Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1519: It's all mine

After Lin Mengya crossed his eyes for a few moments, he snorted coldly.

"Who believes you, I have to check for myself!"

When he finished speaking, he grabbed his wrist and caught the pulse.

After a short while, Lin Mengya let go of his hand.

"Well, I can trust you for the time being. But Long Tianyu, isn't your wife and my medicine better than her? Seeing what medicine she gave you is a quack! In the future, your life will be mine. Yes, your illness must be mine too! "

She is so domineering, but the petite and petulant appearance in Long Tianyu's heart makes him extremely useful.

"Okay, I listen to you. I'm just afraid of you worrying. No matter how much I get hurt in the future, will you let me heal me?"

"Crow's mouth!"

Lin Lin Mengya scolded him and said with some distress.

以后 "In the future, no matter what happens, your first person is to protect yourself, and I will worry."

At the same time, she was still quite arrogant. At this moment, the soft words had long been called Long Tianyu's intestines.

想 He thought that in this life, except for her, probably there will be no more women who can capture his heart.

"Okay, I promise you. I must live a hundred years old and accompany you to old age."

"This is what you said! But it doesn't matter, your wife and I are both medical and venomous, and the world is unparalleled. With me, the little king is afraid to touch your life!"

When she said this, her face seemed to glow with self-confidence.

Nine Dragon Tianyu only felt her love and lingered in her soul.

I hate to keep her locked in her arms forever and ever, never to be separated.

"Your injury is only halfway. It's best to rest in the past few days. Don't do any more energy and don't practice any more. Tomorrow, I'll bring you some medicine."

I was in the end my dear wife, I remembered that it was still his body.

Luckily fortunately, she didn't break free, otherwise she would run into his wound by accident.

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled brightly when she heard her concern for herself.

As soon as his big hand was closed, he was put into his arms again.

"Wound, wound!"

Lin Lin Mengya called out in a hurry, and her hands immediately supported her shoulders, but she didn't dare to work hard.

She didn't take the medicine today, she had to come back tomorrow to help him change the medicine to see the wound.

"You stay with me."

Relying on being injured, Long Tianyu actually cheated on her.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at him, how old he was, and playing with children's tricks.

"No today. I have been out for too long. Besides, Ning Er and Mo Yan are still waiting for me to return. Will I come back tomorrow?

She said softly, but Long Tianyu was not very happy.

After all, they haven't seen each other for a long time.


"Oh, you obedient and obedient. From now on I will be the superintendent here, I will definitely report every day. Ning Er, the boy, also misses you very much, you quickly healed the wound, so you can see your son."

Nine Dragons Tianyu was melancholy.

But she also knew that she was telling the truth.

She lowered her head, kissed her with a savage kiss, and hugged her again, and then released the person.

好 "Okay, you will come early tomorrow. I should change this medicine."

自然 Naturally she knew, nodded, and walked out step by step.

Looking at her back that gradually disappeared in front of her eyes, the look on Long Tianyu's face turned a little colder.

"His Royal Highness."

The figure of Ling Lingye, God appeared to him unconsciously.

"Who allowed Snow Master to come over?"

This time he came to the college to serve as a teacher, and only brought a few close friends.

Master Xue Xue, along with others, should be concealed outside of non-Yecheng.

"do not know."

There was a faint touch of coldness, and he glanced across his quiet eyes.

"Let her go."

No matter who it is or what the purpose of the snow division is.

Everything that can make her mind must disappear.

"Yes, Ling Ye understands."

He blinked, and she was left alone in the room.

In the air, the aroma of her body seemed to remain.

Pouting corner could not help but evoke, remembering that she was still in his arms.

"Hurry up, come soon"

The rest of the words, but stayed in my heart.

I came out from Long Tianyu, Lin Mengya went nowhere and went straight to the college gate.

Along the way, she thought a lot.

How did he explain to his elder brother that he is doing today?

Otherwise, just like before, make up a nonsense or something?


Suddenly, the elder brother's voice came down from overhead.

Sui Lin Mengya suddenly made a sudden brake, but almost came close to her brother.

"Brother, why are you so sudden, you scared me!"

She patted her chest and said casually.

Hiromi Miguchi smiled a little sorry, and Shengsheng suppressed the struggle in his eyes.

"All right?"

She was still the gentle and gentle tone she was familiar with. Lin Mengya suddenly felt that it was better to tell the truth to her brother.

"It's okay, elder brother, I have something to tell you!"

She pulled Gongsi's sleeves and wanted to find a quiet place to talk about Long Tianyu.

