Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1349: Priest's sacrifice

Cai Ling froze for a moment, probably did not expect that she would ask this question so quickly. !

因为 "Because I was asked by your brothers before, so I am"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him with determined eyes.

Wu Youi sighed, Cai Ling shook her head and said rather helplessly.

"I know, I can't hide you."

所以 "So, don't you plan to tell me your true purpose? Cai Ling, we can only help each other over there."

She was right, so Cai Ling didn't intend to keep it hidden.

"You know, our Cai family is the emperor's maid of the first dynasty, right?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded. Many people knew this.

"But what you don't know is that most of our Cai family was not killed by the imperial emperor of the dynasty. Rather than imperial imperial emperor imprisoned me, it is better to say that he is protecting the last part of the cai Bloodline. "

Cai Lingqingxiu's face has a slight sadness.

Ye Ke's eyes had sorrow.

"Actually, the Cai family originally had two. One family was the emperor's servant of the former royal family, and the other family was the businessmen for generations. Our family was the latter. But when the imperial power changed, the Cai family disappeared. Therefore, the royal family has become the current royal family. Gongya, do you know why the emperor 'shou' cannot have a fiefdom and has a detached status? That is because the emperor 'shou' is a sacrifice dedicated to the temple Product. "

The corner of Cai Ling's mouth had a cold smile.

It was the first time she saw the shy young man, smiling so bitterly and coldly.


These two words made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well, in fact, this is something my father tried to find out. Even the current emperor is not clear about it. This time I go, I plan to continue to investigate the matter. Gong Ya, I know you are very Worry about me, it's just this thing, you can't come in and come in. "

Cai Ling's attitude is very firm, Lin Mengya also knows that everyone has their own choices.

Now that Cai Ling is willing to tell her, it is also to let her understand its power.

"Okay, I promise you. But if you need my help, you must also tell me that Jedi can't hide me! Otherwise, I will sue your blackness when I go back and let my brothers clean up you . "

Her threatening weight was so heavy that Cai Ling had to agree immediately.

Lin Lin Mengya also used this to divert her attention.

After a sigh of sigh, she leaned against the window and froze.

I don't know what the big and small are doing now.

Almost before, Long Tianyu was leaving with her.

He just had a cocoon incident that made him have to delay a few more days in Longdu.

After exiting the gate of the city, Cai's carriage was waiting for them.

Cai Ling is a little uneasy, but she also feels that she is a bit unhappy because she misses her loved ones.

Quietly got out of the car, leaving her a quiet space.

The snow outside Luolongdu gradually showed signs of culture.

‘Spring’ is still here.

Although the new year has just passed, the road is not deserted at all.

Continuously, the carriages of other families passed by. I wanted to go to the temple side.

"Don't you say that only the top ten families will go? Why are all these people running towards the temple?"

Sui Er lay on the window and asked, rather confused.

"January Festival is the most important celebration of our nation's defense, in order to pray for good weather this year. So, as long as there are families with this condition and ability, they will go. But there are few families who can enter the temple . "

He explained, a martial artist named Li Xian.

After the death of the palace family, instead of leaving, Li Xianfei relied on his martial arts to earn rations for the palace family.

When Lin Mengya came back, he happened to be a temporary dart master and went out with others.

Li Xian was practical and martial arts, so he became a follower of Lin Mengya's personal protection.

"So it's no wonder."

I'm so relieved about Li Xian, so I talked a few more.

Bai Su didn't like to inquire as much as she did, but sat quietly beside Lin Mengya, holding a long sword in her hand.

保护 While protecting the master, she will not easily believe anyone.

"Miss, there are so many rules for this Moon Festival!"

I asked enough, and I immediately came back and talked with Lin Mengya and painted ‘color’.

I probably knew she was uncomfortable, so I wanted to make her happy.

"Yes, miss, where do we live if we arrive at the temple?"

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head and looked at her.

"Naturally I live in a house. The palace family has a house in the Holy City and Longdu."

这样 "So, but miss, those families who look at us unpleasantly also go to the temple. What if they arrive first, what to do in the house?

Now, my mind is not simple.

I heard that she went out and got over the Qingwei Club.

This is a bit of a surprise to Lin Mengya, but it also shows that the girl, 纭 er, has great potential.

