"Your Highness, please take the overall situation as the top priority, and you must not be obsessed!"

He Cien didn't succeed, but looking into their eyes, she brought a slight killing.

Gao Linmengya shrank a hole, not good, that man wants to kill Long Tianyu!

"Let me down, you go all out against him, be careful!"

She struggled to turn over from Long Tianyu's hands, and Lin Mengya's small dark crossbow in her sleeve never became her protective weapon.

But in the other hand, she didn't know when to pull out a small dagger.

If that group of people prevails, even if she is dead, she will pull them back.

"City, don't hurt His Highness Xi. Miss Gong, do you have the heart to see His Highness Xi leave for you?"

Finally, the scene returned to the control of Bailiting.

Even if His Highness Xi will resent what they can do, as long as things are done, they are the most noble people in the entire patriotic country!

Murong Xi only relies on the royal family. As long as the royal family is gone, Murong Xi has no threat.

He wants Mu Rongxi to see with his own eyes the day when he reached the top of the country.

"His Royal Highness, you can't beat me!"

He Cien sneered and continued to fight with Long Tianyu.

But Long Tianyu's martial arts are extremely high, but He Cien is at a disadvantage. However, Long Tianyu couldn't shake his entanglement for a while.

Lin Lin Mengya was so anxious that her people were inside and out. How could she be good?

"Go, grab Gongya! As long as she is in our hands, Mu Rongxi will cast a jerk!"

Baliting narrowed his eyes and looked coldly at Lin Mengya.

Sometimes, a few people bypassed the two fighting people and rushed straight at her.

Lin Lin Mengya pretended to be afraid, and turned to run into the corner.

But the dark crossbow in his hand is ready to go.

A little closer, as long as the crossbow can attack, she can send a shameless person back to her hometown.

Finally, she was forced into the corner.

The two homeowners smiled slightly and approached her slowly.

"Don't come over! I warn you, don't!"

立刻 She immediately pretended to be panicked, waving her arms and shouting loudly.

"Miss Gong, you still have a good way!"

Among the three people, there was the jumping beam clown.

But at this moment, his pair of thief eyes stared at her slender waist.

What a pity! Such a beauty is boring to be nailed in a coffin.

Suddenly, he had an obscene idea.

I am even more urgent about catching Gongya.

"Little beauty, don't run away!"

The man rushed up, but before he met Lin Mengya, he only heard a ‘噗嗤’, a small crossbow passed through his chest.

He fell to her feet by mistake, and did not know how he died before he died.

"Help, help!"

The two people behind him were a little hesitant. Lin Mengya screamed and immediately drew the attention of the two people.

还有 She also has two crossbows in her hand, and if she is lucky, she can escape.

I did not expect that at this time, the remaining people also began to contain her.

She took a look at Long Tianyu and was surprised to find that He Cien, who was originally in a disadvantage, actually had a tie with Long Tianyu.

The more Ji Long Tianyu was in a hurry to save her, the more fierce He Cien's shot was.

知道 She knows that if this goes on, Long Tianyu will lose out sooner or later.

"Your Highness, you don't have to worry about me! If I die here today, you will avenge me!"

She shouted loudly and looked fearlessly at the people in front.

"it is good."

Xiaolong Tianyu answered coldly, with a dangerous murderous tone in his tone.

Ji Bailiting also felt his killing intention, and immediately signaled a few people here to help.

In his opinion, Murong Xi is more difficult to deal with than Gong Ya.

In this way, the enemies they both have to deal with are quite a lot.

Bali Ting estimated that they never dreamed of it. This is their combat strategy.

Even so, four guys stood before her.

"I warn you, but I can't touch it. You are not afraid, will the palace family go to your house to seek revenge?"

While warning the homeowners, she took out the poison she had with her.

And the dagger in her hand is also on standby at any moment. As soon as the critical moment comes, she will cut off her flesh and blood and release the poisonous blood of the world.

At that time, even a little poisonous gas is enough to be fatal.

The four people surrounded her in groups, and when they were about to start, there were several sounds of fighting outside.

不好 "No, someone is here, speed up!"

Baliting's face changed, and he hurriedly called out and pushed the door out.

As soon as he was there, He Cien was just like crazy, he seemed to feel no pain at all, and he was moving faster and faster.

Sui Xiaoyao suddenly became a masterpiece and warned Lin Mengya that He Cien found a lot of highly toxic substances on her body.

Every time Long Tianyu fights with him, he will get some. In the end, he may die with poison!

