Hemu Yucheng has never been a fragrant and jealous person. Even when he saw such a Su Mei, he felt very disgusted.

Yun Ke's previous movements were too big, plus he did promise before to protect the other party.

Now, Gongwu's move is hitting his face.

Mu Yucheng, with a poor face, stared fiercely at the palace dance, calming the killing in his heart.

"Come here, send Mr. Su over there, remember to take good care of her safety."

Xi Muzhen waved his hand, and immediately a group of people ran over, guarding the two masters and servants of Su Mei away.

Lin Lin Mengya bowed her head, and no one saw the smile in her eyes.

刚刚 As soon as she walked out of the yard, she heard the back, and heard Lin Mengwu's terrified shout.

"What are you doing? Ah, kill, kill!"

The **** smell of blood spread from the air.

With such a violent temper as Mu Yucheng, Lin Mengwu will definitely give a nightmare lesson.

The master and servant sat in the carriage and exchanged glances very tacitly.

The place where the corpse was parked was on a village outside the city.

Although the care is usually very strict, if the second brother shot it himself, I am afraid it is not difficult.

But once the body was lost, the palace family was the first to be suspected.

If Mu Yucheng bites back then, no matter what evidence is found on the body can be overturned.

Therefore, she must disturb Mu Yucheng's judgment and transfer some of his doubts.

"Mr. Sumei, we are here, please get off the bus."

With A Xiu's help, she trembled off the carriage.

The eye circles were still red, and it was clearly a frightening look.

"here is"

She looked around. This is a not-so-narrow alley. She is now at the back door of a house.

"The young master asked, Mr. Su Mei was frightened. He will live here for the time being, please."

Headed by a crippled face, Lin Mengya nodded softly and walked in.

The faint scent of medicine was permeating. When she entered the door, she saw the yard, and there were many medicinal materials to be dried.

"Peng treasurer, this is the person whose young family mainly deposits here."

The round, round-shaped shopkeeper Peng greeted her immediately, and after talking with Jiading, she placed her in the backyard.

Here, it should be a medicinal shop.

I did not expect that the Mu family in non-Yecheng actually had an industry.

Before Mingming Ming, the elder brother had been carefully screened in the dark for the safety of non-Yecheng, and knew which places the family used to listen to the news.

But here, she never heard the elder brother mention it.

I want to come, Mu family has long been thinking, so this step will be buried in non-Yecheng.

But now, Mu Yucheng sent himself here, and I think that it does n’t matter if it is exposed here.

She couldn't help but worry, Mu family, how many places like this in Feicheng?

I am afraid of other families, too.

If it were n’t for the hostage herself, she had n’t really guessed. Fei Yecheng, who looks like a copper wall and an iron wall, is probably already full of scars, right?

Outside, a knock came suddenly.

Axiu exchanged a look with her and immediately opened the door.

Standing at the entrance of the door was the shopkeeper Peng.

He couldn't hold his hand, but he was holding a bowl of dark medicine.

"Mr. Sumei, this is the tranquilizer that my younger owner ordered to come down and prepare for you."

Myocardial medicine?

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at it, there was indeed some soothing element in it.

But she was also in the slightly bitter taste of the medicine, smelling a little bit of other taste.

I'm afraid it's not a bowl of ordinary tranquilizers.

Her face still held the look of fear and uncertainty, and smiled gratefully at the shopkeeper Peng, then took the medicine and drank it.

"It's bitter."

After seeing that she just wrinkled her face, and seemed to have no other response, Peng Treasurer said with a smile.

"Good medicine is good for the sick. Sir, take a good rest. If you need anything, you can call me at any time."

"There is work."

I watched Peng's shopkeeper leave, Lin Mengya's face slowly converged and smiled.

A Xiufu said in her ear a little anxiously.

"Sister Ya, is there any problem in that medicine?"

"Did you notice too?"

Axu bit her lip and said.

"Well, that treasurer Peng has been looking at you. If it is really an ordinary tranquilizer, why would he stare at you?"

当然 Of course she also knew, but strangely, there was no toxic substance in the medicine.

Alas, and the medicines she drank, will be tested by the system.

The system shows that all the ingredients are very safe, and the effect can really calm down.

Did she think about everything?

"No matter what this medicine does, it won't hurt me. You let the signal out and let the four brothers know that they can start to act."

