Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1354: Someone finds a difference

It seems to the temple that there is a very strict hierarchical distribution just like outside.

However, the group of people seemed to be in a hurry just now. In the end, what official duties are they going to handle?

"Captain, let's go quickly."

A bit more clever from the captain of the guards, the captain of the guards nodded and ordered everyone to leave immediately.

Lin Lin Mengya always felt that today's things seemed a little strange.

Where is Yun Ke? She couldn't tell.

Wusheng City is different from the Dragon. There are no shops here.

Almost all homes are exactly the same.

She found that the courtyard walls and houses here were all white.

This kind of color is too singular, which is good if you look at it from a distance.

But if you look at it for a long time, you will feel extremely boring and tedious.

Perhaps, it's because the gods are different from ordinary people like them.

统一 A uniform style plaque is hung outside each yard.

Neatly arranged, showing a bit of precise dryness.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the house belonging to the palace family.

"Here is the palace house, please take a good rest, I will retire first."

I set her and Bai Su at the door, and the captain of the guard left with his own.

"Master, what do they mean?"

Bai Su was suspicious, and the preparations she had just made were useless.

This is strange.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked at the direction in which the captain's carriage disappeared.

If she didn't guess, the captain of the guard should want her to hide alone.

But who this person is, she has no idea yet.

Because of this, she can avoid exposure to others.

As for who asked the captain, it is easy to understand.

In addition to the person who has over-protected himself every time, who else can have such ability and can help the guards.

That guy, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

"Master, let's wait for it first."

Wu Baisu suggested, Lin Mengya nodded, and the two pushed the door of the palace home.

I must have followed the plain white outside, and the decoration inside was much better.

Even though it is a bit old, you can still feel the exquisiteness and glory of the day.

It seems that although the outside here is almost the same, the inside should be arranged according to his own preferences.

It's okay, so that everyone lives in the same house, and they don't know if they went wrong.

There are no servants in the house of the Sanctuary. After each Moon Festival, those servants will leave with their master, and no one dares to stay here.

But before each visit, they can give out some silver two and let some believers in the temple clean up.

She didn't do anything this time, and she looked around.

跟 Just like when you lived in a hotel in the previous life, be sure to check for a pinhole camera.

She has been busy for a while, but fortunately, there is nothing unusual here.

It was already dark, Lin Mengya stood at the door and looked forward.

Why can't Yuner and Ninger still come? Did you meet someone who embarrassed them at the door?

Mediation was thought and felt impossible, after all, in addition to their people, Long Tianyu was also left.

Big deal, his people show his identity, and then see who dares to say anything to him.

I was waiting, and there was a crisp sound of horseshoe splash in the distance.

Lin Lin Mengya walked out immediately, but saw several horses, and came to her first.

怎么 "Why are you standing at the door?"

Turned off the horse neatly, Long Tianyu looked at her without wearing a cape and asked in a low voice.

"I'm waiting for my children, all of them have passed so long, why can't I see them?"

She stomped her feet and looked back.

Xiao Xiao's face was full of anxiety and couldn't help it.

Apart from 纭 儿, her baby is still in the car.

What if she had an accident?

他们 "They're okay, I've asked someone to bring them in. Don't worry, go, let's talk in."

Although there is no one on the street now, but the wall has ears, she remembers it firmly.

A few people immediately returned to the yard, Bai Su and a guard next to Long Tianyu closed the door tightly, and stood at the door watching.

"What about babies? What about them? And Cai Ling, how are they all now?"

Before she sat down, she threw a series of questions.

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled, and felt that Lin Mengya, who was so restless, was really interesting.

"Why are you always looking at me with such a smile? I'm asking you, Long Tianyu, if you do this again, I will be angry!"

What time is it, this guy still wants to make fun of himself?

I saw that she had really exploded. Long Tianyu waved her hand and comforted her.

"It's okay, they're all coming in. Don't worry, everyone is fine."

Finally, a heart was let down.

Everyone is okay, but it's no problem, but she still feels that today's things are weird everywhere.

"Long Tianyu, are you hiding something from me?"

