Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1318: Drama King

She didn't tell Mu Rongxi the truth directly before, because she didn't want to let Mu Rongxi be directly impacted, lose her reason, and expose her flaws to be used by the enemy.

But who knows, the imagination of her man is too rich, and he directly made up a big play.

Lin Lin Mengya lowered her head, pretending to be silent.

But in fact, he laughed silently for a while before raising his head again, pretending to look at him seriously.

"Can it be done, it was you who once wanted to kill love with your sword before killing my ex-husband?"

The words of her ex-husband, she almost did not bite her tongue.

I didn't expect Murong Xi to hold her completely and looked at her with a complex look.

"If this is the case, it must be because he is not good for you. But you are mine anyway. Even if Liangyu avenges me for his father in the future, I will treat him as if he were my own. He brought him up. He who is irresponsible to your mother and son, he **** it! "

When Lin Mengya heard this, she knew that the misunderstanding was obviously too great.

Wu Murongxi has now identified 'Long Tianyu' as an irresponsible villain, but she feels that this is a good opportunity.

虽然 "Although I don't know if you killed him, I believe you are a bright person. If you want to understand the truth of the matter, I hope you can investigate in secret and not let anyone know."

The identity of 'Long Tianyu' is too sensitive. Although she believes in the capabilities of her own man, she must rule out all the risk factors.

Even if the price is, she won't be able to retrieve that deep love in her life.

But as long as he is safe now, there is nothing to care about.


After thinking for a while, Murong Xi agreed to her.

"You haven't said yet, how did you know about Prince Yu?"

Lin Lin Mengya was lying on his chest, a little worried.

"It was a Master Wu I looked for in Liangyu. Last night, he gave me a letter with only these three words on it. When I asked him again, he would just ask three questions. I know Wei Guo There is no such title in the country. So I want to ask you. "

He told her intuitively that the dead man was lying.

I may be concealing something, but it should be about that.

I was a little vigilant in my heart. Was it deliberately tempted?

I couldn't help but get nervous. Is it something they showed that was noticed?

"Who is that person? Where is it? What does it look like?"

Her three problems in a row, so that Murong Xi could not help but calm her.

"It's okay, I have investigated that person, and his life is innocent, and it is reliable. But, and he is a dumb person, he should not talk nonsense."

但是 "But he can write!"

Gao Linmengya was still uneasy, and the more she thought, the more she felt dangerous.

别 "Don't be afraid, if you don't believe him, you should believe me, too?"

That's what he said, but Lin Mengya finally lost after seeing his serious look.

"Well, now that you have said that, I have to trust you. But, take the time to let me see him. After all, I am a baby's teacher. I have never seen anyone before It's polite. "

Wu Mu Rongxi smiled helplessly. This woman was clearly uneasy about the martial artist, so she wanted to come and verify it herself.

But it's okay, it's always better for the baby to be careful.

"Well, I'll arrange it. Tomorrow you come to recognize the pro-banquet, I introduce you to know."

Tomorrow, Lin Mengya immediately felt something mixed in her heart.

Regardless of whether Long Tianyu can restore memory in the future, Ning Er will be the righteous son of Murong Xi in name.

Parents and sons become sons, this is really, it makes people feel a little weird.

However, why does Lin Mengya care about other people's thoughts?

As long as their family reunite, it is more important than anyone's affairs.

"OK, tomorrow, I will prepare a great gift for you."

Wu Murongxi frowned. How could he have a bad feeling?

走 "Go, I'll take you to see the snow sculpture I designed. It's almost time, there are surprises!"

神 She blinked mysteriously and walked towards the direction of the snow sculpture.

Before she approached, she saw the outstanding family members in the crowd.

His Majesty wanted the cat to get up, but he was protected by the man next to him with only a small face, and no one could tell that it was her.

怎么 样 "How's it look?"

She asked ostentatiously, and Murong Xi frowned.

"Beauty is beautiful, but it's a bit loose."

She snorted softly, dead man, no knowledge.

"Open your eyes wide, now, but the moment to witness the miracle."

Wu Murongxi didn't know why, but she saw that with the burning of the candles inside, the snow layer on the outside gradually collapsed.

Everyone was attracted by the snow sculptures of the palace family, and some of them were gloating.

下一 But the next second, a miracle happened.

The melted snow layer melted into the water and fell down, but the inside exposed it turned out to be crystal clear ice!

But Ke didn't want this time, but there was a basin of hot water that descended from the sky.

Instantly, the outer layer of the snow sculpture melted.

The Kumiya family was in a hurry and wanted to find out the saboteur.

