Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1486: New hatred and old hate

"now what?"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at those people with determination.

Everyone was silent because they, like Hua Leopard, saw the doorway.

"Medicine, only the people in our town Longtang can sell and receive it. You go back and think about it, and then come back to me. The world is so big, why do you mix in this mud pond."

They are trivial and they can naturally distinguish.

The first one was chased and killed by Zhenlongtang, maybe the original foundation was lost.

The other is to follow Zhenlongtang, as Yinyue said, to conquer the world outside the ghost market.

As long as the SLR is not a fool, it can basically make the most advantageous choice.

The bosses dispersed with thoughts, Lin Mengya also changed her clothes and went out of the ghost market secretly under her cover.

After confirming that there was no tail behind her, she hurried to the woods not far away.

"Keep outside, if anyone comes near, report immediately."

He told him to go inside.

Deep in the woods, a pony car was parked.

She hurriedly walked over. When the people inside heard the movement, she immediately opened the curtain and jumped down.


She nodded at Bai Su, and slid into the carriage.

The latter also went around for a while, and after turning around, he was sure he was OK, then turned back.

老师 "Teacher, how is Longdu these days?"

Inside the horse-drawn carriage, Barry Rui was also dressed up neatly.

After seeing her students safe and sound, she also had a lot of worry in her eyes.

He shook his head slightly.

"Not good, there is no small contradiction between Emperor and Emperor. Emperor Zunnan married a new concubine the other day without the consent of Emperor."

This kind of thing is tantamount to beating the face of the posterior.

However, it is not surprising that the couple can develop into what they are today.

"Let them go to the nest to fight first. Only then will it be good for us. Right, I came here today to ask the teacher, what is the origin of this thing?"

She opened her palm, and Barry Rui looked at the seal, but her eyes were a little complicated.


"Although I promised the teacher that I wouldn't follow up easily. But you know, I have seen something similar in the hands of others, you see."

She just took out the letter, and Barry Rui almost snatched it away.

She was a little surprised, but she didn't expect the teacher to be so excited.

But when the teacher finished reading the war book, he looked a little skeptical.

不可能 "It's impossible! The poison door has long since disappeared. How could there be a second poison door seal in this world?"

After speaking, Bai Lirui put the letter under his nose, and after carefully sniffing, the surprise in his eyes was deeper.

"This is the bone bone letter! At first, only the poisonous people knew how to make this bone ink, how could it be in your hands?"

She was shocked, and she really knew the truth.

But before she asked her question, she could hear outside, and Bai Su hit the car three times.

Two beeps are fast and one is slow.

According to their agreement, this is a secret sign approached by someone.

She and the teacher immediately answered, lay at the window, and looked out secretly.

Li Shuying shook, but didn't hear any footsteps, I'm afraid that the master came.

The people she brought with her did not even issue a warning.

Either that, the people who came are too martial arts, they have no chance.

Either that

She clenched her fists secretly, who came from the end?

Within the forest, a voice came gradually.

She seems to imply some kind of rhythm, but not like some musical instrument she has heard.

"Is Willow Flute ?!"

Nostalgic, came the inexplicable voice of the teacher.

She hurriedly asked in a low voice, but the teacher's face became particularly ugly in an instant.

"Unexpectedly, they still exist in the world. No, I can't let them find the poison seal!"

I said, the teacher actually snatched the seal and was going to swallow it.

Fortunately, her eyes were so fast that she grabbed the teacher's self-harm behavior.

"We acted when we saw the opportunity, they may not be, just for this thing!"

I seem to wake up the dream person.

Although Teacher Tong's face was still ugly, she was not panicked as she was just now.

"Dare to ask, who is the senior on the river?"

Outside the carriage, Bai Su asked cautiously.

Suddenly the voice was interrupted slightly, and then came a slightly hoarse voice.


The voice was a little doubtful.

"Please enlighten me."

Bai Su hardened his scalp, but his eyes involuntarily drifted towards the source of the sound.

原来 "It turns out that it's not a poisonous person, then it's useless."

声音 The voice was a little disappointed, but the tone was uneasy.

It is as cold as thirty-nine.

She could hear the sound of weapons connecting as soon as the words came out.

透过 She looked through the window and saw Bai Su fighting with a man in purple clothes.

This is awful!

She was anxious, but knew that she shouldn't go out and mess with Bai Su.

Fortunately, she was used to going out with poison to defend herself, but the teacher held her down.


