利 Just when the sharp blade was about to penetrate Ma Beichen's back, he probably felt that the groom's Weinuonuo was very disappointed.

I just wanted to turn on the wagon, but gave me a swift bounce. The groom's eyes quickly supported his young master.

"Little Master"

You can hear "噗嗤" before saying "Xin Xin".

Having a sharp blade with a long arm, he sunk into the horse fiercely.

The sudden tingling in the condyle shocked the horse.

The horse's four hoofs rose, and the horse rushed out with the cart.

The two masters and servants who were affected suddenly fell to the ground.

"What's the matter?"

The two seemed stupid, and he looked at the carriage disappearing in front of them.

Then, after hearing only a few “嗖 嗖” sounds, there were several figures around the master and servant.

"Who are you guys? What do you do?"

Bian Ma Beichen shrank, but he relied on the brave question.

But Keiying didn't want to talk to him nonsense.

"My mother, killing!"

Bian Ma Beichen was so frightened that he rolled his urine and rolled on the spot, avoiding the attacking blade.

But his shoulders were broken.


He was a bit worse than killing a pig, he couldn't get up, he just rolled on the ground.

Relying on the darkness of the night, although these people were prepared, they were also greatly restricted.

Nevertheless, in just a few strokes, Ma Beichen hung a lot of colors all over his body.

"Master! Master!"

Humafu was ignored, but he bravely defended his master, narrowed the gap, and slammed on his young master to resist him.

The two men rolled like this, but they were frustrated with their two fists, and when they saw them, they would be killed. At this time, they could only hear the other side of the road, and a anger came.

"Dare to start working on my place, my lord, you're afraid you're tired and crooked! Brothers, give me!"

声音 That voice is a bit young, but it is difficult to distinguish between men and women because of headwinds and moving relationships.

The black man who besieged Ma Beichen stunned, but his hands intensified.

Bian Ma Beichen also rushed to the doctor, shouting desperately with his throat.

英雄 "Hero! This hero! Please save me! Save me!"

Suddenly, another group of men and horses rushed out of the forest.

The number of puppets immediately prevailed, and with their joining, Ma Beichen's pressure was greatly reduced.

"I said, are you still alive?"

Lying on the ground, Ma Beichen, who had less air and more air in her eyes, appeared at the moment.

The man covered his face and wore a large cloak, and it was not clear at night.

Bian Ma Beichen didn't dare to move because he rolled so hard just now that his whole body seemed to fall apart, and he could only raise his head hard to look up at the dignity of his benefactor.

What a pity, the benefactor did not give him this opportunity.

"Live, alive. Thank you for your kindness and help, and you will be memorable in the future. In the future, you will be rewarded heavily."

I didn't expect, but the benefactor squatted down, took the whip, and gently stroked his face.

Bei Ma Beichen suddenly turned pale.

"Well, benefactor, this is you"

"Isn't your family calling you? How can I report my life?"

Bian Ma Beichen immediately panicked.

Look at the benevolent figure and voice, it should be a man.

Even if the other party is a woman, he must be a man of a bold style.

Hit him, wouldn't he fancy himself?

Suddenly, Ma Beichen shuddered and lay prone on the ground.


"I have an older sister in my family, everything else is fine, but she looks a bit ugly and has a bad temper. You can rest assured that I will protect you in the future. ... in this way, you go back with me, when my brother-in-law can't do it? "

Suddenly, Ma Beichen shuddered even more, so he just cried out.

"Heroes ca n’t do it! How can a marriage be a joke? It ’s better to wait until I know my parents."

"Don't forget, you saved it. I advise you to better think about it, it's all my place. If you don't think about it, I won't let you go out!"

The Shane was a little impatient and got up and walked towards his men.

瘫 Paralyzed to the ground at this time, Ma Beichen, who was originally a courier, quietly evoked a sneer.

什么 样 What kind of person is he and where can the bandits deserve?

The two moved a little bit to the shadow of the forest. Finally, they got up quickly and submerged into the dense forest.

On this side, I was looking at the benefactors who were fighting hard, but there was a ghost flashing beside him.

"Girl, they escaped."

Wu Qinghu glanced at the forest with a little disdain in his eyes.

"Let's go, you remember taking a few people in and out of the city these days to find, do a play, and do a full set."

It was Lin Fangya who was disguised and dressed up just when Li Fang was almost "forcing the good".

