The Devil Agmaim took the air of the human world after a long time. The last time he stepped in here was nearly 80 years ago. At that time, it was an old wizard who has near time to die. The old sorcerer, although his body is aging, stood a unique position among the group he belonged to. He introduced himself as the 13th leader of the magic tower. In simple terms, he was the strongest wizard.

There was a little reason for summoning Agmaim. He felt that his life was not long enough so at least once before he died, he wanted to see a devil in real life. That’s all. After confronting Agmaim, the wizard tried to send him back to the demon realm. However, it failed because Agmaim was too strong.

Agmaim was a high-ranking demon. There were few demons in the demon realm with a strong power. The wizard, who is said to have reached the highest level among humans, is in front of him. He was insignificant and helpless. Agmaim forced the wizard to make any wishes and in exchange he will swallow up the wizard’s whole soul.

‘His soul doesn’t taste much’

‘How about this time?’

Agmaim thought so and looked down at the little creature in front of him. The air he’s been taking in 80 years was pretty fresh. He slowly opened his mouth.

“Is it you who summoned me?”

The human who faced him was a girl. Around 17 years old maybe? She was incredibly young and insignificant for calling out Agmaim, a High-ranking demon.

Agmaim remembered a word he had heard while looking at the insignificant amount of mana. The girl seemed to be able to scatter even by shaking his hand once. Affinity. Sometimes, very rarely, these humans who are born with affinity are suitable for summoning evil demons.

There is no special decoration, but the girl dressed in a dress made of soft fabric that looks like a ghost.

‘Her soul was so sweet’

“Are you really a devil?”

“Do I look different?”

The girl opened her eyes to Agmaim’s question and shook her head hard.

“Oh, no. You look like a devil.”

At the girl’s feet, a book ‘How to Summon a Devil’ was randomly lying around. It was a crude book. Agmaim curiously looked at it and then went closer to the girl. As the faces got closer, the girl backed down.

“It must be your first time to summon a demon.”


“Did you know you should make a wish to me?”

To be precise, ‘you can make a wish’. It was up to the summoner’s choice whether to pay the devil the price and then fulfill the wish, or just return the devil.

‘Her soul might taste pretty good’

However, Agmaim, who became curious about the taste of the young soul, is already going back empty handed. The girl has no idea. If the summoned demon’s power is far stronger than the summoner, the summoner cannot forcefully return the demon even if he wants. Just like now.

Agmaim, who had a long bite, showed his fangs.

“If there is anything you want, go ahead and talk about it.”


The girl closed her mouth and murmured. At first glance, she felt complex emotions as she looked up at Agmaim. Unfamiliar to the devil who suddenly encountered. Even though it was scary, it seems to be subtly attracted to the word ‘wish’. After a while, the girl carefully asked.

“Ah, anything?”



“There is no wish that the devil cannot give.”

Agmain said softly as he imagined swallowing the girl’s soul. The gentle voice, concealed, ironically seemed to give the girl courage. The girl, whose face slightly brightened, quickly opened her mouth with a soft voice.

“Well, then, make me a pretty person! The prettiest person in the world.”

The girl’s neck was lifted  by the tone and the sound crawled at the end. After spitting it out, it seemed that the wish seemed vain. However, Agmain’s sentiment was different. He replied immediately without even a sign of anxiety.



“I’ll do it. Your wish.”

His response was quick, as if he had nailed to say ‘no cuts’. Agmaim whispered in the girl’s ear.

“If you fall asleep tonight and wake up, your wish will be granted.”

The girl opened her round eyes more round. After that, it seemed unbelievable that flashing busily gave her wish so easily.

Agmaim stretched out his bent body and recalled about 200 years ago.

‘That’s the same wish back then. I can do the same again this time.’

For Agmaim, the girl was the fourth summoner and her wish was the same as the first summoner wished. In fact, it had a similarity aspect rather than being completely the same. At that time, the wish of the first summoner was to change her soul with a princess who was evaluated as the most beautiful on the continent.

‘Because you asked to make you the prettiest person in the world, the same thing is correct.’

Agmaim decided on his own. Changing the soul was not very difficult for Agmaim. At least it was much easier than wishing to return at the same time as the second summoner wished. Well, back then, he was forced to make another wish.

‘I think you can gave me your wish and see a chance later to eat your soul’

For a few months, He was thinking of letting the wishes come true. Agmaim also had that much morality.

Then the big one’s eyes blinks and Agmaim tastes the young soul as he imagined. Soon after, the girl pinched her cheek without saying a word, looking at Agmaim, who started laughing with anticipation.