Axiu went to the window and determined that no one around him was watching, then took out a small cage from his sleeve.

There was a small bird the size of a human thumb inside the magpie. She carefully took out the bird, and made a small stroke on the bird's sharp beak to feed the bird a little blood.

This is the starling that Axiu feeds. After she releases, she will follow the blood to find what Axiu stored in the palace house.

This is an agreed signal between them. As long as the four brothers saw the pheasant, they knew they could start.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the sky outside, I hope everything goes well.

According to their previous plans, Lin Mengya deliberately led Lin Mengwu to conflict with her after returning to Mu's house.

Hemu Yucheng wouldn't care, even if he didn't care about his life and death, but someone like him would definitely not allow others to take his words as a breeze.

Therefore, Lin Mengwu will definitely be severely rectified.

She knew that Qi Lin Mengwu's temper could not swallow it at all.

She even revenge Mu Yucheng at all costs in order to cheer herself up.

来 Before coming to Mu's house, Gong Tu will definitely give Lin Mengwu something or help.

In this way, they completely disrupted the deployment of Gong Tu, exposed some things early, and lost value.

It's impossible for Mumu Yucheng to be unaware, so he will relentlessly fight back.

In this way, once the corpse was discovered by the Mu family, the first suspect would be Gong Tu.

This chaotic situation is more beneficial to her.

She counted every step.

As she was thinking about how to make the plan more perfect, suddenly, a rustle came to her ears.

"What's this sound?"

Her subconscious laughter asked A Xiu, but the latter raised her ears, and Zai listened carefully.

Then he shook his head.

"No, I didn't hear anything."

I was surprised, she heard it clearly.

Also, the sound was like a snake crawling on the ground, making people feel numb.

She sat for a while, but her voice became clearer.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't sit still, got up and looked around.

I wondered, the ground was clean, and there was no wind outside, and she frowned slightly.

What exactly is going on?

"Sister Ya, are you a little tired? Why not go to bed first?"

Wu Axiu was also made a little nervous by her, she suggested softly.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her forehead, her body did not feel any abnormalities, and the system was operating normally.

She took off her coat and lay on the bed, but her voice was still the same, even a little amplified.

I feel like something is getting closer to myself.


She wanted to speak as Axiu, but at this moment, she realized in horror that her body was a little uncomfortable.

There was a panic in her heart, and she immediately calmed down.

I'm sorry, she doesn't have any toxins in her body, but her limbs just don't listen.

"Sister Ya, what's wrong?"

Xi Axiu heard her call and turned to see her.

But after seeing Lin Mengya's wide eyes, she immediately stepped forward and shook her shoulder.

"I can't move"

"How is this ya sister now?"

Axiu was also a little panicked. Fortunately, Lin Mengya now has no other symptoms than her hands and feet.

"I can't move my hands and feet. You poked me to see that I didn't feel any pain."

Axiu heard the words and immediately pulled out her buns.

Although unwilling, she could only ruthlessly pierce her arm.

The sharp **** has pierced the delicate skin, but it should have been a sharp pain, but he didn't respond.

Lin Lin Mengya's heart sank, shouldn't she be paralyzed?

At this time, all the data about her body in the system was fed back to her.

Actually, everything is normal!

What's wrong, shouldn't the system fail?

这 "This, what can I do. Sister Ya, I'll call someone."

"Come back! Don't let them know."

This matter, she is not much better than Axiu.

After all, she has never felt this kind of out of control, biting her lower lip, her head turning sharply.

How to do? What exactly caused this situation.

I didn't expect that, just in this case, the door was pushed open.

She thought that the people from the Mu family would come in, but it was a person wrapped in a black robe.

The man walked straight to her bed, and Axiu blocked her heroically, trying to protect her.

I did not expect that as soon as the man raised his hand, he stunned Axiu.


With her eyes widened, the feeling of powerlessness in her heart never made her look vulnerable.

But I didn't expect that the man stretched out a pair of iron arms and took her tightly in her arms.

"Don't be afraid, it's me."

The deep, familiar voice sounded like a cricket at this moment.

All the fear and helplessness he had had was miraculously healed.

I do not know why, she feels sore nose.

"Why did you come here."

A soft and soft glutinous word, with a little complaint.

Jiu Long Tianyu's heart was so soft that she kissed her forehead gently.

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