"Girl, you remember that you must never let this person know that this seal is in your hands, and you must never reveal anything on the green zheng spectrum, especially poison!"

Teacher Yun's expression was especially serious. She nodded, picked out a few of them, and put them in the carriage.

Others were in her hands.

"Stop it!"

She jerked open the curtain and yelled towards the outside.

The two men looked at her subconsciously, and Bai Su's movement was faster, and while the other was distracted, he turned and leapt to her.

The martial arts of the man was much higher than her, so she played especially hard in this match.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at Bai Su, and after confirming that she was not in any big trouble, she looked at the man in purple.

"This senior river and lake, we have no injustice with you in the past, no revenge in the past, why do you kill us?"

The Ziyi people looked normal, but there was a sense of coldness all over their bodies.

After the man glanced at her, there were a few surprises in his eyes.

"You child is a terrific girl, she has a lot of good things in her body. It seems that you are really terrible."

Her pupils shrank. I didn't expect to have a face-to-face meeting and let the other person see through?

But, where is she Lin Mengya?

"This senior, is it possible? You are killing more people? This is not the act of your eldest husband!"

That person, when talking, he didn't open his mouth!

Is it a belly language?

"Girl, if you arbitrate in front of me, then today, I will give you and your men a whole corpse, otherwise, you will also suffer, broken tongue and bones."

He turned out to be him!

If she said that she was still lucky, now, her anger is already ignited.

"You killed those in Longtang, my town?"

She glared at this person, but Ziyiren didn't seem to care.

他们 "They went astray, and I gave them a new life."


She sneered and reprimanded, not polite at all.

"You do not understand."

The other party didn't have general knowledge with her, but the murder in his eyes became colder.

"I don't understand what you think about this pervert, but I know that you killed my people. Today, I want to ask you for this account!"

I really have a narrow road!

She clasped the dark crossbow in her hand, and on the other side of the sleeve, the extremely lethal poison was ready.

No matter how high his martial arts are, he is alone after all.

As long as she waits for the opportunity to attack, Bai Su may not be able to succeed.


The man stopped talking nonsense and rushed at them both immediately.

Xi Bai Su held the sword and rushed up instantly.

And she also cooperated with each other and fired one of the dark crossbow.

The man in the purple suit blocked it, but he did not expect that the crossbow burst out in response.

Suddenly, a lot of medicinal powder heavenly women scattered like flowers.

Xi Ziyi didn't dare to enlighten him, and he took a few steps back in an instant to fan the medicine powder with the palm of his hand.

"Look for death!"

The sneak attack on her seemed to arouse the man's ferocity.

As soon as Bai Su got a respite, the Ziyi person instantly killed her.

Lin Lin Mengya screamed aloud, because the man's tricks were even more severe.

He uttered "Bai", and Bai Su, who was hit by a palm, spit blood, and he was hit by a fly.

"Bai Su!"

She was extremely worried, but the force value of the teacher and her was almost zero. I was afraid that it was in the hands of others and could not get a trick.

After a lot of thoughts, it seemed that she had to fight hard.

"I warn you, don't come over, otherwise you will regret it!"

Her bluff, but the poison and dark crossbow in her hand are ready to go.

Xi Ziyi had a somber face, but in a blink of an eye, she came to her.

"Sin Barrier!"

It turned out that in the face of a real master, she had no strength to fight back.

Her neck was stuck, and she had no doubt that she would be broken by the next second.

即便 But even so, she still glared at each other.

"Let my students go!"

Teacher Xuan scolded angrily, but the man's gaze remained on her face.

"I can teach such an evil barrier, but I am afraid that you, the teacher, are also a scourge. You should all go to hell."

咳 "Heck, haven't you heard a word?"

The man just wanted to pinch her neck, but heard her cold voice.

He saw the faint purple light flashing in her eyes, and then he only saw the woman suddenly bit the tip of her tongue and spit out blood to him.

"Woman, the more beautiful the more dangerous!"

The distance is too close, he can't dodge.

For a moment, a few drops of blood fell in his eyes.

I can come with it, but it feels like a severe pain from being blinded.


The man opened his mouth and screamed, and she was left to the side.

However, what made her even more surprised was that only half of this man's tongue was left.

"It looks the same, doesn't it look like it?"

Ignoring the pain in her body, she immediately ran to the carriage.

It hurts, it really hurts to bite my tongue!

"I'm fine."

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