On her side, four people rushed at her at the same time.

As soon as Lin Mengya was cruel, she was ready to scratch her wrist with a dagger.

Today, even if she died here, she will have to pull down a few to be the back!

I didn't expect that at this moment, the door was opened by someone!

"Stop it for me!"

Suddenly that sound was familiar to her.

I hadn't waited for her to react, and the four men surrounding her flew out in no time.

Then, someone jumped to her side.

"Those who dare to move Miss Gong, die!"

The man was in black and had a cold temperament.

His long hair covered one side of his eyes, so that after seeing him, he only felt that this person was a little too dark.

Holding a long whip, the speed is like electricity.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced in shock, how could it be him?

"Go to save Your Highness!"

She didn't have time to ask others, she called out immediately.

At the same time, another person entered the room.

The man was wearing white shoes and black shoes with a silver mask on his face.

"Miss will not panic, Your Royal Highness will be fine."

I answered her, the man who had just come to her.

Lin Lin Mengya believed what he said, and couldn't help watching the tension between Long Tianyu and that perverted guy.

Hurry up, or it will be too late to detoxify!

Lin Lin Mengya was anxious, but did not understand why the two people were not nervous at all.

Finally, with a bang, He Cien was kicked aside by Long Tianyu.

He Cien was already covered in blood at this time, lying on one side silently.

"His Royal Highness!"

The man with the silver mask walked quickly to his side and took a pill to feed him.

Zhe Lin Mengya was a little surprised. The small medicine showed that the content of toxins in Long Tianyu's blood was rapidly decreasing.

This is, the antidote!

"How could a hunter come here?"

A few people who were knocked to the ground were frightened to spit.

From the moment the two of them entered the door, the bodies of several people were shaking constantly.


Lin Lin Mengya looked at them both one by one. They are all people she knows. Why now they have become hunters in the temple?

"I will explain this to you personally later. Now, please move forward first, and we will take care of it."

The whipman was gentle and courteous. It seemed that in front of Lin Mengya, he instantly disintegrated the coldness.

The same is true of the silver masks. They all have strange and friendly attitudes towards Lin Mengya.

A few homeowners were stupid. I heard that the captain and deputy captain of the Hunters team were notoriously grim.

How could I be so kind to Gongya.

"No, I won't go!"

She stood there, her eyes covered with blood.

"I must deal with my enemies myself."

The so-called aftercare, she wanted to know what was going on.

The two of them are not trying to hide her, just treating her as an ordinary woman.

The two men were a little embarrassed and looked at Long Tianyu.

"Ya'er going to stay, you just let her stay. Isn't she clear about her means?"

After Jiu Long Tianyu detoxified, it was not a big deal, but the fighting just now made him feel a little relieved.

Twenty-two were obedient to him as before.

"Yes, miss, please."

Zhe Lin Mengya rolled up her sleeves and stood in front of those people with all her spare time.

"Take He Ci'en away first, and dare to take action with His Royal Highness. I want to let him know and offend me!"


He Hecien was seriously injured, but Lin Mengya had a way to rescue him.

Then, let him taste the taste of purgatory on earth.

When the rest of the people saw Gongya's sudden change in painting style, they couldn't help but feel terrified.

"You all want to kill me, right?"

She asked softly, the charming smile on her face, but with the coldness of hell.

"Then, take it easy!"

Her eyes were cold and she caught the man's whip in her hand.

That night, the screams in the room were called purgatory on earth.

Taking a sigh of relief, Lin Mengya was finally at ease and left the room with Long Tianyu.

I just, the people who carried it out were all breathless.

Xiao Long Tianyu was slightly injured, but at the moment, she followed carefully.

"come here."

Except for the yard, she stopped suddenly and said to Long Tianyu.

The latter was a little embarrassed, but still walked obediently.

"Wound, does it still hurt?"

Her little hand gently stroked the **** wound, just a moment ago, and now when I think about it, she still feels scared.

Xiao Long Tianyu immediately shook his head, trying to explain, but couldn't raise it.

Haw felt, and he suddenly felt the wound with a touch of warmth.

He immediately held her little face, but saw her tears full / full of eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you. Mengya, don't cry!"

How cautious was Chen Longyu, he must have sent someone to follow him.

So, how could she let her go to the meeting with one hand?

The hunters who came out suddenly and just rescued them both.

This matter, she thought about it and knew what it was for.

"Do you know that if you come alone, you will die!"

She's sad, not because Long Tianyu lied to her.

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