detached yourself from this universe?!”

Li Ke just shook the head, he came here only to complete the closed loop of time. When silhouette disappeared and reappeared next to the God of Time, his sharp claw had penetrated the chest of the God of Time and grabbed the powerful heart.

“This is impossible…”

The God of Time stared blankly at Li Ke, who was advancing carefully, and at Li Ke who looked at himself indifferently, pulling out his heart.

He absolutely didn’t expect, his own god of time was played with time after all, and his time really stayed when Aurelion Sol was sealed.

Even if he knew this, he would not only travel to the future to change all of this, and change the end of the universe, but every time he would fail.

“Then have you ever thought that I detached myself from this World from the very beginning?”

Telling this god what he wanted to say with his words, Li Ke took out his arm and looked towards the past self.

Without much words, Li Ke concealed the head of Dai Anna that he was going to bring, and then broadcasted the course of time back to normal.

It was just abrupt, and when he absorbed the heart in his hand, countless memories suddenly appeared in his mind.

These memories are how I fought the God of Time and all kinds of strange things in this World to protect my timeline in a complete battle.

However, most of the processes of catching up with each other and slapped him to death are many, but it is indeed very boring, and it is not very exciting.

And it is very interesting that in these memories, I also soaked a time police named Catherine, and also killed a time criminal named Ezreal, who claimed to be a time adventurer.

In addition, I personally killed the final boss of the Guardian world of the Star, and helped the “self” of that world take down all the Guardian members of the Star.

Yes, even the star guard Ezreal has not let go, because the world star guard Ezawa is a tomboy, a standard blond hairless Beauty.

Even he traveled through the ancient times, and gave birth to more than a dozen children with Setaka, the queen of Wu Sheng.

He hasn’t experienced these, but he has experienced them. Even the moment he grabbed the heart of the God of Time, there were a lot of tokens of love on his body.

But he can be pretty sure that he has not experienced this in the time tunnel. The God of Time didn’t fight against himself in those worlds, and he fought wit and courage.

“…but they all seem to be real stories.”

Li Ke finds it very interesting, because these are indeed real things. Once someone wants to take action on his timeline, then he must face his own chase on the timeline during the peak period.

Besides, when I spend my time line normally, I don’t know this at all, and only when the time comes will I suddenly ‘remember’ these managers.

The most interesting thing is that I have not experienced it, but I have actually participated in the things in my memory. Power of Time is really interesting and scary.

Pulling open his timeline, Li Ke found that there are really more of these in his timeline, and it is increasing continuously, and those people seem to be gods who are hostile to him. Use this time The power left by God enters his timeline continuously, and then he is solving one by one during the time when the God of Dealing with Time interferes with his timeline.

“Is it similar to the ability of one certificate and permanent certificate?”

Out of the tunnel of time, Li Ke, who completed the closed loop, once again walked towards the final gate, and this time, the glorious gate of Heaven Realm was no longer blocked by him. ,

When Li Ke slowly opened the door that was several kilometers in height, the rays of light from Heaven Realm almost made him unable to see anything clearly.

But Li Ke immediately can see the only dark silhouette.

The silhouette stood in the middle of the square behind the gate of Heaven Realm, leaning on the sword in his hand and staring at the renewed starry sky silently. When the gate of heaven was pushed open by Li Ke, who had recovered his human form, he slowly turned his head and looked towards Li Ke.

“You finally came.”

The other party’s voice is still that deep and hoarse,

“Yes, I am here.”

Li Ke, carrying his sword, walked into the square and looked at the silhouette of the human.

This human Li Ke has seen it. It is the human form of Atox. In the human form, he is a very handsome young man with a hesitant look on his face, seeming to miss and sigh something.

But after thinking that this guy is a weasel, Li Ke couldn’t help but want to laugh.

“I’m here to end everything.”

Their first War General will be Li Ke’s last evenly matched battle in this World, and after fighting him, he will face an opponent he can’t beat at all.

“I felt your power increase, did those idiots’ plan to control your power really fail?”

Aatox felt the strength continuously improved in his body because of the fragile link, knowing that Myriadth’s ridiculous plan finally failed.

“Of course, you know why.”

“Get your power back, right? And your courage.”

A taunt smile appeared on Aatox’s face, and he slowly drew the great sword from the ground.

“It was I who let you, who have been freed, once again realize that you can’t beat it at all, you can only get the despair of destruction, so you want to defeat me now to prove that you have the ability to defeat despair, right? “

Before Li Ke could answer, he laughed out loud.

“Ha, it really is a mortal, too stupid, you should directly take away your power from my body, instead of trying to challenge a warrior with thousands of years of combat experience than you.”

Li Ke nodded, he also felt that his persistence was stupid, he could use his own power to directly kill Aatox, but he still let Aatox use his own connection to bridge their power gap Smoothed out.

He really can’t forget the despair he faced Aatox at the beginning. It was also the first time he encountered after his freedom. No matter how hard he tried, he could not get through the difficulties.

“I know this is really stupid. It is basically impossible to defeat you with pure skills. Only when a miracle happens.”

Li Ke aimed his sword at Atox, but did not transform.

“But what I want to do next does require a little bit of luck and miracles.”

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