Lin Lianxing frowned, blocking her tightly.

"Master, what do you mean? This little brother, but my friend of Lianxing. If you want to get someone, you must first ask me, do you agree?"

Master Yu Yu looked at him with a smile on his skin, but there was a glimmer of cold light in his eyes.

"Master Xiaolian, why are you suffering? I think this little boy is extraordinary, so why don't you want to be friends? Isn't this little boy afraid of seeing me? Is it weird? For your Majesty, how can you do it, I can't? "

In these words, there was a lot of resentment.

Lin Lin Mengya secretly made a bad noise in her heart. It seems that this person is in conflict with the two brothers Li Xing.

And this time, it is difficult to say whether it was Wu Ning's target or she was implicated.

In short, this person is bad.


Pian Lianxing was a little angry, and came forward to want to reason with the other side, but she was held back by her.

Now, the enemy is weak.

And more importantly, Lian Xing and Lian Sheng must not do anything with Master Yu.

She thought for a while, if it didn't work, she would have to go back with Master Yu first, and then wait for the opportunity to act.

But this method is somewhat risky.

She won't try it easily unless she has no choice but to do so.

"Even adults, we are all officials in the same dynasty, but they are also your right arm. Your brother is not sensible, presumably you should not be like this?"

Master Yu Yu smiled and watched the winning streak, and in his eyes, he was bound to get it.

Qi Lianxing turned around and looked at his elder brother.

He doesn't believe in winning streak, but this matter is really difficult to choose.

"Lian Xing, you must not be rude to Lord Yu."

"Brother, you"

Li Lianxing was anxious. He knew that the winning streak was for his good, but Gongya, he would definitely not hand it over!

The smile on Master Yu Yu's face was even brighter, but in his look, there was a little disdain.

In my opinion, those rumors in Beijing must be true.

Qi Lianjia, but that's all.

"Lian Lian understands the truth, I will take it first. I am assured that if there is nothing wrong, I will send the little boy back to the house. I will leave first."

Master Yu Yu thought that he had won the final victory.

But when the person who wanted to go took them, the winning streak kept them behind him.

"Person, you can take it away. But this little brother is our cousin. If there is any problem with Master Yu, it would be better to take away the winning streak together. This is more convenient."

Master Yu Yu's expression seemed slightly stiff.

He never thought that at the critical moment, it was the winning streak that stood up to stop him.

"Lord, please think twice. We all do for Your Majesty. Your Majesty's temperament, you must be clearer than me. If you really violate His Majesty's orders, you can't afford it."

Lin Mengya knew that things had become more troublesome.

In fact, in the beginning, Lord Yu was not so much about catching people as it was for troubles of winning streak and star.

坏 This matter is bad, and even the stars have hit each other, making Master Yu indulge in jealousy, which has become even more distorted.

Now, I'm afraid this is not good.

"Huh! Do you think I will be afraid of you? Master Yu, don't forget, we are all around you, why are you, my majesty, only trusting your gossip and not our confession? You are not saying my friend Is there a problem? Well, then I will take him into the palace now, and when I come down to judge, right or wrong. "

Qilian Lianxing was a Lianxing, and all of a sudden came over.

He said, holding her hand and walking out of the woods.

Master Ye Yu's men stopped the road.

"Master Xiaolian, why are you doing this? Since it is going to be Your Majesty, then, since you are now working, you will not bother you."

For this person, Minghuo is fighting to steal someone.

Qi Lianxing stared at the other side, the disgust in his eyes was no longer covered.

Master Yu Yu waved his hand, and his men were getting closer and closer, and the situation was about to start.

"Mr. Yu, since you are all colleagues, why have you been like this?"

She can't let the two winning streak happen, otherwise, that's really my uncle's uncle.

She came out and smiled at Master Yu.

"It's just a trip with grown-ups, it's only a long experience, where do I need to move my sword?"

She relaxed as easily as possible and said with a smile.

Pian Lianxing was anxious, but was pushed back by her secretly.

Suddenly, the winning streak was instantaneous, and she understood her meaning, seizing the arm of Lian Xing secretly.

"My grown-up laughed. I grew up in the mountains since I was young. I have never seen a big market. The two cousins ​​are also afraid of me becoming ugly and make them laugh. If the grown-up really wants to invite me, it is really mine. with pleasure."

Master Yu Yu's gaze was always staring at her coldly.

I heard the words, but sneered.

"You said you were going now, wasn't it a little late?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly, but there were no flaws.

