Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1655: I worry about you

Bali Rui turned his head, with a little doubt in his eyes.


"Yes." Lin Mengya nodded and continued: "It just disappeared, without a trace, disappeared completely from this world."

I did not expect, but the teacher fell into thinking.

I didn't give her an answer for a long time.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned silently on her side, in fact she was thinking about this problem.

Unless the brain is destroyed, it is difficult to remember nothing at all.

But the scene she saw in her brother's consciousness space, she thought it was too incredible.

She couldn't help thinking of the little medicine.

It's like memory is formatted.

The hard disk after formatting is to carry some new content.

Everyone's memory exists in everyone's brain. Even if it is formatted, who can use it besides it?

She hasn't heard of anyone whose brain needs to be cleared automatically because of too much memory.

It's going to take some time for Brother Si to be fully awake.

Fortunately, today, the teacher's wit made her the identity of a drug tester, so even if Gong Ping was assisted all the way back to Xiyuan at night, she would not be afraid to attract anyone's attention.

I just arrived in the room, and her eyelids jumped quietly.

Their house has been touched!

Even if everything is in the same place, even a book is not misplaced.

But she has an amazing memory, and the teacher is purely because of the obsessive-compulsive disorder.

怎么 No matter how messy he is, but when others move, he can see it all at once.

The three of them closed the door and entered the room to talk in secret.

"Is the person from Gong Tu here?"

Xi Gongping only heard them say that someone came in, and immediately suspected that he was on Gong Tu's head.

He is indeed the most likely.

But Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and thought about it, then shook her head.

"It's not like the style of Gong Tu's behavior. He already has a prescription. This time I should find a way to identify the authenticity of the prescription. Besides, we are not alone with him. How can it be, how can it be so Silly, what about Xiyuan who left the real recipe with him, who can come in anytime, anywhere? "

From the beginning, they are in a state of guarding each other.

If they really carelessly drop something, I'm afraid he won't believe it at all with the doubt of Gong Tu.

Therefore, it can only be someone else.

"Who is it then?"

He Gongping was a bit worried.

Zhe Lin Mengya already has the answer. It doesn't matter who it is. The important thing is that I believe they have an antidote. I'm afraid it's not just Gong Tu.

不用 "Don't worry, it's okay, you go back first, Brother Si needs you more."

He Gongping resigned immediately.

Lin Lin Mengya held her soft body and collapsed in the teacher's chair.

"Teacher, we didn't expect we could be a little surprised."

勾 She raised her lips and smiled meaningfully.

Apart from Gong Tu, who cares so much about antidote?

The answer is ready.

Although Bai Lirui does not have her flowery intestine, there are some things that can never change.

He only knew that someone they had set up was in the suit.

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course it is a double-edged bird. Teacher, Gong Tu will come to test you these days. That person is insidious and cunning. You still have to deal with it carefully."

I didn't expect the teacher to sneer.

I have more flexible and slender five fingers than young people, and grabbed one in the void.

的 The poisonous sage of the year, even if it is now gray-haired, is still the same, with weights that can dominate life and death.

"He's afraid he doesn't know yet, whose life is in his hands."

He said this wildly, but it was true.

They all thought she and the teacher were just a pair of sheep.

Who knows, they are the fierce role of pigs and tigers?

Holding her legs that were not so neat, Lin Mengya came back from her teacher's room.

As soon as I opened the door, a long, powerful hand was reaching out.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately pressed her body up and was supported by someone, but much lighter.

Although she likes her mother's care, but it is clear that today's mother is a bit soft.

He frowned, and he rarely saw her look so weak.

Is it hurt?

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

As if feeling the anger of his surging, she gently stroked his chest and comforted.

Nine Dragons Tianyu closed the door without any movement, immediately lifted the person horizontally, then gently placed it on the bed.

I took off her coat and shoes and socks for her again, naturally it couldn't be more natural.

She buried herself in the soft quilt, and she exhaled softly.

Holding his arms, he hugged his neck loosely.

"Don't go, stay with me."

Her original voice, because of the accent, is a bit softer than the girls here.

Especially on such a night, when the two were alone, the atmosphere gradually grew ambiguous.

He circled her in her arms, but was careful not to press her hair and placket.

Low voice, only coddled on her.

"it is good."

