Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
Episode 71: Mental Attack
A large number of citizens, nobles, were grabbing at Madison's Square the next day.
All of them were gathered to see Carlos' public execution today.
We wore robes and went into the crowd in disguise.
I can see a warrior sending a sharp gaze to the execution site, making it as discreet as we are in the crowd and in the shadows of the building. Probably an allied soldier.
Maybe I'm anticipating the time to rescue him.
It is noon, Carlos tied with narcissists and ropes over a simple execution yard (stage) built in the square, plus a man in a robe with an executioner-like sickle.
"King Narcisse, kill him quickly!
"It's your father's revenge!
"Don't forgive your cowardly allies!
A stone is thrown at Carlos.
I'm jealous of myself for not being able to do anything. When I hold my fist hard, the Orion next door touches my hard fist softly.
"The anger of the assembled people was heard by this Ondine homeowner, Narcisse. There is no more sin than this. We will execute Nicolai Carlos, leader of the despicable allies who took the lives of the citizens of Madison!
"" "" Come on! Fuck you! Fuck you!
Citizens are unable to make normal decisions because of anger. There shouldn't be any point in the Allies massacring in a place like this thinking normally, but they're killing important people and seeing nothing right.
Even if we shouted the truth here without any proof, the citizens would not be heard.
I can't help feeling the pain and anger I've lost without hitting the plain | Sandback (Carlos).
Carlos' body is held down and he kneels.
A man with a sickle follows him next door, reflecting the light of day and shaking up a dull and brilliant sickle.
"Now, storm!!
As soon as the hanging sounds, allied soldiers hiding in the crowd pull out their swords and run to the execution site (stage).
No, it's over when security keeps you under control. But it is also true that there was no other time to storm than there.
But contrary to expectations, Narcisse looked surprised.
"What, the Allies?!?
Narcisse and the executioner retreat to the impending allies, leaving Carlos behind.
The guards, who were also near the stage, fall back.
Chance, they didn't expect an ambush from the Allies.
Perhaps Narcisse must have thought that if he carried out the execution, the Allies would die later on their own.
I didn't think they were on a rescue mission.
"Now! I'm rescuing my father!
A low maximum voice sounds.
"What are those guys!?
"Allies! The Allies are here to interrupt!
"You cowards! Help King Narcisse!
A gathered citizen, men who are likely to fight try to thwart the Allies.
There's a lot of them. If they move together, there's not a single Allied army.
"A citizen should be able to do it! Sebastian!"
"Yes, sir."
Sebastian, who had refrained, stretched the yarn, causing the legs of the citizens who were trying to obstruct them to snag and fall.
I cling to a man with a lot of bones, too, and I hold my hand back.
Elsewhere, where Sophie was about to riot, she was happily chasing Elizabeth.
"Oh, there's a cute Kraken kid here."
"Out of the way, sister! You're hurting me!
"Oh, God says, with wisdom eyes, to identify things."
"Huh? Get out of the way."
As the man tries to grab his shoulder, Sophie rolls in a deliberately large letter.
"Uh, I fell."
How many priests interrupt us, and the citizens do.
Elsewhere again, Lily falls pretending to be pushed, crying out loud as she is.
"There he is. - Nope! There he is. Nooooooooooo!
"Wow, I'm sorry, miss."
Of course it is a lie cry.
Everyone will stop the rioting citizens in the guise of an accident.
"Dad, are you okay!
Maximum bounces the guards off with rigid arms and rushes to Carlos.
But if you don't let him do it, the executioner will hold back Maximum's whereabouts with a sickle.
"Yea! We're almost there!
Sickles and swords spark and hang together.
I'm surprised you're as powerful as Maximum.
"Somebody, anybody else!
All Narcisse soldiers are held down by Allied soldiers. Fortunately, the citizens surrounding us must not strike either for some reason.
You should be able to take Carlos away from squatting now.
If you think so, a little girl with glasses runs through next to Maximum.
"Oh, why are you here!?
"Because we're from the Allies!
Maximum blows the executioner to power, thanking Shin Rin for his squeezing courage.
"Don't smooth my muscles. - Huh!!
The bounced executioner falls off the stage and rolls down the ground as he raises his earthen smoke.
Maximum also rushes right to Carlos.
"Are you all right?