Lying on the rock and taking in the spring breeze, I laughed for nothing. A little before the first anniversary of marriage, I’ve gotten completely used to to be the hostess. I’m still awkward before with the title of hostess but now I got used to it. That is it. Even if I go outside, if someone calls me the hostess, I look back.

‘No, that was a little embarrassing’

I gathered my eyebrows. Just thinking about it, it’s not a boast. When someone called me, I answere them confidently. Anyway, that’s not what matters. So what I want to say is that my life right now has become a natural thing for me. The fact that Arwin is my husband, that the Magic Tower is my house, and a doll with a GPS(?) are now as natural as breathing together.

“Now, even if I’m drinking and riding in a wagon, I’ll be asked to go to the Master Tower instead of my own work. Whoo, even if the novel is long ended, I can get a perfect return.”

It won’t happen, but I made that assumption and turned to the side. As I lay on my side, I saw the outer wall of the tower. For reference, the thing I am laying on is a stone bed created in the front yard of the Magic Tower last autumn. In more detail, I’m watching autumn leaves in the yard and muttered without much thought, saying ‘It would be comfortable to have one bed rock here.’

In addition, at that time, Arwin cut this rock, without knowing where he got it, without using a single finger. Magic is really amazing. If someone you didn’t know, you would have thought you were grinding rocks with your eyes.

Now, I was laying alone, but a familiar face appeared in front of my eyes.

“Let’s go in”


When he started flying himself in goodwill, his body floated on its own and landed under the rock. Heh, now I’m used to this. Should I say that it feels natural? If you go further, you might mistake myself for Archmage Latte.

I folded my eyes into a half moon and clapped into Arwin’s fleshy arms.

“This is my husband.”

“ Right.”

“ Did you teach the magic well?”

One surprise here, not long ago, Arwin started magic classes for the members of the tower.

It was a result obtained by a few wizards, including Arrobuck, hanging with snow, but at first glance it seems that there wasn’t much different from the free speed underworld tour package. The evidence is that the number of deaths has not yet come out.

‘The Bishot I encountered recently was clearly alive.’

Although he was rumbling enough to die, he wasn’t dead. That’s great. In fact, there is a back door where the students go to bed everyday, wondering that they did not die.

I looked up at Arwin with pride as a wife who decided to live my life with an outlaw and then he looked down on me.

“Would you like me to teach well?


“If I taught well, what would you do?”

What. What should i do?

“What can I do?

“That’s what you should think about.”

“Lots, lots, lots of praise?”

I guess this is not. It’s because Arwin laughed like a man who faced a gentle drip. That’s damn it.

“Lots, lots of love?”



“Shall I choose?”


I won’t give up in applause, Arwin. Threw another suggestion. I think it would be comfortable that the person who saw what he wanted would choose it himself… But what is this anxiety? Why don’t I think I shouldn’t let it go evenly?

I shook my head gently based on instinct.

“No. I’ll give you a compliment sticker. Just take this one.”

“No that.”

“Do you want Snowdatta?”

All I had was Snowdatta, so I sold it. Arwin laughed at my shameless betrayal of forsaking friendship. I still looked at that harmful smile that wasn’t very good in my heart, then I bowed my head and went further into Arwin’s arms.

Suddenly this thought came to me as I buried my face in the familiar arms that sounded quietly.

“It’s peaceful.”

It’s unexpected, but after I spoke it out, it became more firm. Today was a really peaceful day. Actually, not just today, but all the time.

I am fully adapted to the tower, the relationship between Bishot and Essula, which was established with the power of love control team, is very smooth, and seeing Arwin teach a magical class without casualties, I am even happy that he is becoming less outlawed.

It must have been because of the feeling for the snow, that the dogs felt the taste of peace as they saw gloss lasting.

“I hope this will continue in the future.”

I murmured then paused with my head still buried in Arwin’s arms. Wait, isn’t this that? Death flag?  ‘If this peace continues in the future…’ As soon as the characters are put in my mouth, peace and happiness are smashed, and an event of despair and frustration strikes.

‘Ah,No way.’

I laughed. That’s because this not a cartoon or a novel but a reality. Although it is a novel-based world, the influence of the novel has been ended in the past. In the meantime, I even put the flag of death in my mouth.

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“Spring is not long already. Let’s go on a trip before the end of the spring.”

In this case, the character who promises to travel, seriously injured or crosses the river of death. Of course, that is only the story in comics and novels. I laughed heartily when I heard Arwin’s answer that it’s okay to start now if I want.

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