Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1356: Family rule

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Lin Lin Mengya gave Cai Ling a subconscious glance, who nodded slightly at her. :. Pinshu

She relaxed a little and followed behind the man.

I walked through the hall, and they reached the third floor. The man wanted to continue to lead them to the third floor, but Cai Ling stopped.

"Please leave this saint for a while."

Cai Ling's gentle voice, without any attack power.

The man thought he was in something and immediately urged.

"No matter what you do, go inside and say it again. If you don't get to the Moon Festival, aren't you here for nothing?"

"Master said yes."

He smiled and turned to Lin Mengya.

"The third floor is where the general family comes from. The palace family is one of the top ten families, and it's only going to the fifth floor. You go ahead, I'll wait for you here."

The man ’s face ’s color has changed slightly, but he really ca n’t pick out the disease.

Because Cai Ling is so elegant and polite.

I saw it as if he wanted to go by himself, for fear of delaying Lin Mengya's time.

However, in this way, he also knows exactly where Lin Mengya is going, and has not offended the saint.

"There is an overlord, Lord."

He gave Lin Mengya a soothing look, then turned his head and drank the person away without leaking water.


Beacon cried uneasily behind her.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

知道 She knew that coming here would definitely be embarrassing.

But to her some surprises, it turned out to be from now on.

I walked through the fourth floor to the fifth floor, which is indeed a little different from the one below.

If the lower floors look good, and if it's still popular, this place really looks like a cold temple.

Even the daring ‘girl’ who was so brave could shrink her neck.

"Miss, it's so cold here!"

She rubbed her arm, Lin Mengya knew that the reason why it was cold here was not because the temperature was too low, but because the place was so dull that people could create a chill from deep inside.

Here, no one came out to meet.

I waited until they entered the hall, only to see inside, sitting alone.

"Who is coming?"

The man had a clean face, and it looked like he was in his thirties, but those eyes were too old to have a 'wave'.

If it wasn't for the slight sound of breathing, she thought that the other party was just a cold doll.

"This is Miss Gongjia. Excuse me, where should we report?"

Even though she was panic-stricken, her child's face was not humble or humble, and she was very charming of her family.

The man looked at them with his eyes and asked coldly.

"Is there a famous post?"

"Yes, please look over."

Xiu Er put the palace's famous post on the table. After the man grabbed it, Zai carefully checked for a long time but was silent.

Gao Linmengya's heart was a little skeptical, but the previous events also sounded her alarm.

No matter what is wrong, she immediately ran.

In fact, the top ten families are just a little bit better. They can only buy a limited number of people. If she really wants to be against her, she won't be afraid to die.

By then, no one looks good.

好 "Okay, please wait a moment, please."

The man got up and went behind the hall.

Lin Lin Mengya and Yun Er were a little surprised, but they waited here for a few minutes.

When the man came out again, he took a few things.

"This is your voucher for entering and leaving the temple in the future. We will send the time of the first moon festival to your house later."

She saw the man come up with a small 'Jade' card, no words on his face, only a round moon pattern.

Alas, this month was missing a small gap, and there were five clouds next to it.

She doesn't know this thing, but Cai Ling said that it was definitely right to let her come to the fifth floor.

"Thank you."

She thanked her and left with her.

However, Cai Ling was not on the third floor. When she got to the bottom, she saw the man and was standing by the car waiting for herself.

"Received the monthly order?"

Zhe Lin Mengya took out her ‘Jade’ card and showed it to Cai Ling, who was obviously relieved.

"Let's go back and talk again."

Two people came back to the palace one after the other, and along the way, Lin Mengya turned over and over to watch the moon order.

Looking at the situation that Cai Ling attaches great importance to, obviously this is an important thing.

But the previous person said, isn't this just a voucher?

I accidentally met Long Tianyu at the door of my home. He stood at the door and smiled slightly after looking at himself.

Lin Lin Mengya was also very happy, she couldn't wait to jump off the carriage and returned to the house with everyone.

"Why are you here this time? Everything is done?"

龙 When Long Tianyu left before, he said he had very important things to deal with, and he may not come today.

So, seeing him here was a little pleasant surprise to Lin Mengya.

"Hidden in a hurry, come out to see your situation. After the moon order is in hand, you can rest assured for the time being. Now, no matter who it is, there is no way to stop you from attending the Moon Festival."