This time, she put on a stance he must say.

Staring at the round eyes, his face was swollen and indescribably cute.

Xun Long Tianyu saw her look, but felt itchy.

夫人 His wife, it's really cute!

"No more trouble for you, how much can you guess today?"

By the way, noisy, no more noisy, changed to a guessing game.

Lin Lin Mengya rolled her eyes and said rudely.

"I can probably guess some, is that the guard, the one you're looking for? Also, is there anyone in the family who entered the city today, who wants to be bad for me?"

He nodded, it was almost the same.

"What do you want them to do against you?"

This guy, is she still addicted to the test?

"They didn't want to be against me here because we changed the time on the road and there was no palace sign on the car, so no one knew who I was except the captain and those at the door. You make people I was brought in alone because I was accidentally exposed when I checked my identity. In this way, everyone who knew me knew that I had reached the holy city. This is one of them. "

"So, what about the second?"

"The second thing is to avoid the team of people going out. In fact, even the doorstep, the so-called saint should be yours. He deliberately stopped the carriage in order to wait for those people to come. Wait until After the two sides passed by, they and I had no chance of meeting in the holy city again. In other words, you did not find out about this incident after they entered the city. So, you I chose to take the risk and played with a light and turned black. "

If their goal is her, then if they meet outside, they will definitely go and find out.

But in the city, I'm afraid it has been checked a long time ago.

The guards are naturally okay. Their carriages are generally not suspected.

In addition to the deliberate embarrassment of that saint, I am afraid that no one will feel that there is anything suspicious about the people inside?

"Yes, everything is correct. My smart lady, what kind of reward do you need?"

He smiled awkwardly, but saw that Lin Mengya wanted to blast him.

"Do you want your life?"

She said with a smile on her skin, but Long Tianyu knew that she was angry with her wife.

"Okay, I said I said."

"Actually, this is how it looks."

He shouted, but Lin Mengya was frightened.

"Once I came in, I should go to the temple and ask my teacher for help. Who knows, my eyeliner here tells me that someone among the saints has given you a high reward. I am trying to serve you in the temple Kill you, because no one has been receiving this reward, so no one took the task until the day before yesterday. The team you see is the "Hunter". "'


This holy mountain does not even have a mouse. Where does the hunter come from?

"He is different from ordinary hunters. The hunters here are specifically pursuing the opponents of the temple."

Do you still have this fun?

He said that the temple has indeed become worse and worse in recent years. No one can avoid this.

So there are more people who oppose it.

Those hunters are responsible for hunting these ‘prey’.

"It ’s too inhumane, right? Do n’t you understand the Temple of Freedom of Belief? Whoever I want to believe in, I do it.

what's up? "

"In this case, you can just talk in front of me, go out, don't say that, you will suffer."

Nine Dragons Tianyu has a rare humor, but Lin Mengya feels as if in a throat.

那 "Why do they want to hunt me? But I am not an opponent of the temple on the bright side? So, how can they deal with me?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu touched her little face and explained patiently.

"The existence of hunters is not just to clear the opponents of the temple. At the same time, because they have great power. So in order to earn extra money, they will use the banner of the temple to make money."

"It seems that I'm really valuable."

Lin Lin Mengya said indifferently, she probably guessed who was using her money to buy her life.

Unfortunately, the difference between yin and yang was discovered by Long Tianyu.

不过 "But your relationship with the temple, I'm afraid it's not that simple?"

She tilted her head and looked at Long Tianyu.

The latter was unconvinced, and he spread his grievances.

"I'm just a disciple of the Lord, that's all."

Lin Lin Mengya also wanted to know something, but that guy was Gu Weiwei in terms of him.

After her son and her baby were returned intact, her interrogation only came to an end.

"Miss, Your Highness."

Min Er carefully held Ning Er, the little girl was originally a petite and cute type.

Now, in order to let Ninger sleep more sweetly, his arms have been raised for a long time.

Lin Lin Mengya also had a hard time squeezing her and immediately took over the baby.

怎么 样 "How? After you come in, can anyone embarrass you?"

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