Shin Rin immediately untied the rope, but Carlos remained squatted.
"Daijibuka, Dad! Hold on!"
Maximum tries to lend him a shoulder, but Carlos abruptly thrust them both.
"What a daddy!
"Ugh... guh... run away"
"So my father is with me!
Carlos leans back so as to keep the two of them away from each other, even with his chest in agony.
If you notice, he has tons of sweat on his face, and he looks pale.
"Sorry Maximum... I... no more... no more"
"What are you talking about!
"Miss Hundred Eyebrows, it hit you hard. Forgive me...... I want"
"What are you saying!? We need to get out of here."
"You are too kind... this world will be hard on you..."
"Mr. Carlos!
"But I hope you're not afraid to be angry for someone.... Kindness sometimes binds itself... to shackles. If we don't fight, we won't survive...... ghhhhhhhhhh! I asked for the rest, my son!
When Carlos gives him ambition, suddenly all the parts that make up his eyes, nose and face disappear, leaving only light black skin on his face.
"What... this"
"Dad, you're missing your face!?
The moment Maximum tries to rush over, Carlos' upper body explodes and his bloodshed rises like a fountain.
The remaining lower body loses balance and collapses.
Blood splashed as if he had punched paint, and Shin Rin showered Carlos' flesh on his face, staring blindly at the pieces of Carlos' flesh splashed from his dirty glasses.
The smell of iron spreads in the back of his nose, scattering vividly traces of what he was now talking about.
"Oh... J"
A laugh echoes at the two flashing.
The voice is echoing from an executioner with a sickle, who seems sincerely delightful.
It was like watching a friend caught in a surprise box, a laugh that seemed insane to both of us.
When the executioner takes the hood, he paints his face white and only his eyes appear creepy painted red star-shaped.
"Curse, the man who lost his face by faceoff explodes and dies, Death. Die, Death. It's already art (art), bong like art, bong, very beautiful, just beautiful"
"Dear dear!
Maximum, who was killed by his father in front of him, unleashes a slaughter on the executioner that is likely to be slaughtered with a single blow, even in Minotaur.
But the executioner slaughtered him with a clown-like lightness, and when he cast a spell, Maximum's body was blown away as he slapped and broke the street tree in the square.
"Hihi, Hihi, the king's orders are your body. I'll take it."
When a man like a clown looks back at Shin Rin, he smiles like a demon.
That's going to be traumatic if the kid sees it, a creepy, ugly grin that sounds from the bottom of hell.
But Maximum isn't the only one holding anger in its chest. She feels the same way.
A splash of Carlos' blood is still staining her glasses red.
My chest hurts. The pain is going to burn itself.
Is this anger? It's going to be bitter and burning.
I don't know what to do with this anger. Reason cultivated in Shin Rin's life tries to force the flames of anger to seal.
But that in turn exacerbates her chest pain.
Breasts like flaming swirling iron cauldrons burn themselves out if they don't let the flames escape.
Eventually the valve of the iron cauldron, which is sealing the anger, burns down and the flame erupts outside.
She calls her name with the understanding that she may kill people for the first time.
A woman in pirate clothes suddenly emerges from the sky, beaten by a creepy, ugly clown, along with a scream that pierces heaven.
"Ocean Blow Streak! If I let him get away with it, he won't! I'll definitely stay here!
Roverta approaches close range and showers a streak of fury in the belly of the clown.
"Megalodon Joe!"
Roverta's uppercut is decided, and the clown is blown away and rolls over the ground in stiffness.
There were no regular limiters on the streak of crushing Avara and the upper set on his jaw, and the attacks left to that anger were so powerful that it wasn't strange to kill people. No, he made me hit him with the intention of killing him.
"Ha, ha, ha..."
Shin Rin has a more severe shortness of breath and puts his chest down than Roverta.
"Ugh... wow..."
Blowing up the clown, my brain finally chased me to Carlos' death, and my tears spilled down my cheeks.
When a clown man suddenly jumps up who thought he had defeated him, he causes a sickle pattern to plunge into the dovetail of Roverta.
"Fuhihihihihihi, I know, Mars. That this woman is your mirror image, Hihihihihi."
"This woman is just like a weapon. The ego, the product of the ego that you produced. Fuhihihi, I have a soul, Miele, this woman's soul and your soul. Connect, Mars. That means if you attack this woman, your soul will be scratched too, Mars."
