Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1608: Situation reversed

She knows Mu Yucheng is a smart person. She just mentioned it casually just now, but the other party will definitely think of the grudges between her and Lin Mengwu, the palace family and the palace slaughter.

人 That person is fierce for her, and for Lin Mengwu, she wo n’t be gentle where she wants to go.

But the other party, she is not so well-informed.

The difficulties she has suffered should always be tasted by those people.

But I did not expect that the next day, Song Liner actually came to the door.

看着 She looked at the young girl who suddenly appeared in front of her, confused, but only a few surprises appeared on her face.

"How good is sir here?"

In front of her, Song Lin'er was still the innocent and lovely Qian Jin.

Who would have thought that the means behind her were so fierce.

Lin Lin Mengya was secretly alert, but she had to make a weak look on her face.

一切 "All right, how about Miss Song?"

"Me, it's not very good. The Mu family's house was burnt. I almost got hurt!"

This man, the ability to open blind eyes is not small.

But Lin Mengya's attitude towards her is still indifferent. After all, in the case of poisoning before, Song Liner was also one of the suspects.

原来 "So, is Miss Song moving to live with me?"

Xu Wenyan said, Song Liner smiled and shook her head, she rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

"This is the place where my cousin specially adjusted the body for my husband. I can't live here. But he is really leisurely, no wonder, you are imprisoned here, and you don't know what's going on outside, so naturally you don't worry."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that Song Liner was not in front of herself for no reason.

But the other party is also an enemy, how can she believe it?

At the moment, he just frowned slightly and looked at the other in doubt.

"I don't know what Miss Song said, what is it?"

"You don't know yet, Lin Mengwu is about to be taken home?"

At this point, she really didn't know.

Seeing her look unknown, Song Liner teased this fool fiercely in her heart.

But with a little pity in his tone.

"No wonder, after all, she is the blood of the palace family. It looks like Mr. Su Mei, you have all your life on you, but you have been abandoned."

Lin Lin Mengya could hear that this was Song Liner's deliberate instigation of her relationship with the palace family.

She still knows the behavior of her family.

If you want to take back Lin Mengwu, it will never be because of that ridiculous relationship.

Unless there is something wrong with it.

But what Song Liner said should not be all fake.

Hey, what happened?

"Miss Song, the palace family will never do this kind of thing!"

She was slightly agitated, and her voice couldn't help being louder.

Song Liner looked in her eyes, but smiled proudly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, anyway, very soon, my cousin will also send you back. By then, you will know whether I am right or wrong."

Song Lin'er's face was full of bamboo, as if certain that she would be disappointed.

For a moment, she passed a lot of thoughts in her heart, but in the end, she could only bury all her guesses in her heart.

"Miss Song, I'm still a little sick, so I won't keep you much."

Squinting at her, she began to make a clear order, and Song Liner had no interest left.

She smiled very coldly, and seemed to ridicule her self-deception.

"Mr. Su Mei, although you and I are not familiar with each other, but they are not enemies, I just can't get used to the villain's look like that."

After finishing speaking, the man left as if he wanted it.

"Sister Ya, don't listen to her nonsense, the palace family will never admit Lin Mengwu."

Song Liner's words, in fact, she did not pay much attention.

She was only in front of the other party, disguising herself.

"I guess, she may not be telling lies. What happened to Lin Mengwu."

No matter what happened, it should be Gong Tu who took her.

What the **** happened?

I didn't expect that Song Lin'er hadn't been long before Mu Zhen appeared again in front of her.

But this time, Mu Zhen's attitude was a lot colder than before, as if she was a trivial being.

"Mr. Sumei, now you can leave here."

I said that she was notified to leave, but she was in fact rushing.

A Xiu pursed her mouth, muttering with some dissatisfaction.

"You think it's rare that we stay here."

"It must be rude, Mr. Mu, to leave next."

She frowned slightly, but still packed things with Axiu.

I came out of the drugstore and looked at the bustling street outside. The feeling of anxiety in her heart became clearer and clearer.

"Sister Ya, shall we return to the palace?"

Wu Axiu asked softly, and she thought for a moment and nodded gently.

Now, only the family knows what happened.

The two of them hurry up and finally arrive at the palace house before the sun sets.

But when A Xiu finally knocked on the door of the palace house, he got a slightly sorry smile in the concierge.

