Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1571: Show one's heart

Mrs. Liang Liang and Liang Yue first set the words of Miss Liang's family, knowing that the elder brother was overwhelmed, but did not want to, but the matter was actually noticed by the young lady in advance, so she thought of sending someone secretly to inform the elder brother.

He did not want to be stopped by Mrs. Liang's people, and imprisoned her on the grounds of looking after her father.

I later used Miss Er to set up the game.

I just didn't expect that Lin Mengya not only noticed it, but also sent a person who was similar in shape to the elder brother to imitate the elder brother to negotiate with the people of Satin Village.

Those people are outsiders, where do you recognize the four masters of the palace?

He only knows how he looks, everything else is unknown.

Brother Yunsi took her anti-hangover medicine in advance, so she changed her identity with that person after pretending to be drunk.

As for why Liang Yue was crying, that was a lesson Lin Mengya taught her.

If you are a girl, what is not good to learn, you must learn her mother's method of inferiority.

The ending is also the fault.

It is for this reason that she saved her fourth brother, so she didn't let the palace family mess up.

She has always been clear about the elder brother's abilities. Don't look at him who doesn't show up in mountains or water, but he can fight.

At least if he is inside or outside the palace, he will never fall.

But the situation is grave enough.

Suddenly he broke two people and offended Mu's family.

The means of stabbing each other is also powerful enough!

"I'm old, and many things are useless. But I can trust you, and you can also trust your brothers. Lin Mengwu can come in. She can't make any troubles with me."

The great ancestor was the great ancestor, and as the treasure of the palace house, there was no problem at all.

"I'm so relieved, and great-grandmother, I want to keep the two children in foster care with you, I wonder if it's okay?"

He Zengzu heard the words and smiled lovingly.

"I ca n’t ask for it, do n’t you know that since the two of them moved out, Yuan Ze and Qiaoer read the day and the night. They often lie secretly at the door and watch the two of them come out, envious. . "

Speaking of the little guys under his knees, Zengzu also had a little relaxed smile on his face.

The elders who can live to his age outside are basically all fooling grandchildren and enjoying the joy of heaven.

Fortunately, these little things at home are a little more energetic.

Otherwise, he must die.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Yuan Ze and Qiaoer for some days. Fortunately, children need partners after all. Now things are like this, the college can't go there for the time being. Let them still As before, study in your yard. "

In response to this, Zengzu naturally responded with joy.

Although Lin Mengwu could not recognize her identity, but Ning's origin, Lin Mengwu should be clear.

She was not afraid of anything else, she was afraid that Lin Mengwu would attack two children.

There is a thief in the house, and she must take precautions.

"Yes, what happened to you, Mr. Su Yan?"


Lin Lin Mengya corrected her color, and she knew that she was afraid to ask the head of the family one by one.

She thought about several statements, the original intention was to think about how to be concise and allow the great ancestors to accept at once.

No matter how much brain cells she spent, she came to the same conclusion.

I touched my nose, and she bowed her head with some guilty conscience.

"He is my lover."

Zeng Zengzu didn't speak, and his heart was a little bit embarrassed.

"We have been married before."

She didn't dare to look up, and her heart was a little flustered.

"He is also my child's father."

This one is a blockbuster.

But after such an airdrop for half a day, Zengzu's side was not bombed at all.

It's hard to believe that it was she who despised the great **** of Zengzu?

I looked up and looked carefully.

He saw Zengzu, with long mouth and eyes open, but said nothing.

"Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, are you okay?"

She immediately supported the great ancestor, and it was smooth air and patted her back. After a lot of tossing, she let her great breath out.

"It's true that even if he is His noble Highness, he shouldn't be so willful. You ask him to leave our house now! I don't agree with you!"

She thought that great ancestors would become furious, but the performance of great ancestors was somewhat unexpected.

"Zengzu, how do you know that he is His Highness Xi?"

Wrong, she has never mentioned her great ancestor to Long Tianyu's identity.

Qiong Gong Qianfeng screamed badly in his heart. He knew that Gong Ya was extremely keen, but he was still careless and bald.

曾 "Zengzu, please tell me clearly! Who is the traitor!"

Come on!

She lost a sense of righteousness, and she did a good job of apologizing to Zengzu, and even begged to rent a complete play.

I didn't expect that Zengzu would have been there already!

Qiangong Qianfeng rolled his eyes, oh, in the end it is old, and even the play is so unsatisfactory.

