Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1340: Strange frozen corpse

The corpse was preserved intact. It seems that the low temperature here has helped a lot.

Zhe Lin Mengya took an oil lamp and carefully looked at the condition of the corpse.

Although his face is innocent, how strange is the corpse here that it looks like a living person?

She saw these people slaughtered with her own eyes. Generally speaking, it should not look like this.

I reached out and touched the limbs of the body.

Although it is frozen like a stone, the surface of the skin maintains strange elasticity.

"Be careful!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu wanted to stop it, but after seeing his woman's courage, she also learned to be silent.

She's worried, but she's more fond of her.

He truly deserves to be a woman he has seen twice before and it really is different.

"Have you checked the number of corpses? Have there been any changes in these days?"

She got up and looked at Long Tianyu and asked.

"Well, there are more than fifty corpses in total, not less than once."

She looked at the corpses, frowning slightly.

"Who was responsible for the bodies that day?"

"It is the guards of the winning streak, but they all said that the body had only been moved here. My people also saw it with their own eyes, and could not make a fake.

This is strange, the preservation status of the corpse is very unusual, and there are so few now.

Not to mention where these corpses were transported, but the snow are guarded by the Guards, how did they get them out?

Unless, these corpses will go away by themselves!

That will go, can it be called a corpse?

Lin Lin Mengya really wanted to scold her whimsically in her heart, but she suddenly thought of another thing.

It's not the first time that she has seen such things as controlling the walking of corpses. If there are suitable props, can these corpses also move?

She folded her hands and worshiped in her heart.

I did this myself to find out the truth of the matter and offend everyone's bodies, but don't be angry.

Then, looking at Long Tianyu said.

"Would you help, please take out a few corpses?"

It is naturally very convenient to have Long Tianyu here.

After a while, five corpses were carried to the open space outside the snow field.

But Lin Mengya did not rush forward, but let the corpse bask in the sun for a while.

Sure enough, something magical happened.

The frost on the corpse actually ablated a lot in a short period of time.

But, Long Tianyu, they didn't realize that there was anything unusual about this.

She reached out and touched the corpse's skin again. It took only ten minutes to make her skin soft again.

However, it feels a little bit wrong.

掀 She opened the arm of a corpse and found the blood vessels on the arm appeared gray and black.

It seemed to me that something was really inside the body.

She looked at the neck of the corpse, and each corpse had a peanut-sized hole in its neck.

The stuff is supposed to be injected from here.

"What's going on here? Why didn't you find out?"

Xun Long Tianyu watched as she fiddled with the corpses, her heart amazed, but she was slightly angry.

If it wasn't for him who missed her so much yesterday, I'm afraid they won't find these things today.

"It is a subordinate who is not good at doing things, please let the palace drop sin!"

"It's not their fault, it should be that there is something wrong with the body. Okay, now they can be carried back."

相信 She believes that Long Tianyu's people's ability to do things, if it is so easy to be noticed, they will not fail to find out.

She took out a handkerchief and wiped her hands, then Long Tianyu picked it up again and took the lamp to burn it.

Lin Mengya then spoke.

"I think, I know how they carried their bodies out. Have you seen the dragon and lion dance parade these days?"

Chen Long Tianyu shook his head. He was busy tracing these clues, basically there was no time.

"Well, I looked at it yesterday and found that some of the dragon dancing people in some of the teams are not quite right. Now that I think of it, it is not so much that they are dragon dancing, they are dragged away by the dragon."

方法 This method is really superbly cold.

If it is true, it can really be mixed up.

There are many people on the street, and there are still living people in the team. If she is not good at observing the human body, I am afraid that most people will ignore it.

"The dragon dance parade is generally composed of a family or a folk spontaneity. As long as you enter the city, the leader will go to the Guards to enter the city. Do you remember the appearance of those dragons?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, she suddenly remembered, as if Gu Pan had the symptoms of soul loss only after such a team passed.

It's hard to believe that it has something to do with the body?

But Xiaoyao still did not speak. It seems that the thing should be non-toxic to the human body.

"We'll check it now, maybe it's too late. Wait for me, I'll be right back."

Here are all his people, besides that, most of them are those corpses.

Zhe Lin Mengya had Bai Su beside her. There was nothing to worry about.

Seeing the man deploy the matter, Lin Mengya sighed softly.

