Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1543: Recalling old things

"Mother, the daughter thinks that this Mr. Su should not be so unclear with Master Gongsi. I see that although her words are sharper, she doesn't look like a wandering person. Maybe it is Sanmei who has some misunderstanding with her Is that right? "

Miss Liang Erji immediately started a round game, for fear that her mother would say more, it would hurt the older sister even more.

Madam Yan Liang shook her head, looking a little worried.

"What do you know? I heard Xiaoyue said that the woman was selected by Ms. Gong. Since she has been favored by Ms. Gong, the palace family must be different to her. Your sister is not able to please the palace family. If you do n’t use your heart anymore, you are afraid that you will be seized first! ”

Miss Liang Liang couldn't listen anymore.

母亲 "Mother, now my father is ill. You don't want to take care of your father, but you are planning this kind of thing. If my father knows, how chilly you should be!"

"You girl! Now that you have a good home, what would my sister do if I didn't hurry up?"

Madam Ji Liang said with a frown, but Miss Liang was angry in her heart.

I squinted at the sight of an explosion, but was stopped by Miss Liang Er.

"Mother, older sister makes sense, too. In any case, the safety of the father is the most important thing. I think we should now ask a doctor to see it. Other times, it's not too late to plan later."

Mrs. Liang Liang still wanted to say something, but after all, she still knew Mr. Liang.

"Sister, let's go."

Miss Liang Liang took the opportunity to drag her sister away, but her sister said it was as cold as ice.

I could not help but sigh in my heart, my sister was still hurt by her mother.

Xun looked at her mother with a complex look, but she didn't know how much she could still mediate.

"A mother must have a daughter."

I spent a little time. The past of Miss Liang's family with her elder brother has now become a concise text and is placed on her desk.

I skipped my lips. She felt that the young lady of the Liang family was really unlucky when she met such a mother.

At first, the elder brother and Miss Liang could be regarded as young friends. The Miss Liang family was mature and stable, and they did not look bad, mainly because they had a relationship with the older brother.

So both adults are interested in this matter.

Yun Ke's condition deteriorated afterwards, and the Liang family moved for some reason.

Miss Liang Liang's family and her elder brother can no longer meet each other. Later, the elder brother traveled around for the living of the family.

Gradually, there will be less contact between the two.

Somehow, Miss Liang's family suddenly married.

Xun Ke had no family relationship with Liang family at first, and neither had disclosed the matter to the public, so not many people knew about it.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand.

At the beginning, the palace family was down, everyone wanted to step on it.

I am just a palace family today, but not their Liang family.

"Master, Master Three is here."

She lifted her head and saw the spring breeze on Sange's face, now she knew it.

In my opinion, the matter of inviting famous teachers has progressed well.

"I heard the people below, you want to inquire about the older brother and Miss Liang?"

Sannomiya sat down taking care of herself. Except in front of her great ancestors, all five of them got along very naturally with their younger sisters.

Lin Lin Mengya also likes them like this, she is extra lively when she talks and behaves.

"Yeah, just curious."

"Speaking of, the Miss Liang family is also no different from the woman at home. At first, her eldest brother slammed on the family, and she took the initiative to show her three or five times, and her elder brother believed her. Maid, just to take a blood-colored coral from the East China Sea as a marriage proposal. But I didn't expect to see her go to another man's sedan. Over the years, my brother didn't say it, but I was really sad. "

Crimson coral?

She remembered that when she first came home, there was one in the room.

Both the color and the shape are very delicate. At the beginning, she still played with the reward for a long time. Isn't it really the sad thing of the older brother?

But since the elder brother gave it to her, it obviously also meant to let go of the past.

In this case, don't worry about it, lest the elder brother think of the past.

"That was because she had eyesless eyes and could not blame anyone. By the way, the third brother must be in the right mind on that list?"

She has no intention of listening to the elder brother's past, and the Liang family does not affect the overall situation.

If they just stop doing this, the SLR is a bit windy, so don't blame her new account and old account together, it is necessary to cut the grass and root out.

"Well, in fact, this matter still needs your help."

我 "I? But, I can't show up. Today's identity is not enough, what can I do for you?"

Who knows, the elder brother smiled rather mysteriously.

But Lin Mengya, in the smile of the third brother, read two words-treacherous.

