Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1139: Arrive in Shinshu

"This is a good thing, it will save a lot of trouble in the future."

After Gong Bin finished speaking, he looked at Gong San and looked at each other. The tacit understanding between the brothers made the two people's ideas coincide.

However, the two did not want to speak out to worry everyone, and now, I hope they are just worrying about it.

就是 "That is, I didn't expect that the young girl could have such an opportunity outside. It really is the blessing of the heavenly spirits by the palace family ancestors, right young girl?"

Where can you get such a profound problem, and now he is full of joy.

"Don't be so embarrassed and talk about it everywhere. The little girl's good medicine must not be known to anyone who cares about it, so as not to be used by others. Do you know?"

Looking at the elder brother who suddenly became serious, Gong Wu had nodded obediently.

Lin Mengya also seems to be aware of it, but it is obviously not a good time to ask questions.

I just later, I'm afraid she has to be more careful.

"Now, Tang Yuan's illness is no longer important, but that uncle Tang is not able to stay here anymore. How to arrange it, I have to ask my brother for an idea."

This incident shocked the family members.

And such a thing, but not just staged in such a small city.

I do n’t know how many times this happened because of the loss of the palace family.

What they can do is to reduce the number of things that can happen to the palace family as soon as possible.

"I have let people stay and take care of the uncle's family first. Now, the people in the city are uneasy. If we leave rashly, I'm afraid they will be used by the people who care. So I want to let the uncles stay here to heal them. When we return from Shinju, we pick them up again. "

Brother Yun has always been thoughtful about things, and she has nothing to worry about.

既 "That's the case, then we will continue to hurry tomorrow, but fortunately, Xinzhou is not far from here. We stepped up and can be there in a few days."

Besides here, other places must be messy now.

They don't have enough time to deal with them one by one, they can only focus on the matter in Xinzhou.

If they felt a little relaxed before going out, now, the hearts of every family member are heavy.

They bear the blood and hatred of the palace family who do not know how many, and these are all thanks to the greed of those guys.

They went this time, not only to tell the world that the palace family is back again.

I still want to warn them, from now on, the palace family vowed to recover everything!

It seems that God also felt the grief and indignation in the heart of the Gong family. The weather that was originally bright in the sun was now overcast.

The people in the palace family went all the way, and within a few days they reached the border of Xinzhou.

At this point, there were only two days left until the slave auction began.

"Everyone staying in the city tonight, give me some spirit. Don't get into trouble, do you know?"

Xi Gongbin calmly commanded the left and right, along the way, they also attracted some people's attention.

But because they are in a hurry, many things are dealt with in a low-key manner, so few people know that they are the palace family.

Alas, when the realm of Xinzhou was reached, many things had to be publicized.

Otherwise, it is the person who lost it.

The auction market is held in a place called Jincang Port in Xinzhou.

It was originally a fiefdom of the palace family, but a few decades ago, it was forcibly borrowed by the Rong family and the Xu family for various reasons.

I said it was borrowed. In fact, Lin Mengya knows better than anyone. What is the meaning of this?

I now have a public slave auction in Xinzhou, and it is clear that I am shameless to the palace family.

"Brother, shall we still look for the former inn?"

Hei Gongwu looked around curiously. He was a young man's heart, and it was the first time he saw such a bustling city, and he couldn't help but look around.

Jincang Port is a large seaport, next to it is a medium-sized city, also called Jincang City.

很多 There are many ships and merchants coming and going here. In addition to slave traders, there are also foreign merchants who sell characteristic goods of various countries.

But here, people have a strict division of three, six, and nine.

The first class is of course their family members, and the second class is the merchants of their own country.

Those merchants from abroad are third-class, but the last ones are slaves who are trafficked.

In fact, even among the slaves, the price of their own country is higher than that of foreign slaves.

If a slave is mistaken and killed by his master, as a slave of his own country, the master will pay a fortune, but those slaves from abroad will die when they die.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the high walls of Jincang City and couldn't help getting cold.

城市 The city is built on piles of white bones, and the smiles on those faces are mixed with disturbing blood.

Did they ever know that everything in this city was exchanged for the flesh and blood of those slaves?

