I saw Xie said this, and the group was temporarily soothed.

Alas, they just breathed a sigh of relief and heard someone speak.

"What the **** did this Silver Moon girl do? Why was she alone without such a big deal?"

呼吸 She breathed for a moment, and it seemed that this group of people was drunk, not to drink.

At this time, 纭 er also knows that it's time for her to arrive.

"My sister is just dealing with some housework. I'll be back soon, and bother you."

She Erben is outstanding in her temperament. When she was by her side, she was sometimes regarded as her sister rather than a maid.

In addition, almost everyone knows that the most loved "Yinyue" is his sister.

As long as she is there, it seems to have confidence.

"It turned out to be a girl. But if there is any difficulty for Yinyue girl, don't be embarrassed to say it. Yinyue girl said that we are all a family and it is only natural to help each other."

I talked to a boss who thought he was a helper.

But the more such people are, the more slick they are, and they cannot easily believe it.

Min Er sighed slightly and shook her head again.

"I don't know, my father and mother died early, and only one uncle raised our sister and two to grow up. Later, the older sister had a chance and wanted to accept her uncle to respect him, but his old man used to live and would not say anything. . No, I was sick a few days ago, and a trustee from the house spread a letter. The older sister was not assured, so she rushed back to take care of herself. "

This is quite reasonable, everyone in the living room nodded, at least on the surface, still have to praise Yinyue's filial piety.

"Afraid of filial piety is false, running is true!"

At this time, a dissonant sound suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Tonger's complexion changed slightly, and her smile slowly receded.

"I don't know what this big brother is saying?"

纭 She stood behind her and looked up slightly.

That's a dark-faced man who doesn't look very eye-catching, but sometimes, the more such an inconspicuous character, the more he can make some unexpected actions.

"What do you mean? You mean, my sister Yinyue escaped?"

I just didn't expect that the first one to refute was actually the flower leopard.

Looking at the stubborn staring man, she thought the other party was a bit cute.

After the person disdainfully crossed the flower leopard for a glance, Yin and Yang said strangely.

"I didn't say that, it ’s you, the flower leopard, one big sister, it ’s hard to do it. Do you really wear flowers? Is it because the things in your crotch are not good, waiting for your silver sister, give You ca n’t heal? ”

A lot of people laughed at the man's nonsense.

For these people in the ghost market, in fact, such words are not too much.

Even if 纭 儿, when he went to sea with his father in the past, he was accustomed to the rough words of the crew.

However, the flower leopard narrowed his eyes.

"What do you say? You have the skill, you can say it again!"

The other person was not afraid of him, and he started to hesitate.

"What's wrong? I said you're a daisy girl, what's wrong?"

Who thought that the flower leopard didn't say a word, and went forward in one step, "pump" and hit the man with a punch.

Everyone is mixed, and this kind of loss is definitely unwilling to eat.

The man did not want to be outdone, rushed forward and tore up with the flower leopard.

All of a sudden, the racket and applause made a mess.

Xie Xie had to persuade him in person, but the two of them fought with anger, and fisted to the flesh, and the posture had to lie down to one side.

But her attention has not been in the war.

Sure enough, when they hit the heat, there was a figure, sneaking out while seizing the excitement.

"I went to see."

She whispered in 纭 er's ear and said softly, the latter nodded, pretending to look scared, and took the two of them back a few steps into a small humble corner.

She and Qinghu, one after the other, bowed their heads and went out of the living room.

The man's movement was fast. They just came out from the front and back heels, but they only saw a back passing by at the corner.

They chased immediately, but fortunately it was their own place, but they didn't have to be afraid of hitting anyone.

人 The man was familiar with the road, and went all the way back to her yard.

Since she's staying next to 纭 er recently, the small courtyard is locked.

Alas, but he couldn't help the man.

After a while, the door was opened by him.

Xi Qinghu hugged her silently over the courtyard wall and went directly to the corner of the courtyard.

The man was looking for something in her yard.

The opponent's technique is very careful, very professional, and very purposeful.

Instead of picking up the gold and silver in her room, she picked out some paper from her desk.

And the movement is very subtle, if you don't pay attention to it, I'm afraid it will be hard to see and be flipped.

The case of Tan Shu did not find the news he wanted, and the man opened the door again and slipped to the compartments on both sides.