"Hey, actually they didn't tell me, but I saw it myself. You little boys, you think you have done everything perfectly, but there are some things that you don't know."

The big rock in my heart finally fell to the ground.

相信 She believes that Zengzu can recognize Long Tianyu's identity, but there is no reminder or statement, it must be because of his recognition, only Zengzu himself knew.

"Since you know, I won't say anything else. In short, I like this person very much. If you disagree, I will be very sad. Do you think it ’s better for you to make me sad or to let me Happy? "

Her showdown is also concise and clear, similar to directly threatening.

Qiang Palace Qianfeng regret this.

知道 He knew that His Highness Xi could not be offended, but he also had the intention to match them.

But today I learned that he was Ning Er's irresponsible dad, and I was still very angry.

It's a pity that Ya'er's elbow turned out, which made his elder very embarrassed.

Gao Linmengya knows what she thinks best when she observes words and looks.

I immediately grabbed the sleeves of Zengzu, coquettishly.

"I know that my great ancestor was hurting me, so I was angry with him. But in fact, we also have difficulties. Even if the great ancestor is not at ease, he should be at ease with me, right?"

Her eyes were gleaming, and she glowed brightly.

Qiangong Qianfeng looked at his great-granddaughter and sighed quietly in his heart.


Hagi Gongya is prouder than anyone, if Mu Rongxi really abandoned her, then I'm afraid that even the door would not want to enter.

I understand that it's one thing, and figuring it out is another.

It is no better to marry a daughter than to marry a daughter-in-law. Her own treasure in the palm of someone else is not secure enough.

Right now, it's a dilemma.

曾 "Zengzu, you don't have to worry. I promise you, as long as you don't agree, I won't marry him. In this way, you can test him and test him, and wait until you are really relieved, I will marry again, OK?"

This is already her biggest concession. Gong Qianfeng looked at the sensible great-granddaughter, and she really couldn't bear to run against her.

"Okay, then you can do as you say. Yaer, this man and woman are no better than others, you must not be too hasty, you know?"

She nodded, squatting gracefully and docilely on the great ancestor's leg.

"People I like, naturally hope that my family can like it. I am blessed, and my family loves me and pets me. How can I be willing to let you down?"

眯 She squinted and smiled brightly and sweetly.

Qiangong Qianfeng touched the top of her head. Such a great great-daughter is really reluctant to marry her!

He didn't know he had fallen into Lin Mengya's abacus.

The most painful thing for her family is her. If they don't agree in the future, she won't have to cry, make trouble or hang herself. As long as she sighs, the family can't bear it.

Therefore, in this section, the initiative is still in her hands.

Solved the doubts of Zengzu's side, and confirmed the safety of the two babies, and the incident finally came to an end.

When she returned to her bedroom, it was already late at night.

She rubbed her sore shoulders, but the day was wonderful, and it also consumed her great energy.

When I entered the room, I didn't care about the candles and plunged into the quilt.

Huh? Why is this quilt so hard today?


She suddenly remembered that she had placed Long Tianyu in her room before.

He was injured, and because of the elder brother's seriousness.

I did n’t care about this moment, and I wo n’t hurt him again, right?

Immediately trying to get up to see the condition of the man, I gave up on both hands and gave me back to bed.

"Lie down."

Hold your body and cling to a familiar yet warm embrace.

From his ears came his breathing and heartbeat.

"Did I just hurt you?"

She was still uneasy, and she touched him gently with both hands, trying to determine his injury.

"No, but if you move down, it will hurt you."

为什么 Why does she hurt?

His subconsciously wanted to ask, but suddenly found that his distance from the man was too close.

Xi's sweet lingering rushed into his mind before he found it, but withdrew his hand, but his face quietly became hot.

"You're fine."

Strangle a man! No serious!

She wanted to bang him, but she was afraid of hurting him.

Lying in his arms, Lin Mengya relaxed quickly.

In the world, only his embrace is her most reassuring place.

Xiao Long Tianyu wrapped her hands around her in the arms.

Even though the room was dark, they knew each other well.

"Ya'er, was that the same for you and me?"

In his tone, he missed with a trace of nostalgia.

Gao Linmengya noticed that the inexplicable past mixed with it had disappeared.

I felt sweet, and she knew that he really figured it out.

In the past, Long Tianyu always compared with before, even if she didn't ask her, she would ask others.

Later, even she had an illusion.

As if he is today, he is two different people.

Now Long Tianyu puts down, her illusion also disappears along with it.

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