Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1541: Is she bad

He rolled his tongue and chewed the crispy pieces of sugar.

Sure, it tastes almost the same as her. It is sweet and has a very crunchy texture because of the nuts.

He doesn't like sweets very much. He hasn't even been here for so long. He never knows that there are such sweets here.

But as long as it was handed over from her, even if it was poison, he probably felt that it was better than the world's fine wine, right?


"Yes, Your Highness."

Wu Lingye made his shadow again, because this time, the night could not temporarily protect his safety.

He never fears, but no longer despise death after he cares.

"Snow Master, what's going on?"

"Be safe and secure yourself."

不是 He is not unaware of Xue Shi's intentions, but he knows Yaer's excellence better than anyone.

No matter what she compares with her, the final result can only be a fiasco.

This sentence, when Xue Shi entered the college on the first day to find him, he made it clear.

Master Xue Xue probably ran out crying that day, and finally, reminded him at midnight that Snow Master might not be a bad thing.

If she can help Yaer share some of the things, it can also make Yaer less difficult.

But he would never allow some speculative people to appear around Yaer.

"Who has she met these days?"

"Besides Liang Yue, there are several miscellaneous servants in the college."


"Yes, I heard that it is necessary to prepare the equipment after the women's medical school opens. There is nothing else."

In my opinion, it should not be made by Xue Shi.

According to his understanding, Xue Shi should not understand these things, and she is not so capable.

"Your Highness, will your subordinates continue to investigate this matter?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu thought about it, but eventually did not let Ling Ye continue to track down.

Since he is not Xue Shi, the remaining people should have no problems for his wife.

He is not too worried, it will be trouble for those people to come to Yaer.

After all, if it is really them, I'm afraid that they have already started grabbing people now, where else can they let those pitfalls go?

Alas, he was seriously injured at the beginning, and when he returned, he told everyone to secretly block all the news.

I'm afraid it's the other party, and he has already treated him as a "dead".

Therefore, no matter what he came here, no one should know.

Since he is not the person over there, everything is within his control.

加 "Add more staff to protect her."


"What's wrong with the cave?"

When I heard the two words in the cave, Ling Ye's cold appearance slightly shook the writing.

"Everything is normal."

Two people fell into silence together.

"Mingren must be optimistic about the cave, and must not let it come out."

"I have been optimistic as you have instructed. Judging from the current situation, there will be no one to leave anything."

He squeezed his eyebrows. Obviously, this incident rarely made him upset.

"I know, there is nothing else, you go down."

Xu Lingye disappeared again, but Long Tianyu stood in the yard for a long time.

No matter what, he must guard her well!

After Meng teased Long Tianyu, Lin Mengya was in a good mood.

But soon, she recovered.

After tidying up her clothes, she went to the yard where Mr. Liang lived.

The knock was concealed, and out of politeness she knocked on the door.

"Mr. Liang, this is Su Mei, do you feel better now?"

Regardless of Liang Yue, at least Mr. Liang is really good to the academy and the palace family.

There was nothing moving in the puppet, she frowned, and felt something was wrong.

Although Mr. Qi Liang has no physical problems, at least for now, he should rest in the yard.

Moreover, now that the college has three elder brothers and Qi Yue, Mr. Liang should not be so worried.

Is it asleep?

She didn't want to disturb, but she was afraid that Mr. Liang's body would be a big obstacle.

He shivered and pushed the door open.

"Mr. Liang, are you there?"

She shouted again, still no one agreed.

It's strange, shouldn't Liang Yue be taking care of Mr. Liang now?

Why can't I hear anything in it?

Isn't their father and daughter gone?

As soon as I was anxious, she walked faster.

But under my feet, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

立刻 She immediately jumped away, but saw Mr. Liang, her eyes closed tightly, and her face pale on the threshold.

And what she just stepped on was actually Mr. Liang's hand!

"Sorry, Mr. Liang, are you okay?"

She was startled and immediately lifted her up.

After a quick check, we found that the person was fainted.

She immediately lifted the person to the bed and called him softly several times, and this person had a little consciousness.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Mr. Liang saw her worried face.

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry for you!"

Nearly a hundred people in the following year, but now red eyes, with great guilt and apology to her.