难 "No way, you want me to sell hue? No, no! Zengzu knows that you will definitely break your leg!"

Sannomiya stunned God, and finally saw the smile she could hide in the future, and knew that the girl was joking again.

"Well, I confess. Even if I let you go, I won't let you go. In fact, I discussed with the fourth senior, and we hope that you can convince someone."


"Great ancestor."


When he mentioned the reason, Miyazo seemed a little hesitant.

Finally, after thinking carefully for a while, Fang said.

"In fact, before we fell into disappointment, we also found a place for the gentlemen to settle their lives temporarily. At the beginning, their expenses were borne by us. But then, our family gradually made ends meet, and in the end, this part of the money Home advances. "

Here she understands.

也就是说 "That is to say, they are more grateful to the place than the people of the Chenggong family."

"Yes, as long as that person speaks, these people should try their best to help the palace family, just--"

Mi Gongsan looked at her embarrassedly and seemed to be thinking about her speech.

She immediately had a very bad hunch in her heart. Could it be that the man turned out to be--

"No, it is the old lover of his great ancestor, right?"

"噗 ——"

Sanguiya almost did not spit out a bit of water, how can this girl be so straightforward?

"No, it wasn't! The old white lady and great ancestor were innocent. Now the old white lady is old, and the old grudges should have been written off."

"Why are you asking me to persuade my great ancestor?"

Sannomiya sighed, apparently this problem gave him a headache.

"It is the current head of the Bai family. You also know that the great ancestor was ordered in danger and he gave everything for the family. At that time, the old woman was the only child of the Bai family. According to the rules of their family, the Bai family had to recruit a son-in-law. .Zengzu and Mrs. Bai were not really in love with each other at the beginning. And they were both frank and honest. After seeing the innocent things, there was nothing. Later, after finding the in-laws, Mrs. Bai also had a close relationship with Zengzu, but her Husband, he has been worried about it. "

I said so, she understood.

I didn't expect that the men in their palace family really had a strong record in love.

Noisy for a long time, because there is the "previous lesson" of great ancestors.

"You are hoping, I convinced my great ancestor to ask my great ancestor to ask the husband of the old lady of the Bai family, right?"

The third brother nodded, but the dilemma in his eyes grew deeper.

"It's hard to be difficult here. Mr. Bai is actually a good man. He has always been kind and tolerant towards our juniors. Otherwise, he will not take care of these people after the death of the old lady of the Bai family. Now if we invite these people to come, we must pass through the Bai family. We young people, obviously, are not quite enough. So I want to ask you to persuade your great ancestors. "

At first glance, this reason is quite good.

But when I think about it, I think there is something wrong.

"I said, brother, haven't you completely told me the truth?"

Sannomiya Misaki smiled unnaturally, her eyes were a bit vacant.

"How come, me"

"I won't help anymore!"

"Actually, Mr. Baijia proposed it. He said that he would never agree unless he asked Zengzu to ask him in person!"

Sannomiya was anxious, and immediately gave the truth to the vulture.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her elder brother with a smile, and she also played this set with her.

Alas, in this case, it seems that Mr. Baijia Lao has a lot of resentment.

Zeng Zengzu also has a bad temper. I am afraid that it is not difficult to reconcile the two people.

"Sister, in fact, I don't want Zengzu to suffer this grievance. But the old Mr. Bai family said that if Zengzu didn't go, he immediately said to those people that no one can come to teach in the palace unless he died. Those people have received a lot of favors from the Bai family over the years, and have deep feelings for the Bai family. If Mr. Bai Lao really does this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to ask again in the future. So, I want to hear your opinion."

Gao Linmengya also put away her joke and looked at the grieving third brother. She knew that if it wasn't for the third brother, she wouldn't beg her.

After all, it is not appropriate for her to come forward now.

"Let me think about it. As for the great ancestors, don't give any news first. I'll find a suitable opportunity to talk about great ancestors first."

Hagiya has repeatedly assured that as long as she helps, she will surely manage the college in a well-organized and prosperous manner.

Lin Lin Mengya also knew that her third brother was also anxious.

After all, the days passed, and those who were going to recruit students would soon bring back the first batch of students at Sitai College.

In that case, when there is a college with students, what college is it called?

It's just this matter, she really has to think hard.

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