The clown man slashes Roverta with a sickle, beats him, probably.
Roverta will be on the defensive side in a series of attacks that will not allow him to fight back.
"Fuhihihihihihi, if it had been King's sooner, this would not have happened. Hi-hi-hi, this man is dead, all because of you, Dace!
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!
"Fuhihihihihihi, I see Mars. I have the darkness of thy heart. I miss you alone. That's why you created this woman. I miss you, Marine Dace."
The clown man says he's fighting, but turns a creepy grin that sees everything to Shin Rin.
The reprehensible gaze and the grin of scoffing mockery, which fully contained criticism, blame and scorn, which offended his heart, were trying to break Shin Rin's heart with all his might.
"Shut up, don't tell me what you see through!
"Fuhihihihihi, shut up, Masain! I just created this woman, and in the end you, one, one person who reached out, died because of you, too, Dace!
"Shut up!"
"Fuhihihihihihi, you are one, always one, escaped from this fate, Masain. The man who became with you becomes unhappy. Death as miserable and pointless as this man, Dace! Hi-hi, hi-hi."
To the words and mockery of the clown, Shin Rin's spirit had already reached its limits.
Isn't it your fault Carlos died? Yes, I felt a little responsible, but at the end of the day, the clown man's mockery and words pierce my heart over and over again, and I make a decision.
Shin Rin, who is in a state of confusion, screams for his only one, superb power.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhh, Rovertaa!!
Roverta tries to catch a clown man, but his usual delicate movements disappear and he gets a backlash on the contrary by repeating a huge swing.
Roverta's movements today were a mirror reflecting Shin Rin's heart.
The clown man is quick to fight back and deals damage to Roverta. Shin Rin's stomach seems painful on her knees accordingly.
"You get used to the pain, Nai! We fought, Nai! Round Day! The more you hit him, the more you fear the pain, and the more you run away, Nahl! Marin just fled the fight and the way of life, Fuhihihihihi, a very pathetic day"
It can also be said that Roverta returns (back) the damage taken to Shin Rin.
When he made Roverta fight, he ”manipulated” Roverta while hiding in the shadows so that he couldn't let the damage bounce back on him, the main body.
"Fuhihihihihi, he died because of you! Dead because of you, Hi-hee."
"Shut up, shut up!
"Fuhihihihihi! I would have saved you if it wasn't for you, Hihihihihi"
The clown man went on blaming Shin Rin for his words. Invisible damage accumulates and Roverta's appearance gradually fades away.
"Fuhihihihihi, the mental body can't even be embodied when the mind is disturbed, Mars. You're betrayed by yourself, too, Dace!
Shin Rin sees Roverta about to disappear with desperate eyes. I would try to reach out, but that hand would not come true for Roverta, who, as the clown man put it, was about to disappear leaving Shin Rin behind.
Before Roverta disappears, we have to stop the clown man from laughing.
"Ahhh! Roverta, Didal Punisher!!
Roverta responds to Shin Rin's cry for a special attack. But no great vortex of specialty occurred, and Roverta's figure faded and disappeared as it was.
"Fuhihihihi, gone, gone, you are one, you are one, no one can help, can't help, can't help, hihihihi, hard, painful, painful? But that dead man is more painful and painful yo"
Shin Rin nods and blocks his ears on the spot with a nightmarish laugh.
"Shut up, please, don't laugh!
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!!
Semi-frenzied Shirin shakes his head hard.
Narcisse talks when he sees how it goes.
"Hey Mosquito, Shin Rin is my daughter-in-law, don't break it!
Called Mosquito, the clown man magically put Maorin to sleep, crying, and he kept the universe afloat and took it away.
Narcisse gets Shin Rin and makes his mouth snort at the joy that his allies were also able to crush.
But suddenly the knife flew from behind, blurring the cheeks of Narcisse, and the blood drew the line.
"Huh? Wound on my face!? Who is this guy who does disrespectful things to this hero!
When Narcisse looked back in frustration, there stood one king.
"Who's the hero, you son of a bitch"
"What are you!
"Fucking hell, you're gonna drag me out of there, be ready!
That's what I left behind, and the king ran away. It's as if you can bite off my helplessness.
But his eyes were burning with anger.
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