"Sorry Mr. Su, you can't come in now."


A Xiu stared, and asked in surprise.

The doorman was also honest and loyal, and he looked inside secretly before lowering his voice.

"This is an order from Miss Er, she said that you betrayed the Lord and drove you out of the palace house."

"What? This is her spurting blood!"

A Xiu really wanted to rush in and tear the rotten shameless man. It was obviously Lin Mengwu who got off the black hand. In the end, why was the sister Ya borne the crime?

"Hurry up, the younger is also in the face of the young lady, only to make it clear to the two. You two, don't let the younger make it difficult."

After all, the yamen room was just out of morality, not to believe her.

Lin Lin Mengya grabbed some excited A Xiu, and smiled at the other side in good faith.

"Thank you for your reminder, let's go."


Wu Axiu was still arguing, but unexpectedly, several people suddenly appeared behind them.

呦 "Oh, isn't this Mr. Sumei? Why are you standing here and not going in?"

Bad ridicule makes it clear that it's the fault.

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head and saw a face that was not very familiar.

But she remembered that this person was one of the group of Gong Tu.

However, at this time, the other person's face was not very good-looking.

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you."

She doesn't want to talk nonsense to people who have nothing to do with it. The top priority is to figure out what happened to the palace family.

I didn't expect, but the man reached out and stopped her.

"Say the same, you are just an irrelevant outsider, is it comparable to our serious family members? Do you think that if you hold Gong Ya's thigh, you will be able to turn clouds and rain? Well, dream it!"

Those people look at her as if they are looking at the enemy.

Before she remembered, these people were still very stubborn to her.

"I'm not an outsider, it's not you who decides. It's not necessarily the family members who belong to the palace."

He said this, but it was just right in the man's heart.

As if angered, the man smiled gloomily and shoved her.

"It's you **** who is deceptive! Tell you that soon there will be a new owner in the palace, no matter if you are Gong Ya, you can no longer step into the palace!"

The man finished his gritting and Lin Mengya quickly grasped the key.

Before she remembered, this person once expressed her willingness to use her relationship to enter the genealogy.

It turned out that now to step on her foot is to show loyalty to the new master?

Lin Lin Mengwu is a good method, but in just a few days, she turned her upside down.

When I thought of it, she sneered.

新 "New owner? You better not be so confident. The owner of the palace is not so good."

The man looked at her very arrogantly and said with gritted teeth.

"Until now, you are still right there. If it wasn't for you **** to say that you can enter the genealogy, I wouldn't offend Gong Tu. Now it's okay, Gong Wu is about to inherit the position of the owner, and I must She will be sent to the most barren places. You bit me, bitch! "

The person said more and more angry, and finally wanted to do something with her.

But his hand was just raised, and she grabbed her wrist. I didn't know where she came from, she couldn't move at all.

"I don't like others to kick my hands, go back and tell Gong Wu, I will definitely pay back the things she did to me ten times."

Cold her face cold, a pair of clear eyes flickering with the broken ice mottled, the man froze raw and made a step back to make way.

"let's go."

She is retreating, she is not giving in.

But I didn't expect that at this time a carriage stopped beside her.

"Aunt Su!"

Four different calls made her stop.

Subsequently, the placket was caught by four pairs of small hands at the same time.

"Aunt Su, why haven't you been home for so many days? We miss you so much!"

Yun Ning'er and Mo Yan had the deepest attachment to her, and Ning'er directly flew into her arms, Nuo Nuo asked.

Lin Lin Mengya can speak to anyone, but in the face of these four little buns, there is no way to harden her heart.

She wants to pick up the two babies, kiss and coax.

But now, not yet.

"Hum, these two Ono species have a good relationship with you."

The man was reluctant to be deterred, and uttered sarcasm.

At this time, Lin Mengya was uncharacteristically, her eyes were staring at each other coldly.

"Take care of your mouth."

Take her warning with a little bit of anger.

The man shook his heart, but felt that she was just a bereavement dog, and everyone could bully it.

怎么 "Why? I was poked by the pain? No wonder, I heard that Gong Yaben was a restless person. He might be an adopted child, maybe he was born with a wild man."

The person who smeared her blindly was just a chance to earn some money in front of Lin Mengwu.

But he didn't know that he was getting closer to the edge of death.

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