I was just such a word, but it could iron her heart.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"You come to see me, are you worried about me, or do you want that answer?"

Sui Long Tianyu suddenly felt that something was not in his heart.

Xiao Xiao had no conscience. If it weren't for the sudden news here, he said that there was an abnormality, how could he run across and look at her desperately.

Alas, before things made him a little bit jealous, for fear of his own lady misunderstanding.

I thought for a while, but still said the truth.

"worry about you."

"I know."

As soon as she finished speaking, she followed three words.

Xiao Long Tianyu suddenly hesitated, reached out her hand, and straightened her face.

This girl, with a curvy lips, laughed like a cute kitten.

He lowered his head, his tall nose, and nudged her cheek gently.

It's a pity that I still have a layer across, and I always feel that she's not true.

Long's slender fingers stroked the mask on her face, and even though it felt skin-like to the touch, it was a bit less warm.

After all, not as good as the lady herself.

"Is this thing bad for a long time?"

"Yes, maybe disfigured, will make me ugly!"

Flicking her eyes, with some kind of provocation.

Ke Ke Long Tianyu, but whispered.

"It's better to be ugly, it's ugly, only I think you are the most beautiful. You love beauty so much, maybe you can't even look at you in the mirror. It's just me."

This is more childish than her son's!

Lin Lin Mengya vomited her tongue, but she was unprepared and bit her.

I never knew, and I never knew, that craving.

Until the breathing became short, his chest warmed up, Lin Mengya weakly supported his chest.

Yan Shui's eyes were dazzling with waves of light, which provoked Long Tianyu into another intoxicating kiss.

"Well, there are people out there!"

She is a bit shameless. Although this is in her own home, after all, she can't wipe the gun and go out.

Chen Long Tianyu smothered her face in her arms.

He leaned against his chest and grinned a few times.

In my opinion, my wife is still charming!

No, she's wearing a man's face today!

Instantly, the complacency was discounted.

我 "I said, in fact, you don't know what that thing is for, right?"

If it wasn't for accidental hits, and with the help of a small medicine, she would be afraid to find out the truth about the unconsciousness of her fourth brother.

But she believed that if Long Tianyu knew how to use this thing, he would never let himself take the risk.

One is reluctance, the other is meaningless.

Xiaolong Tianyu nodded, and gradually calmed down the fiery urge.

He twisted a strand of hair around her, turning flexibly.

"It's strange to say, the reason why the fourth brother was unconscious is because his memory is disappearing. Although I don't know what he will look like when he wakes up, it still makes some people wonder."

碎片 The memory fragments did not disappear, but everything had to be answered after the elder brother woke up.

I can't stand her words, but Long Tianyu is lost in thought.

"The disappearance of memory?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, turned over, and lay sideways in his arms to look at him.

"Actually, rather than saying that Brother Si was deep in the dream, he was trapped in memories. But the memories that trapped him existed in the form of a dream, not his true memories. It seems that he is going to gradually become an empty shell. "

In fact, everything she sees in the conscious space is the specific function of a small medicine.

For example, she can see that her consciousness is bright, but her brother's is like something entangled, showing only a little bit of starlight.

Every time, only a little bit of activity will be brought about after the real pieces of memory are integrated into his consciousness.

This shows that memory is both a lock and a key.

Xiao Long Tianyu hugged her, but his brows frowned slightly. For a long while, he said gently.

"This matter, look into it, it is a bit too dangerous for you at present."

He wanted to persuade her to set aside for a while, but he couldn't explain a word.

Last time he remembered the last thing, for he was too much control, which would make her misunderstand.

But I didn't expect that this time he actually took the initiative to say, "Okay, I just need to find a way to heal the great ancestors. It's a bit too dangerous here, and I want to move them to another place."

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not take it easy.

不是 Isn't this girl the most ugly? Why did she suddenly lose her temper?

Lin Lin Mengya looked at his stupid look and couldn't help bending her eyes with a smile.

"I'm in your heart, is it so insignificant? Fool!"

Pouting to say so, but could not help but put a chapter on his chin.

This fool has a master, and the master is her!

我 "I'm just afraid that you're upset."

After lingering for a long time, who knew that his wife and children were more reasonable than he thought.

Suddenly, he was a little accustomed to it.

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