If the purpose of those people is really only for the corpse, those people inside have died too much.

In recent years, although she has been used to life and death, she has no way to treat other people's lives so low.

"Let's go and see the slaves."

Lin Lin Mengya took Bai Su to the edge of the igloo.

的 The igloo here is naturally not delicately built by artisans, but it can at least block the cold wind.

"Is anyone inside?"

She asked softly, not long after, the door of the igloo showed a messy head.

"Who are you looking for?"

The man blinded his eyes and could only see that he was a young man.

"We're not looking for anyone. I heard you have wounded people here and see if there is anything I can help you with."

Before that, my five brothers were so busy with this incident. Now, as soon as the disappearance disappears, it will not be taken care of here.

This is why Lin Mengya still does not like this kind of slavery.

Whose life is not life?

哦 "Oh, there are no wounded here. They were all transported away."

"Shipping away? Where did it go?"

"Of course, it's a place to die."

男人 The tone of this man is not very good, but Lin Mengya can understand it to some extent.

"Can you tell me, then, where is the place to wait for death?"

Her repeated questioning makes the man dissatisfied with the game, or maybe he is surprised.

In short, he suddenly gave a mocking smile.

"Of course it is in a slave pit, this lady, I advise you not to go there. It is not the place for a lady like you to go."

When he finished speaking, the man shrank back.

Slave pit? This is the first time she has heard.

The other party obviously didn't want to talk to himself, so Lin Mengya didn't continue to disturb that person.

"Miss, Your Highness is back."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, looked at the strange igloo, and returned to Long Tianyu's side.

"Do you know where is the slave pit?"

Nine Dragon Tianyu looked at her and wondered why she suddenly asked such a question.

"That's a place where the bodies of slaves are buried, what's wrong?"

He was thrown there before he died.

At this moment, she understood why the elder brother was angry.

"The man just said that the slaves who had been hurt before were thrown into the slave pits. Can the officials in charge be heart-hard?

She admits that she is not a bad person.

If it is a situation that requires life to fight, she will not hesitate to give her enemy a fatal blow.

现在 But now, it's not the same thing as that.

"Come, go and see."

I didn't hesitate any more, Long Tianyu just wanted to be in this world, and there was nothing that could make her worry any more.

"Wait a minute, when you go to save people, remember to be in the name of His Highness Xi."


Nine Dragon Tianyu raised a brow and looked at him with a smile.

"Remember in the future, you must keep your name for good deeds, at least let others know that these good deeds are yours. As for the bad things, either finish the job or slip away, or use the banner of others to let others go."

Nine Dragons Tianyu almost couldn't hold back, because her shrewd little appearance really made him feel itchy.

"These corpses, don't let people move for the time being, don't let people burn them."

She looked at it and whispered.

If you want to find people behind the scenes, maybe you have to rely on them.

回来 came back from the snow field, Long Tianyu did not send her directly home, but received her own house.

Xi Xianren cooked some **** soup to drive off the cold, and also made her prepare a lot of hot water for bathing.

After her refreshing appearance in front of Long Tianyu again, Xiao's face blushed, not to mention how tempting.

Long Tianyu, who finished washing long ago, stared at her, until Lin Mengya felt a little embarrassed, and smiled and waved at her.

"Come here, sit by my side."

This is, are you greeting the puppy?

She was a little helpless, but unfortunately, she was very honest and sat beside him without any hesitation.

The room was actually very warm, but Lin Mengya felt that it was a little bit cold and couldn't help wrapping her clothes tightly.

男人 And the man was holding her in his arms.

"Are you cold?"

I shook my head, it was cold or not, just a little overwhelmed.

The man chuckled in her ear. The exhaled breath made her ears a little itchy. She couldn't help avoiding it for a while, but was pulled back by the man's iron arm.

别 "Don't mess around, let's be husband and wife."

The meaning is far-reaching.

Lin Lin Mengya felt a little awkward, but after all he obediently sat down on his lap.

"I heard Zengzu said that the eighth day is a good day. If that day goes out, everything will be fine."

"Well, listen to you."

Lin Mengya, who has always been able to speak, is now like a child who has just learned to speak.

Thousands of words were stuck in his throat, but he didn't know where to speak.

别 "Don't worry, I'm here and I won't leave you in the future."

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