Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1337: Parade abnormal

Smirking, except for smirking, she felt that she could do nothing.

But fortunately, Zengzu was very calm, but he waved at her weakly and let her go.

When I returned to the room, Lin Mengya was relieved.

I thought in my heart that it would be public, so that they would sneak in every day, as if they were invisible.

The Qi Qi family's banquet did not go away until late at night. Lin Mengya deliberately waited until Gongsan and Gongwu came back to make sure that their clothes were not hurt on their faces, and then they went to sleep with peace of mind.

I did not expect that the next day, she did not wait for the three trials, but waited for a look of refreshing hope.

I thought about Lin Mengya's news of Long Qinghan and swallowed it back.

Why are you worried about it?

The Kuniya family knew that the relationship between the two of them was profound, and no one came to bother, Gu Pan was much more comfortable.

She smiled and sat beside Lin Mengya, her eyes bent into a crescent.

"how about it?"

"What's up?"

Lin Lin Mengya asked in turn, while Gu Pan pursed her cherry.

"Of course I feel loved in public? Don't you know, I almost scared and cried in the presence of the Emperor yesterday, but your Highness Xi is in danger and is not humble. If I were you, I would have been I was so touched. "

Gu Pan said something exaggerated, but Lin Mengya was more and more worried.

"What did he say in front of the Emperor?"


Gu Pan stretched his voice and glanced at her secretly, seemingly intentionally trying to adjust her appetite, watching her anxious.

Gao Linmengya looked at her eagerly, and her eyes were filled with requests, Gu Pan was satisfied, and then said.

"Today ’s imperial intention is to give me a marriage, of course I strongly oppose it. But I did not expect that the one who was to be given a marriage was louder than what I opposed. The two of our enemies chanted, and this changed the imperialism. I got the idea. But what I did n’t expect is that His Royal Highness said that you are his favorite person in order to completely prevent future troubles. The emperor was furious and said that he did not know how to advance. His Highness insisted, He didn't want to marry anyone except you. It touched me then. "

Even though Lin Mengya did not arrive at the scene, she could still imagine how much.

That person seems cold and cold, but in fact he is a confession guy.

No one can change what he wants to do.

Alas, she was still a little worried.

"Sister Gong, how do I feel that you seem a little upset?"

Gu Gupan thought that Gong Ya would be so excited that she burst into tears, but she didn't want her to frown.

没有 "No, I am not upset. By the way, how is your health?"

I gave Gu Pan a signal, and fortunately, this Nizi's condition is already intact.

Moreover, she did not continue to carry the sachet given to her by Mr. Bai He.

"It ’s so much better. It ’s strange to be sick, and it's strange to go. My mother found a lot of doctors for me, and no one can see why they came. . "

Gu Pan stuck his tongue out and smiled brighter.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that this was an open-minded girl, so she didn't need to say more.

Gu Pan is a person who can't rest. Just after having spent lunch in the house, he took Lin Mengyafei to go out for a stroll.

Although it's just the New Year, the street is still lively.

She has n’t been shopping for a long time. The two bought a lot of things together. In the end, Bai Su and Gu Pan ’s maid were full of things.

"Go back to the carriage first, let's wait for you over there."

Lin Lin Mengya pointed to a tea house not far away, and Bai Su nodded immediately and took the maid away.

However, this is not the maid she saw Gu Pan brought last time.

怎么 "How have you changed people?"

Last time, it was obvious that the eyeliner that someone had sent to Gu Pan.

Gu Pan smiled casually, but his eyes had no temperature.

"Maybe it's because her owner has been very sick recently, so she panicked and asked to take care of her owner."

In the end, I grew up in the king's palace. Under the innocence of Gu Pan, there are actually many things hidden.

For example, see through all the plans.

"So, really a loyal servant. But, is this person yours? Can I listen to you?"

身边 People like them must have one or two of them.

Otherwise, it is very dangerous.

"Well, she was sent by my maternal grandfather's house, but no one in our house knew it. There were several dangers in the past that she covered for me. And she was given to me by the princess and no one Will doubt her. "

He chuckled a smile, but Gu Pan seemed a bit lonely.

It's no wonder that she lives almost alone in the grand palace, even if the princess really treats her well, but she is still hiding her thoughts.

Gu Pan, much more mature than she imagined.

"Don't talk about me, big New Year, why mention these unhappy things. Sister Gong, look, it's dragon and lion dance!"

