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Aatox regrets that he has given his memory to Li Ke. What Li Ke said is the truth, and it is still true that he cannot be more truthful.

“Why do you think so.”

“In this world, apart from Sethaka, only I know you best, Aatox.”

“A bunch of nonsense.”

“Then can you deny this matter? The idea of ​​wanting to die in my hands.”


Aatokes was speechless, he made this idea from the very beginning, for him, he didn’t want to die in the hands of others.

Azir is not worthy, his stupid choice is the last straw for the empire to be crushed.

Myriadth is not worthy, they abandon human beings, abandon them, so he doesn’t want Myriadth to judge them.


Nor do mortals, they are ascended, they are darkborn, they can die in battle, they can die on the road to resist the gods, but they can’t die without knowing anything, don’t hate them, now The hands of mortals.

Mortals who are qualified to judge them have long been killed by them.

Therefore, each of them can be sentenced, and no one can let him take his death willingly. Li Ke is right. They are actually the better-looking criminals who want to die at the end that’s all, even if they know they are not worthy.

“No matter what it is, it is going to disappear anyway. Earlier or later, it makes no difference. Even if I don’t destroy everything, won’t it be destroyed soon? You want to save this. Everything, not just to be able to watch, and to promote this?”

He did not answer Li Ke’s question directly, but told his own thoughts.

“Life is just a lie, and I just want to get rid of this lie that’s all.”

Swinging the sword in his hand, Aatox’s smile was still ironic.

“So whether I want to die in your hands, it doesn’t make any sense or change our ending, doesn’t it? I just want to fight that’s all.”

He flinched, flinched before Li Ke’s problem, from the time he wanted to destroy everything, he had already flinched, destroying everything, but he just didn’t want to suffer the boundless torture that’s all.

“Ha… until now you still refuse to tell the truth to me.”

Not so.

Aatokes lowered his eyelids because he had never deceived Li Ke once. He lied to others, but he really did not lie to Li Ke.

Li Ke sighed, he really is not a Solo Queue with Atox. He expects his opponent to be more lofty, but he is just a guy who wants to escape reality that’s all.

“I have lost my interest in fighting with you, Aatox, now you are not worthy of being called my opponent. You don’t even have the idea of ​​fighting me for the last time.”

“But no matter how hard and struggling I am, at the most critical moment, can you still take over the battle in an instant and let me die? Just like you said, if what I really want is My own death, then why should I fight? It’s still a battle that I must lose.”

Aatox saw that Li Ke didn’t have any fighting intent, he also put down his sword, and restored the look of looking up at the stars again.

“If you think you can kill me, take advantage of it now.”

He is really tired. He doesn’t want to struggle again to beg for the glory of the past, and he doesn’t want to struggle anymore to support Shurima, who is no longer in line with the times. He doesn’t want to fight anymore, he is already tired Up.

But he still has one thing to do.

“Do you think I would not do it like this? You are disappointed! Aatox! You disappointed me too much!”

Li Ke was a little angry, he knew it was caused by the light but powerful attitude of Atox in his memory.

Although he wanted to kill Aatrox very much and even dreamed of it, he also respected Aatrox. He was a powerful warrior and brought him great power.

Every plan was prepared, he never forgot that he wanted to kill this warrior, this guy who took away his own power.

He regards him as his last enemy, as his worst enemy!

But what?

He is not important, it is not important to Atox at all, his existence does not matter, as long as he can be completely killed, he won’t even bother to resist!

What a cowardly behavior this is!

His psychological shadow, inner hatred, and cautiously so far are like fools!

“You are here to destroy this sad world! Aatox! With my respect and hatred!”

He angrily pierced his dragon horn sword into Aatox’s chest and nailed the unsuspecting Aatox to the ground fiercely. He did not directly kill Aatoke. Si, but to make him die in pain in this world!

Until the destruction of this World, he will not die, but will continue to be tortured by this sword!

Under the power of the dragon horn sword, the blood of Aatox turned into spikes and burrowed out of his body continuously. Such damage was not enough to kill him with the power of Li Ke, but he did not. I plan to resist something, but maintain this posture and continue to look up at the sky.

His past is simple, fight, win, and celebrate.

He never thought that one day he could slaughter the gods, and then looked back at their bodies in Myriadth’s home.

At that time, he was so innocent, thinking about his hometown until he met that woman.

“Do you just want to save your family? Don’t you know that in this world there are many people who are as vulnerable as them?”

Vaguely, the voice of the woman who had made him feel ashamed once again appeared in front of him, and even her face and silhouette appeared in front of him.

“My hand can only protect Me!’s family, I don’t have that kindness and strength.”

He still remembers what kind of expression the woman showed after hearing his this remark, sarcasm? funny? Still helpless and compassionate, but he still remembered his feelings at the time.

The feeling of excitement, recognition, and a sense of dazedness and anxiety.

“Your power is much greater than you think. Inferiority guy, who is obviously an eagle soaring in the sky, but thinks he is a weasel… You are so cute that it makes people laugh. .”

He remembers clearly that the other party said this, and he was subconsciously subconsciously letting go of his lance from the two rival tribes.

Thinking about it now, I must have been stupid at the time.

“Come with me, I will give you a new world, join my family and become my brother sister.”

“But we are not related by blood, I don’t even know you before today.”

The girl smiled even harder. She walked up to him, each is not as tall as him, but there is a feeling of looking down on him.

“We have the same dream, don’t we?”


Aatox sighed out, sighed that Setaka still misread him, and then looked towards the starry sky again: His goal is naturally eternal death, just like Setaka.

But he can’t just die like this.

He has one last thing to do.

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