看到 She saw that the man walked with half of his hind feet on the ground, and fell silently without leaving a complete footprint.

The shack had the same number of roads and was turned over.

The man moved very fast. After making sure that what he was looking for was not here, he didn't stop and exited the yard.

Hearing the subtle sound of the door lock falling, they followed the man again.

But this time, he went to the internal pharmacy.

Because the secret medicine she produced this time is a recipe and craft that is not passed on, only a small part is given to others for processing.

The most important steps are in her hands.

Xie Xie alone, opened a small yard for her to use as a pharmacy.

The houses are small, but there are only three.

The one on the left is for the raw materials, and the one on the right is for the finished products. Only the room is her workshop.

When the man arrived at the pharmacy, avoiding the workers who were working, he walked into her workshop.

"Should you get people out?"

Wu Qinghu lowered her voice and asked, after thinking about it, she shook her head.

"They go for nothing, the prescription is in my mind, and if they want to do damage, I can correct it in time. It seems that they are not small!"

知道 She knows that the advent of some secret drugs has made some people move.

Now it seems that the person betraying her is more likely to be one of these people.

If they got the prescription and craftsmanship, then they would naturally be able to do this business by themselves, without having to work hard, but in the end, the big profit is for them.

But how could she possibly do it early?

Before the apprentices came, the man slipped out of the pharmacy.

"Go, let's go back."

She pulled the clear fox and said softly.

"Don't keep staring?"

She shook her head, it's not necessary anymore. Now that she's in her pharmacy, how can it be that she will retreat all over?

的 The excitement over there is also over. If they don't go back, they may be shocked.

The two returned to the living room silently with the fastest speed.

As expected, the two people have been pulled away.

"Fuck! Tell you, dare to tell these **** things to Lao Tzu later, Lao Tzu pulled your tongue to feed the dog!"

The leopard's face is blue and purple, but it has great momentum.

The other party didn't have such good luck, he lay on the ground for a long time and didn't get up.

The body is full of big leopard footprints. That face is almost like a palette.

"Okay, everyone is deflated. Xie Tangzhu said, you will be rich and you will be wealthy. In the future, everyone will be your own brothers.

Finally, it was the Scar King who opened his mouth and persuaded.

Her sight fell on Wang Kaishen, Wang Kaixin was meticulous in thinking, and the means were vicious and vicious.

If it was him who betrayed her, she would not be surprised at all.

After all, I heard that when he first came to Qiandufang to grab things, he took the lead.

Now, he doesn't have to say anything. Everyone will sell him some face.

It seems that there is a trend of becoming bigger, and it is impossible to achieve it. Does he still want to replace Zhenlongtang?

However, we cannot draw conclusions about this matter.

"Oh! Dog hybrid!"

Qiuhua Leopard still felt deflated, but at least he sat down again.

After such a trouble, Xie's complexion was not very good-looking.

"You, I greet you badly today. So, wait until Sister Yinyue returns, how about I invite everyone to come here to gather?"

He couldn't stop blinking, and he put on another smile.

I'm here, laughing and crying a lot.

No one can see his thoughts, but the natural caution still makes them think a little more.

Therefore, I dare not be too presumptuous.

"Xie Tangzhuo makes sense. We are just asking for money. Other things can be settled in private. Xie Tangzhuo, if the Silver Moon Girl is back, please send someone to tell me. I have some personal affairs I want to trouble her. "

King Wang opened this time, especially politely.

Xie 晗 nodded and agreed.

I saw that it was all the same for Wang Kai, and others felt that it was boring to stay, and got up to leave.

"You, don't give it away."

Facing the inner room where the typhoon was transiting, Xie still smiled lightly.

This group of people began to make a little change to this handsome young man.

The most frightening beast is to learn to hide its sharp claws.

Therefore, no one knows when the sharp claw will cut through his throat.

"This group of reckless husbands!"

After Xie Yan had surely sent them out, Xie Xie dropped the cup.

"Okay, oh. These things are not worth much, you must be angry."

Before Xun Er, she took out her handkerchief and wiped the tea spilled on Xie Xun's hand.

Don't say, I'm pretty bold.

When they came back just now, she deliberately pulled Xia Er's little hand for fear that the girl was afraid.

Who knows, she is watching with great interest, not even knowing when she will return.

Yes, she is a family fan, and she really has a big brother's woman's fan!


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