On the street, there were a lot of dragon and lion dance teams.

This is the rule of Longdu, and it basically stops after the 15th Lantern Festival of the first month.

The owners of the shops along the street generally set off a string of firecrackers as a welcome.

I also hope that I can make a good prize, there will be a new weather in the new year.

Gu Pan seemed to like these lively things, and he was so energetic.

And Lin Mengya was infected by her too, laughing together to watch the parade.

But looking at it, she felt that something was wrong.

有 Some of these people are professional teams, while others are temporarily organized by the people.

So the cooperation and skills are naturally slightly different.

However, among these teams, especially those who dance Jackie Chan, there seem to be several members whose limbs are not very coordinated.

Zhe Lin Mengya took a look at it deliberately. It was not only inconsistent, it was clearly like a puppet, and the joints were stiff.

With a frown, she felt something was wrong.

"Look forward, you"

After returning to God, she wanted to ask Gu Pan if she saw any abnormalities.

He saw that man disappeared from his seat and was digging into the crowd.

"Gupan, where are you going? Come back soon!"

She shouted loudly, but Gu Pan did not respond.

Lin Lin Mengya caught up immediately and grabbed Gu Pan's wrist, but did not expect that Gu Pan's wrist was as cold as ice.

"Gu Pan, Gu Pan!"

She grabbed Gu Pan's hand and called loudly.

Gu Pan's eyes were blurry, her eyes were open, and she looked at her unknowingly, as if she could not understand her words.

Lin Mengya stunned Gu Pan, fortunately, her breath was warm and her soft.

Soon, Gu Pan awoke, as if just waking up, watching her.

"Sister Gong, what happened to me?"

Looking at Lin Mengya at a loss, she didn't seem to remember what happened just now.

"You still asked me? You just lost your soul just now, and you just drilled into the crowd without paying attention. If I didn't stop it fast, I'm afraid you would have lost it."

What's more, it is in that state.

Gu Pan looked at her doubtfully, and then glanced at the team behind.

刚才 She seemed to see light cold just now.

"What's wrong? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Lin Lin Mengya grabbed her wrist. Fortunately, her wrist has slowly warmed up, not as cold as before.

我 "I, I seem to see light cold. He stood in the crowd, smiled at me, beckoned. But now it seems like a dream."

Gu Pan lowered his head, a little disappointed in his tone.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed, she certainly knew that feeling.

I hold Gu Pan in my arms. Isn't the emotion between them the same as myself and Yu?

"Okay, okay now. You will see him again, I promise you."

She sullenly murmured in her arms, and Gu Pan quickly adjusted her mentality.

Zhe Lin Mengya also brought her back to the teahouse. The situation just now seemed to be miraculous.

However, she also watched the dragon and lion dance performance just now, and there was nothing unusual.

After all, where is the problem?

At this time, Bai Su and Gu Pan's maid were too late.

"Master, are you two okay?"

Wu Baisu asked with some worry, just now they were blocked by a large number of people, and finally came over.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head. This girl always protected her excessively.

"Counter, why is your face so pale? Is it sick again?"

The servant girl came to Gu Pan and asked with concern.

Lin Lin Mengya thought, and asked the maid.

"Your home county governor, was it the same when you were sick before?"

The servant girl nodded and replied somewhat uneasily.

"The former lord's body was still healthy, who knows that he had a sudden illness a few days ago. His wrists are cold and people are sick, which can scare us."

Gu Gupan looked at the maid suspiciously. It seemed that she did not know the course of her illness.

Lin Mengya found the news she wanted.

"Don't you say, am I confused with a high fever?"

"Yes, you burned at that time and your eyes were straight. The slaves thought you were seriously ill!"

The words of those two people strengthened Lin Mengya's speculation even more.

In my opinion, this reaction should be that kind of medicine.

Hey, why didn't Xiaoyao give a warning just now?

Is it something else?

"It's okay. Your county chief just saw so many people and was scared."

She said half-jokingly, but Gu Pan glared at her and muttered that she was talking nonsense.

But Lin Mengya was not at ease. Gu Pan was so passionate about it, what if she went to the street to watch the dragon and lion dance?

"Otherwise, can you talk to the princess, would you like to come to my house for a few days?"

With this proposal, Gu Pan's eyes brightened and he nodded in a hurry.

I couldn't make a quick turn, so I pulled down a face.

不 "No, my mother said that we need to prepare things and go to the temple."

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