"Master's meaning, I do not understand it."

"Miya, you are so brave!"

She was surprised in her eyes, and then asked as if she heard the name for the first time.

"Gongya? This name sounds familiar. I remember, two cousins, it seems that they have a friend, just call this name. That person looks so much like me, that even adults have mistaken What? "

Master Yu Yu narrowed her eyes and stared at her as if looking for her flaws.

Unfortunately, Lin Mengya had already cultivated her ability to stay calm, even if the crisis was near, she could still change her face.

"Hum, yes or no, take it home and you will know, come, take her away!"

Master Yu Yu's hands rushed up and looked at him and would hold her.

But there, Lian Xing could only watch all these things in an anxiety, but couldn't break away from his brother's hand.

"You let me go, I can't let them take her away!"

Xilian Xing hurriedly whispered, but the winning streak actually had its own plan.

"Okay, then I'll count three, let's go together!"

Lin Lianxing nodded secretly, and Lian Sheng also relaxed his brother's control.

"Three, two, one!"

The two men were going to grab someone in an instant, but the first guard who met Lin Mengya's horns suddenly changed his look and pulled away immediately.

The sound of breaking through the air came, only to hear a 嗖, a long arrow, nailed to the ground.

"Who! Get out!"

Master Yu Yu gave a cold drink, and saw behind him a group of men and horses riding on the horse.

But everyone couldn't help changing his face after seeing the two men right away.

She saw him riding, and came slowly.

The man is tall, handsome and erect.

I just pouted at the corner of my mouth, looking differently arrogant.

He walked out of the forest, and seemed to be full of luster behind him.

Wu Ke is like the icy ice on the top of the mountain, with the chill that is proud of the world.

Only Wei, when looking at her, brought a three-point warmth.

But just this little warmth is enough to melt everything, like the scene of Shengchun.

She looked at him a little, and approached herself a little.

Then, stopped not far from her.

"Do you want to die?"

He held the bow with one hand, and it seemed clear who the arrow had come from just now.

Master Yu Yu's face changed drastically, he immediately knelt on the ground, and said respectfully.

"Xiaguan, have seen Prince and His Royal Highness!"

There was a few drops of cold sweat on Master Yu's forehead.

If only His Royal Highness His Royal Highness was good, His Highness Xi was not only aloof, but also had an extraordinary relationship with the Emperor.

What ’s more important is that before that, Emperor Zun once asked him to let him know that he would n’t disclose to His Royal Highness what he was looking for.

Now, no matter whether the little boy is pretending to be Gong Ya or not, he can't take it away.

Moreover, if this caused the suspicion between His Highness Xi and His Royal Highness, then he would have no choice but to die!

"Yu Ming, you are so powerful."

His Royal Highness Gao's face was cold, and he did not seem to be in a good mood.

Gao Linmengya was relieved in secret, but fortunately, at the critical moment, the two of them arrived.

Her lowered her head and gently touched her chest.

But did not expect that the next second, her waist was captured.

She only felt that she was light and lifted up into the air. She was just like this and was taken up by a horse.

"Your Highness, you are"

She exclaimed a little, and looked at Long Tianyu with a perplexed look. The subconsciously supported him on his chest.

I didn't expect that the man didn't look at her, and pressed her small head firmly on her chest.

"She is mine, do you understand?"

This guy! Why did you say it so easily!

She was a bit messy. Before she was afraid of dragging him down, she secretly went out to meet Lian Sheng.

I didn't expect it to be exposed.

After all this time, I guess it's going to be repaired.

"Here, Xiaguan understands. Only His Highness, he may be the one His Majesty the Emperor wants to find, you."

What I never said, let him take a look, and was swallowed back by Yu Dasheng.

"If Your Majesty wants someone, let him ask me. No one can touch her, otherwise, die!"

His voice rang out in her ear.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed in her heart, but her body relaxed again.

Actually, she knew him best.

If it is not the best way to swear sovereignty directly, he will definitely choose another method to help her.

I could not help but smile, just now, he looks so handsome!

Nine Dragons Tianyu's mood is better because of the woman in her arms.

But he can't allow anyone to hurt her.

Even if it is the order of His Majesty the Emperor.

Master Yu Yu gritted his teeth. He knew that it was difficult to take him away today.

He also knew that this man must be Gong Ya.

I only hate that he came so late, otherwise he would have taken someone away now.

"Yes, Xiaguan is clear. But if His Majesty blame comes down, Xiaguan will be powerless."

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