"Where, if it wasn't for the gentleman's intention to defend me, I'm afraid I would have been kicked out."

She smiled and told the truth.

Even though she has the support of the palace family, in the eyes of others, she still cannot get approval.

知道 She knows that Mr. Liang usually puts a lot of thought into making everyone accept her.

And sometimes, he still takes the trouble to tell the history of the women's school over and over again, and His Majesty the Emperor's intention to start a women's school. Finally, he has to explain to others that she has no malicious intentions, and what is it Capable.

I just didn't expect that this group of colleagues who seemed to be normal-looking and honest, had such a stupid mind in their backs, which was really outrageous.

"I don't want this position of the dean. In fact, before that, I didn't hear any wind at all. This group of white-eyed wolves is really chilling!"

Squinting at the little old man's excitement, she immediately comforted.

"I know that this matter must have nothing to do with Mr. Liang. Please also rest assured that the palace family believes in you. It is still our negligence to speak of this matter. You are also very hard these days, so we have laid a foundation for us. Such a good foundation. We will definitely work hard and not let down your efforts. "

With these remarks, it was Mr. Liang's heartbrokenness.

"I know you are all good boys, I know both"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him with relief, knowing that Mr. Liang was actually afraid of their misunderstanding.

Looked around the room, she thought about it, and tried to make her tone look more harmonious.

"Why didn't you see Miss Liang Yue?"

"In the future, I will not have such a daughter!"

When talking about this little daughter, Mr. Liang gritted his teeth.

But more, it is chilling.

Bian Liangyue was his last child. He was looking forward to having a son.

He hoped that he could inherit the family business for nothing else.

But who knows, she was still a daughter in the end.

Let my daughter be my daughter. Mr. Liang has a deep relationship with his wife, and naturally he did not consider the matter of concubine.

What's more, he thinks that's it, that's fine.

Xi Liangyue was born by accident.

Later, his health has been bad, and he cries and makes trouble every day.

So Mr. Liang always cherishes this little daughter.

I didn't want to, it turned out to hurt her.

"Mr. Liang, don't be too excited. After all, she is your daughter. You must be sick, and she must be worried."

"I just told her not to go out. She was going to go out. I asked her what she did, and she said she must take revenge. I dragged her and refused to let her go, she dragged me to the ground, and she was finally her Fainted. "

之前 She glanced at Mr. Liang's wrist before. It was indeed a large piece of blue-purple. It can be seen how much energy Liang Liang used at the time.

This person is too animalistic, right?

"You don't have to worry, I think there must be something urgent for Miss Liang, so can't you go?"

She was comforting. When she looked at Mr. Liang, she thought of her father.

She used to dance with Lin Meng in the past, but her dad was also partial to her.

But she definitely wouldn't treat her father like this, let alone Mr. Liang's situation is still unstable.

"Urgent? Don't be afraid of your jokes, even if my father is dead, I'm afraid she won't shed a tear."

To all eyes, she was so stubborn and stubborn.

I was afraid that she would never think of her father, how embarrassed and sad.

Putting it down, what she did was made him completely chilling.

"Sir, don't say that, everything is still about the body. When you are all right, the dean is still thinking about letting you preside over the big picture."

For the time being, she is not going to let Mr. Liang do anything.

But in the end, the third brother and Qi Yue are both younger, and they always need someone who can hold them down.

其他 As for the rest, everything has to wait for Mr. Liang to be better before making plans.

"Mother, father and that woman are inside!"

刚 As soon as she wanted to get up and leave, she could hear outside, and Liang Yue's voice came.

Min's heart rose a little dimly, and she stood up subconsciously and looked in the direction of the door.

"Mother, eldest sister, second sister, you must not be excited. The woman is the most eloquent and eloquent, you must not listen to her ghost words!"

"Sanmei, how can you speak like this. Mother, please don't just listen to the little sister's words. You should know more about who your father is."

A sudden sound, very calm.

For this person who has never met, she has some inexplicable affections in her heart.

"Okay, let's go and see first."

August with a bit of struggling voice, probably belongs to Mrs. Liang, right?

Soon, the door was opened.

She was generous, sitting in a chair.

"Did you see it? It was her who seduced my father and insulted me!"

Qi Liangyue's eyes almost penetrated her with resentment.

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