怎么 How did he know? She hasn't got her moon order yet!

"You guy, how do you know everything?"

She blamed her for her blame, but Long Tianyu just smiled and avoided her problems.

Zhe Lin Mengya is getting better and better, what exactly is this person hiding?

But she always trusted him. He didn't say, and she didn't ask.

"His Royal Highness."

Cai Ling also came to say hello, and his attitude with Lin Mengya was a little different. He seemed more relaxed and natural towards Yu.

It's strange, is it because they know the best?

"Well, you worked hard today."

"It's not hard work, and it was His Royal Highness' arrangement that didn't let those people succeed."

"okay, I get it."

I listened to the conversation between the two of them, as if playing a maze.

Lin Lin Mengya was really furious, and her small hand quietly struck Long Tianyu's waist, picking a soft spot.

What a pity, Long Tianyu did not change his ‘color’, everything was as usual.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to use too much strength, she only snorted with anger, then turned into the inner courtyard to change clothes.

Since she doesn't want to let her know, she might as well make them available.

When she reappeared in front of Long Tianyu, Cai Ling was gone.

"Where is Cai Ling?"

"I asked him to go back to rest first, and I said, can we two have a discussion?"


"Can't stop here, it hurts."

"Deserve it!"

Although Nine Dragons Tianyu is a discussion, the shallow smile does not seem to mind such a thing.

Two people looked at each other and smiled. Both of them are here. Of course, they have the tacit understanding of others.

"How are you feeling in the temple today?"

Gao Linmengya recalled everything that happened today and couldn't help wondering 'confusing' again and again.

"You and Cai Ling made this arrangement because you were afraid that I would be embarrassed and unable to get the monthly order smoothly, right?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, indeed.

"However, this month's order is not useful for me except for me. So, someone wants to replace the palace family, right?"

Her feeling is really keen, and even Long Tianyu was slightly surprised.

Alas, if he can remember the past, it would not be so.

"Well, my people have received the news. Some people want to completely remove your palace family and replace the palace family as one of the new top ten families. Fortunately, we came early, otherwise they would really succeed. "

On this point, Lin Mengya is not worried at all.

Since Long Tianyu has received such news, he will never do anything to prevent it.

这样 He said this, it was nothing more than to make her thank him.

Hey, yes, my husband and wife, why are you still playing this kind of ‘flower’?

"Are you in a hurry?"

After waiting for a while, Long Tianyu, who did not get the desired response, could not help asking.

I didn't expect it, but got two big eyes for my beloved wife.

"Just joke like this, believe it or not, I'll kick you out!"

She opened her eyes wide and threatened to wave her little fist.

Jiu Long Tianyu immediately ‘showed’ an expression of “he ’s so scared”, but with a smile in his eyes.

"Well, it's no trouble. Now that you have got the moon order, then it is imperative for you to participate on behalf of the palace family, regardless of whether other people are willing or not. The only thing you have to do The thing is to prepare a sacrifice for the temple. "

Burnt offering?

She immediately remembered what Lien told her, she didn't want to send her son out.

Do n’t say it ’s a temple, the Emperor ‘Jade’ will not do it!

瞧 "Look at you, what do you think! Ning'er is our two children, can it be achieved, am I the kind of person to give children for honor?"

He looked around and knew what this girl thought.

I pinched her pink face with a bad temper, Long Tianyu lost to her.

"The emergence of the top ten families depends not only on the strength of the family, but also on the sacrifices given to the temple in the first moon festival. But this offering is not everything. I have done it for you before. Something has been found, and you will be familiar with it at that time. Maybe it can be of great use. But if no one challenges you, these things will not be used. "

挑战 "Challenge?" She was a little skeptical, and Long Tianyu started to explain it in detail for her.

It turned out that after the birth of the top ten families, according to the rules, the temple could not be given.

Of course, if you want to gain more power, the top ten families can continue to offer sacrifices.

But at that time, offerings were not so simple.

As for the other families, if the family has reached a certain level, you can fight with the family of one of the top ten families to offer sacrifices during the January Moon Festival to see who is more precious and rare.

Once you win, you will get the bench qualification of the top ten families.

As long as his family loses, the substitute family can seize this position.

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