He did not want to, Gong Si took the lead to speak.

"Yes, his business?"


She was a little embarrassed and looked back at Gongsi.

The latter grabbed her hand tenderly, as indifferent as ever.

"Stupid girl, I know it's him. Otherwise, depending on your temper, who dares to take you away?"

怎么 说 What did you say!

"I, how gentle I am!"

She whispered a protest, but also quietly relieved.

Since the older brother can see it, it's good.

Kumiya Shichi shook his head helplessly and pulled her into the carriage.

As soon as she entered, she saw the scald medicine in the carriage, and she couldn't help feeling warm.

"Brother, this, thank you, but I'm really fine."

She pointed to the ointment, smiled and thanked the palace.

But the latter misunderstood, thinking that Long Tianyu must have given her medicine early, and could not help but feel lost for a while.

"That's good."

Two people returned to the palace home from the college. Lin Mengya first went back to change her clothes. When she came out, she asked Bai Su to go to Gongsi.

As soon as the two met, Miyaji's eyes fell on her arms.

I saw a slender white and tender arm with a large swelling.

Frown, can not help but frown.

怎么 "Why didn't he give you medicine?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her arm indifferently. Although her recovery ability was different from ordinary people, she still felt pain when it should be hurt.

And burns can not be covered, can not be crippled, simply cut a sleeve, and exposed the wound.

"I'll get the medicine for you."

"Brother Si, don't be busy. Any medicine won't work for me. It will be used for nothing!"

Gong Kegong didn't listen to her, and left in a hurry.

But when he turned back, he came back with a pack of ice cubes.

"Since it's useless, it won't make you hurt."

Gao Linmengya took the ice cube happily, yes, why didn't she think of it?

I put the ice pack on the injured part, and she almost sighed comfortably.

"The fourth brother knows me the most!"

She smiled brightly and said gratefully.

The four faces of Haremiya eased, and smiled mildly as usual.

"You girl, I'm your fourth brother."

I didn't know if she was reminding her or reminding herself.

"Yes, brother, after I left, I don't know those people, what did we say about us?"

She is not afraid of any gossip. She thought that she was also the top person in the Dajin Gossip list.

If you put it now, it will be the headline player.

I was just afraid that it was bad for the final job.

"You still know."

Hei Gongsi said angrily, God knew that their walk was chic, but he bitterly interpreted him.

"Hey, the situation was urgent and we didn't think much about it."

I blame that stinky man!

But what should I do? Seeing him injured, isn't he anxious like an ant?

两个 The two of them, even half a catty to eight two.

"There is nothing else. Fortunately, there are few people today. But little girl, although you talk to him but you will have more students and gentlemen in the future, you must at least keep some distance on the surface. After all, you don't want to have more trouble."

She nodded, this is because she will pay attention to it later.

还有 "And what are you going to do with the people who left today?"

When I mentioned these people, Gong Shi's face gradually sank.

"They also look down on our palace family too much, dare to eat like this, I want them to get out of the palace's fiefdom!"

"Brother Four, since the work of the Baili family has been so brazen, wouldn't it have been too easy for us to fight back?"

She looked at her and seemed to be asking her for a good idea.

"Go call someone, shave the hair and eyebrows of those people, then interrupt your right hand and throw it to Baili's house."

Shame, who won't?

阴 Playing with her too much, she can overcast that old king bastard!

"Oh, in this way, I don't think the palace family can accept these gentlemen."

She also agreed with her approach. They didn't care about their lives. What they cared about was the face of the Baili family.

"However, recently you still seldom run outside. The great ancestors have told people to count the days. The family will definitely send someone on the day the college is built. These days, the big brothers should be busy with this matter. I ’m coming out, but I ’m going to be there after all. You ’re still at home in these days of chaos. ”

Hei Palace 4 does not deny that he has his own selfishness here.

But Lin Mengya was uneasy about Long Tianyu's injury, and she also thought that she should go to the college to make some preparations.

"I only go to college every day, and I won't go anywhere else easily. If you don't feel comfortable, you can ask a few more people to protect me. Also, you have to spread the news about the library."

The four palaces wanted to stop talking, but in the end, they just nodded.

"Okay, you've been busy for a day. Something, let's talk tomorrow."

After a while of work, the two little milk bags have been lying at the door and watched her several times.

The fourth palace was also seen, and it was not too early. It was time for him to get up and leave.

I beckoned at the two babies. Instantly, two fat and tender little bodies rushed towards her.

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