They also just arrived. In order to avoid revealing herself, she only temporarily thought of such a 馊 idea.

I turned purposeful rescue into a rage of mountain bandits.

Only in this way can Ma Beichen not be suspected for the time being.

"Rest assured, starting tomorrow, everyone in Yecheng will know that there is a band of robbers dying for a long time near Yuelao Temple."

She nodded, she was relieved to give such a thing to Qinghu.

On the other side, the man who besieged Ma Beichen just now fought and retreated. When he was about to be unable to support him, he whistled with the head, and the black shadows scattered immediately, desperate to run into the forest.

"Don't chase!"

She stopped her person immediately.

The group of people dare to start here, they must have been familiar with the terrain.

虽然 Although the people she brought were superb in martial arts, she didn't say anything in the away battle. It was too dark tonight, and she could barely see anything when she entered the forest. The danger index doubled.

"It's a pity that I didn't catch a living."

Qi Qinghu felt a little sorry, looking at the corpses lying on the ground.

Lin Lin Mengya felt the same way, but after all, she couldn't waste the lives of her men.

But who knows, she just pressed the thought and saw a person flying straight to her feet.

Yes, it's flying.

It seems that it was kicked by someone.

So the man covered his stomach, staring straight in the direction when he came.

It seems unbelievable that he was hiding well, why did he discover it?

At this time, Lin Zi made a "brushing" sound.

He walked slowly out of the night, his slender figure with cold chill.

He stepped in front of her step by step, not looking at the guy on the ground who was almost kicked to death by him.

"He is the leader among them."

He slowly spit out a word, but it was enough to make Lin Mengya ecstatic.

She immediately hugged his arm, her eyes were full of worship.

"You are great! This gentleman, why are you so prominent?"

Before she rushed in, Lin Mengya blocked Long Tianyu because she didn't want to have extra branches.

I didn't want this guy to wonder when he got into the woods and gave her such a big surprise.

"Don't make trouble."

Although Xun was reprimanding, but apparently had little strength, but apparently praised her, Long Tianyu still used.

"Yes, yes, come here, push him back!"

I have this living mouth, she is not worried that there is no way to let this person spit out the truth.

Someone came out immediately and set off the leader who had gone unconscious.

Lin Mengya looked around at this moment, as if she was looking for someone.

"Qingrou is dead, over there."

Xiao Long Tianyu knew what she thought, and reminded him a little.

already dead?

I felt a bit pity Lin Mengya walked in the direction pointed by Long Tianyu.

At this point, Qingrou has become a cold body.

I just had her eyes wide open, and seemed to be full of resentment.

It's a pity that Qingrou can never be fair for herself.

"This kind of woman is so stupid that she is going to die. There is nothing to be sorry for now."

Qing Qinghu especially hated Qingrou, a person who has no brain and is used by people who do not know it.

I have nothing to do with gender, mainly because he hates stupid people.

"It's all she chooses. Naturally it has nothing to do with others, but I'm afraid she didn't know before she died. Why is her lover's eyes suddenly turned?"

She doesn't have any extra thoughts on Qingrou's end, but she can't help but sigh.

Everyone is an adult and must be responsible for their choices.

蹲 She squatted down, and carefully examined Qingrou's body, trying to find clues about the elder brother's betrayal.

Wu Qingrou's fatal injury was in her chest. Until her breath, her hand was tightly nestled in the ear, no matter how hard Lin Mengya tried, she could not open Qingrou's hand.

The elder brother's puppets, at present, can only be transmitted through houses.

But she turned over Qingrou's sleeves, and the girl's gongsha was still bright red.

This shows that she didn't talk to Wu Brother.

Isn't it her?

"Okay, you don't have to think about it. I will transport it back to you, you can take a good look. It's getting late, we should go back."

Qi Qinghu greeted Lin Mengya, who also felt the reason, and nodded in agreement.

Wu Qinghu recruited two people to carry Qingrou's body, but he did not expect that his hands could not be held open, but at the moment they were relaxed.

Lin Mengya, who was standing beside her all the time, only felt that something was falling from her hand.

I squatted down immediately to find her, and finally touched her with a small cloth bag.

The small cloth bag is as big as the finger belly, it is a triangle, and it is wrapped in red cloth, it looks like an amulet or something.

She looked over and over again and again, but did not see any mystery.

"Let's go, you should go home."

Nine Dragons Tianyu also walked in. At this time, the men had removed the corpses, and they were almost dealt with here.


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