Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1461: Druggist missing

At this time, the thigh was clasped, and she knew she was called the eldest sister.

At the time, when she dumped her little girl, I didn't know how many pounds of water had been in her head.

"She? Can she do it? There is nothing the disciples of the sage doctor can do, she can have a woman."

Just now, the square-faced man who came to the letter, staring at a pair of bull's eyes, did not seem to believe her appearance.

Lin Lin Mengya snorted coldly, glanced at the man, and walked to the bed.

"I'm all looking at Yun'er's face. If you have any conscience, don't ask her to cry for you in the future. If you make her sad again, I will be the same as the queen of the day Nor will you have the opportunity to reunite! "

She whispered to Xie 晗, who nodded solemnly.

Actually, she doesn't know where, Xie 晗 is really sincere to 纭 Er, but she can't make a turn in this moment, fearing to endanger her little girl.

Otherwise, she wouldn't blink even if someone died in front of her today.

On the bed, Crazy Star was gone, black blood was all over the mouth and nose.

She already knows what kind of poison he is.

毒 The poison first invaded his internal organs and then spread all over his body.

Finally, under the madness of pain, the muscles of the whole body ulcerated, and they could only hurt the heart and then gradually approach death.

If it ’s not the deep internal force of Madness Star, and after taking a lot of antidote after poisoning, I'm afraid she won't live.

I stretched out her hand, she caught Mad Wing's wrist, and for a while, she knew her injury.

"I'll give you a recipe right away, anyway, I will see these medicines in an hour. Have you got a silver needle?"

She played with the formula, and after giving it to Xie 立刻, she immediately turned her head and asked the teenager.

The latter nodded violently, and quickly turned it out of the carry-on medicine box and handed it to her.

"All of you go out and let a careful person come and wipe him poisonous blood for me at any time."

She is calm and wise and methodically gives orders.

But several people around did not know who she was, and there was still some hesitation between the looks.

"Come on! Do you want him to die?"

声音 Her voice suddenly cooled down, and the few of them suddenly felt in their hearts, subconsciously following her order.

Xie Xie nodded at her, and went to work with his own hands.

After pinching the silver needles, she adapted to the feel of the silver needles and began to apply needles to crazy evil stars.

The first shot made her particularly difficult.

But as the second stitch started, it became much smoother.

Until the end, she acted like clouds and flowing water. The teenager who watched was stunned and almost held her breath.


刚 He just wanted to ask a question, but she glanced up at him, which meant that she didn't want anyone to bother.

The young boy obediently covered his mouth, but a pair of cat eyes looked at her round and round, with doubts and admiration in her eyes.

After Xun's injection, she quietly opened her mouth.

"You know why you couldn't save him just now?"

The young boy shook his head immediately, with a little loss on his face.

He lowered his head and drew his own corner of clothing. Obviously, what he just made made him very blame.

"Are you always lazy and do not study your master skills and give you the basic skills?"

Before the words came out, the teenager looked at her in surprise.

"You, how do you know?"

"Huh! Healer, holding in your hand is the patient's most precious life. If you make a mistake and use the wrong treatment method, if the person is not dead, it is God who cares for you, not his life. To die, I am afraid that in this life, you have to live in guilt. "

She was cold and talked relentlessly.

The guilt of the juvenile grew more and more suddenly, and a few golden beans slipped from his eyes.

However, he is still stubborn and don't overdo it. He probably doesn't want to be regarded as a crying bag.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head. There is also such a big child in her family.

When I saw the boy, she couldn't help thinking of Xiaoyu.

He didn't know that child, what happened now.

Unable to soften his heart.

"Okay, don't cry. I'm here today, probably the arrangement of the Lord. You study medicine well in the future, don't do what you do today, you must know that life is too big."

When she was in medical school, she learned a lot from her mentor.

She still remembers that she was always an old teacher who smiled and laughed. The first time she got angry was because someone had misdiagnosed it.

Although, this is just a simulation experiment.

Ye Ke, the old mentor, was flushed with excitement.

至今 She still remembers what the instructor said.

Fatal life, greater than heaven.

So whatever she decides to save, she must do her utmost to exhaust everything.

The treatment before the juvenile was to use some tiger and wolf medicine, want to get rid of toxins and accelerate detoxification.

This point, if used on other poisons, it may be a good way.

But Mad Shaxing is different. His medicine should be active in medicine. If you want to treat or delay time, you should first suppress the spread of toxins and then use it for other purposes.