"We'll be more careful by that time, right 纭, before I asked you to help me inquire about anything, do you have any eyebrows?"

"It said over there that it was not easy to handle. It would take me about three days to send me a message. I have arranged for someone to wait. The message will be sent to us as soon as it arrives. And, the owner, The temple. They wanted me to follow along, and I told them I would go by myself. So, there was no doubt. "

It turned out to be the case, but why did the owner of the Qingwei Hall go to the temple?

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the matter must be the secret of the Qingwei Club, but it was not so easy to detect.

"Okay, you have to be careful about everything. After that, Bai Su, you'll go with her. Be sure to protect her."

Bai Sudian agreed. She knew that her lord had His Highness beside her, and she should not want to worry about herself.

最快 From Longdu to the Holy City, the fastest journey is ten days.

They traveled day and night. After walking about three or four days, they were already sleepy.

"Miss, why should we go so anxiously?"

Li Xian is responsible for the security and scheduling of the entire team, so it is also the most tired one.

Gao Linmengya looked at everyone, and after a while of "touching", she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, let's rest in situ. From today, we can hurry normally."

Actually, she just wanted to make a time difference.

According to the rules, each family will inform the temple before they go, on which day they will arrive.

But the palace family did not know this would be the case this time, so she wanted to squeeze out at least two days, at least not so passively.

At the same time, such an attempt cannot express ‘exposed’ too clearly. In this way, the unexpected effect is lost, so she can only save time by being on the road.

Xun and his group sat by the road to rest, and Lin Mengya was also accompanied by Yuer and Bai Su, and got out of the car to relax their ‘legs’ and feet.

After a short while, a marching team arrived.

At first Lin Mengya thought they were another family, but the closer they got, the more skeptical Lin Mengya's eyes grew.

In the end, she almost had no control over the corners of her mouth, and slightly tilted.

It's them! They are coming!

"In front, but the Gong family?"

In the team, someone asked loudly.

先 Li Xian immediately stood in front of her, looking serious.

"Yes, may I ask--"

"it's me."

The low voice that was so familiar that Lin Mengya nearly burst into tears.

He finally arrived!

If it wasn't for grabbing the hands of Bai Su and 纭 er, Lin Mengya would almost rush away.

What a pity, their current status cannot tolerate her, she must restrain herself.

"It was His Royal Highness Xi, Caomin Li Xian, who has seen His Royal Highness, Your Highness."

的 The carriage following Long Tianyu also came over, a pair of small hands lifted the curtain, and Shuimu looked at her mother in front of her.

"His Highness, Your Highness has just been clamoring for Miss Gong, look!"

I care for His Royal Highness, naturally his teacher Xiao Yi.

Now he could only hug the chubby little body gently, unable to control the little guy to keep twirling around and break his hands.

"So there's something, just come here. My carriage is very spacious, and Your Highness doesn't crowd in."

The family in the palace knew that Her Royal Highness was close to her, so this was nothing.

It's the big one, the face 'color' doesn't look good.

After seeing the little thing entertaining his mother-in-law's carriage, the daddy standing sullen.

Why can only small things go? Does he want to go too?

Suddenly, everyone outside felt the low air pressure.

It's strange, if His Royal Highness doesn't like the little Highness to be close to Miss Gong, it's better not to let the Little Highness go down.

But he just allowed it, so why now, ‘yin’ has sunk his face ’?

Everyone is puzzled, but no one dares to ask.

Therefore, they probably will never know that His Royal Highness Xi, who seems to be wise and mighty, is actually eating his son's vinegar.

"Your Highness seems to be thinner. I have prepared some snacks made from cow's milk. Would you like one?"

的 The three people who were still tense just recovered their 'sexuality' immediately after the little thing came.

Zhe Lin Mengya held her baby in her arms, kissed and kissed, ‘knead’ and ‘knead’.

I was about to think that the mother was thinking tightly, and the baby tightly embraced her neck, and she refused to look up from her arms.

Qin Lian ate the snack that Bai Su gave him. He also had to send it to his mother's mouth first, and insisted on the principle of one bite and one mouthful.

Seeing the baby being so considerate, Lin Mengya's heart melted.

With this little thing, her life is more important.

"Master, don't let your Highness go back later. Your Highness is a big man who can't bring a child. Look, it's only been a few days, Your Highness has lost weight."

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