Ye Kegong Fourth, they took their hands, but used their eyes to signal them to look at the snow sculpture.

The snow layer accelerated to melt, and instantly, a crystal-like ice palace appeared in the eyes of the world.

The roof of the puppet exudes a golden light, and even the several beasts hanging under the eaves are shining different lights.

The white clouds underneath the river turned into swimming fishes, swimming in the blue waves.

The palace in the sky has become a crystal palace where the dragon king in the sea lives, and everywhere, it also emits soft colored light, which is really beautiful.

Everyone is stupid, holding his breath, looking at the beautiful palace in front of him.

Maybe the next second, the dragon king in charge of the four seas, the beautiful and kind dragon girl, will fly out of the palace.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at his man proudly. Although Murong Xi was considered to be well-informed, everything in front of him made him doubt his own eyes.

"How did you do that?"

Lin Lin Mengya shrugged and deliberately did not tell him.

At this moment, a hearty laughter came from the crowd.

"Hahaha, it is worthy of being a palace family, and it is indeed smart and smart. Is the palace family available?"

Sui's voice was bright and majestic. Lin Mengya seemed to be startled. After looking at Mu Rongxi, she went out in a hurry and stood silently with the others in the palace.

"Caomin Palace Qianfeng has met the Emperor and the Emperor."

The members of the palace family came out to salute, and the crowd saw all the emperors and descendants, even in casual clothes, but with royal style.

"It turns out that you are old, this method is really clever. I wonder who came up with it?"

Xun Gong Qianfeng did not dare to answer for a moment, Gong Si realized that there was an additional person behind him, and just wanted to answer for her, but the man pulled his sleeve.

She knows that Miyaji is afraid of making things difficult for her.

But she was originally hate-raising, and she was afraid of something.

"Gong Ya has met the Emperor, the Emperor."

She is calm and well-mannered.

He had a beautiful face, but now he is more and more mature and elegant.

Directly turned around a group of young and immature young girls into seconds.

原来 "It turned out to be you, then, let's talk about it. What method did you use to make this crystal palace?"

He Houzun's tone can be said to be friendly and cheerful, but Lin Mengya dare not presumptuously.

"In the case of Uighur, in fact, this color is due to the fact that it is doped with a medicinal powder. This medicinal powder was produced in the extreme north. It was discovered by the craftsmen there when making the igloo. This time, His Majesty missed them, so he gave them the task of constructing the igloo in the camp, so they wanted to thank His Majesty. I am just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha. "

While most of the words are flattering, some of them are true.

一次 The construction of the igloo this time has attracted many artisans in the extreme north.

In fact, they have long been thinking of moving south, but once they have no other means of earning a living, and secondly, those large and small fiefdoms are controlled by the family, they are really difficult to maintain their livelihood.

In recent years, the climate has become worse.

Because of the perennial freezing, there is little crop production over there, but the owners of the enclosed land will tax them.

So, this time Lin Mengya brought them here, in fact, it also meant to help them settle down here.

When Huang heard her, Huang Zun didn't smile anymore.

Squinting his eyes, he took a closer look at the Crystal Palace ice sculpture. It took a long time before he sighed.

"Put it with peaches and plums, and return it to Qiong Yao. 朕 It is just a trivial matter, but he has harvested such a beautiful heavenly palace. Alas, he is really ashamed of his ancestor."

Lin Lin Mengya stayed, the palace family was stupid, but the people around them were moved.

Is this the Her Majesty the Unsmiling Emperor?

谁 Who is this actress? Can you drag him away?

此时 But at this moment she can only go along with the performance, shouting brazenly.

"His Majesty the Emperor is compassionate for the people, but a blessing to all people."

After that, it was the scene of Long Live Shanhu.

To be honest, she was so big. For the first time, she knew what kind of concept it was.

"Okay, get up quickly. Your Majesty, please be careful."

Finally, the gentle voice of Houzhuang sounded.

Then Lin Mengya felt that someone helped her up. ,

I looked up and saw the gentle smile of Hou Zun.

"You did a good job."

Nice, what does it mean?

Is she an ice sculpture, or did it later with a play.

He Huangzun and Houzun were surrounded by people and left.

The Kunimiya family did not keep up and remained in place with doubts in their stomachs.

"Sister, are you here, arranged in advance?"

Eriyagong felt his head and asked, this scale is a bit large.

"Ah? What did you say?"

Zhe Lin Mengya also came back to God and saw the family members with admiration and worship on her face.

No, they think they are all ‘surprises’, right?

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