Even if it is not clear what the poison is, some general situations can still be understood.

她 When she came in, people saw that it was no longer possible, it was obviously a teenager, and she misjudged the situation of the crazy star, so it would accelerate the spread of toxins.

"I know I'm wrong, but I can't learn medicine anymore."

The juvenile didn't know what he thought of, and he couldn't help feeling sadness and crying.

She was a little overwhelmed, and she didn't intentionally make people cry.

For a while, it was neither coaxing nor coaxing.

I let outsiders see and thought she was bullying a child.

I could only look for Long Tianyu who had been by her side for help.

I saw the man frown, and said coldly.

"do not Cry!"

Suddenly, the young man heard the sound, but a pair of watering cat eyes looked at Long Tianyu timidly, seeming very afraid.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but feel a little funny, it seems that the power of his magistrate is still quite great.

"Come here, tell me, how did he get hurt?"

He said that things had something to do with him.

Although Lin Mengya doesn't want to worry about her business, since Long Tianyu brought her here, she obviously has something to do with Xie Yi's Zhenlongtang.

Therefore, she must ask clearly before and after.

The young boy pouted and said the cause and effect softly.

It turned out that the boy was a disciple of a poison master in Qiandufang.

He is just that the poison master is not the same as Master Jia. He was not willing to become a poison master in Qiandufang, but was forced by life and had to help him.

The two masters and apprentices lived carefully in Qiandufang.

Fortunately, although his teacher has different conjunctivities, his poison is superb, and many antidote drugs come from his writing.

Therefore, in Qiandufang, the two masters and apprentices have a place.

But a few days ago, after his master came back from the outside, he was dignified and thoughtful.

The juvenile repeatedly asked and found nothing.

Later, his master secretly sent him to Zhenlongtang.

Because his Master and Mad Star are old acquaintances, and Zhenlongtang has always been interested, they are invited to be doctors in the hall.

He did not expect that the master had an accident the day after the boy arrived at Zhenlongtang.

"Originally, I had an appointment with Master. Yesterday he resigned as a poison master in Qiandufang. But I waited and waited until Master didn't come. After a while, someone came to call me, saying that my master was detained I was in Qiandufang. So I followed the man to find Master, but I did n’t expect that this man attacked me halfway. Fortunately, Brother Mad saw that not only saved me, but also promised me to help me find my master. But , But my master did n’t find it. When Brother Crazy was brought back, he also became like this. If I were to wait here honestly, this would never happen! "

The young boy secretly wiped his tears and looked pathetic.

But the information revealed in it surprised Lin Mengya secretly.

可 She came out of Qiandufang, and no one can answer the questions in her heart.

"I ask you, do you know Master and someone named Jia Xing?"

The young man heard the words and nodded immediately.

"They are all poison masters in Qiandufang. They naturally know each other. However, Jia Xing is lonely and always sells some inferior medicine. I heard that he often abducts some customers. My master sees Not meeting him, it ’s just a nod. But my master said that this person's ingenuity is unfathomable, so that if I can not contact, I should not contact. "

In my opinion, Qiandufang is not unaware.

Only once, this kind of thing is very common in ghost markets. Second, it is because Jia Xing's medicine can bring high profits.

The owner of the Qianqian Pond Shop said that Baile was a trader selling poisons.

For this money tree, he naturally just opened one eye and closed one.

"Where is your Master now?"

The young boy shook his head and sniffed.

"My Master, he is missing, Brother Crazy and Brother Xie, sent a lot of people to help me find, but I can't find my Master. They said that my Master is likely to have an accident."

The young boy was depressed, and Lin Mengya looked at him with a soft heart.

孩子 This child is also rare, and Xie 晗 and Mad Shaxing are so good to him and his master, which shows that the nature of these two people is very good.

In this large dyeing tank, there are still two people, and there is no annihilation of human nature.

"What's going on outside? Xie 晗, but have a fight with others?"

"Well, since Brother Xie has been here, every now and then, there has been some friction with others. But this time, the cost is a bit heavy. If it were not for me, Mad Brother would not lie in bed. I have seen Brother Crazy fights, his martial arts and strength are really great. They all blame me and make everyone hurt. "

Squinting at the teenager's self-disgust, Lin Mengya quickly shifted the subject.

"Yes, you go and see if the medicine has come. If it comes, you can fry it for me."

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