Yuan Lin Mengya exhaled quietly, they only used the prosperity of Xinzhou to humiliate the palace family, but where did they know that such a place has been stained with blood, and even if the palace family rises again, they never want to take it back.

"Well, there used to be our inn here. But why didn't you see us at the gate?"

Along the way, Gong Bin had already dispatched effective staff to make inquiries along the way.

According to their agreement, people should already be here now.

Why did they get to the city without finding the man's trace?

And he passed the book to the flying pigeon last night, stating when they arrived, and the man said that everything was as usual.

Even if there are many people, their team is very conspicuous.

I shouldn't miss it.

What a surprise, what happened?

"Maybe something was delayed, let's just go straight over. People are always there, right?"

Lin Lin Mengya is not very used to the lively place here. She had floated on the sea for ten months before. After arriving at the palace, she spent most of her time reading at home.

Now that I've reached such a place of vocal enthusiasm, she just feels like a little drummer in her head, which makes her a little irritable.

Xi Gongbin knows that this can only be the case for the time being.

Fortunately, he knew the specific location of the inn and took people directly to Taining Inn in Jincang City.

I walked across a few streets to a quiet alley where few people came.

Lin Lin Mengya exhaled slowly, finally saved.

"You wait here first, my fifth child, you go with me to see."

Xi Gongbin was afraid that there would be any changes in it. He ordered people to protect his younger sister, so he called the palace to go to the door.

I didn't expect it, just knocked twice, and a mysterious head was found out inside.

"Master, Master Five"

The man shouted in surprise, then opened the door like a thief and greeted a group of people to enter.

Don't look a little worn out, but still maintain the good taste of Taining Inn.

I'm just bigger than the one I saw before.

It's hard for this young man to clean this place in such a short period of time.

小 "Xiaolu, what's the matter with you? I didn't mean to let you go outside and wait for us today, why are you still in this place and not going out?"

Xi Gongbin frowned. Gonglu was his cousin. He had always been safe and cautious, so he was assigned here.

I didn't expect, but this man almost eliminated the problem at the critical moment.

If it wasn't for seeing that the inn was well packed, I'm afraid that Xiaolu is already suffering from the flesh.

"I am wrong, please forgive me."

Gong Gonglu lowered his head to admit it, Gong Bin wanted to say something, but was stopped by Gong Si.

"Brother, I don't think so. Xiaolu is only nineteen years old now. For the first time he has done such a big errand, there are some omissions. In addition, have we found it?"

The gentle words of the fourth palace palace finally saved the palace road.

The latter immediately confessed his mistakes and made sure that he would not commit another crime, so Gong Bin spared him.

来 "Come, this is the young lady I mentioned to you in the letter."

Xi Gongbin laughed and referred to Gonglu, who knew that Gonglu was not as enthusiastic as he expected.

He just saluted and found a reason to step down.

"This child is really getting more and more unruly. When this is done, I have to go back and take good care of him."

Lin Gongbin's words made Lin Mengya thoughtful.

But the tiredness of rushing over all the doubts, she now just wants to take a good bath, then change into clean clothes, and sleep so beautifully.

With this feeling, I slept until the next day.

As soon as Bai Su went out to help her get breakfast, someone gently glanced at her door.

"come in."

Because there were no outsiders in the inn except the people in the palace, she didn't have much defense.


I did not expect, but came in the palace road that did not pay much attention to her yesterday.

"what's up?"

She doesn't dislike this boy either.

I just said, from the first meeting, she always felt that the child had a hostile hostility to herself.

She couldn't think of the reason to be resentful by this child when searching her intestines. After all, for the people of the palace, she held a heart of tolerance.

But what happened to this child?

"I heard that Miss is from overseas Yizhou?"

After hesitating for a moment, she nodded gently, watching the child drop the copper basin for washing her face, and walked not far away from her, lowered her head, and could not see his look.

那 "Then, I want to ask Miss to see something. I don't know if Miss has seen it."


The child stretched out a hand with a delicate phoenix in his palm.

She frowned slightly, how could this thing be in his hands?

"Where did you get this thing?"

Feng Feng in front of her eyes not only knew her, but she was also very familiar.

That style is exactly the relic left by her mother.

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