Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1686: Changyou Night Square

Alas, although the rumors have been suppressed for a while, other parts of the palace family have encountered problems of large and small.

Before the ancestors, for the long-term consideration, some people in the branch were also arranged in various shops and Zhuangzi.

I did not expect that this group of people had long been motivated, but for a few months, they had done a lot of things that they had.

As soon as they left, the problem quickly became apparent.

整理 In order to sort out these bad debts, Lin Mengya and Gong Shi had to check the accounts day and night.

Fortunately, with the help of Xiaoyao, the accounts were checked at an inhuman speed.

So Rao was so busy. She was busy for two days and two nights, and her dark circles ran out to meet people.

After pouring a cup of strong tea, she couldn't sleep now.

The whole man crouched down in a chair, closed his eyes, rubbing his temples.

When Xiaolong Tianyu came to the door, he saw such a scene.

Look at her rare burnout, but it is distressed.

He walked behind her lightly, took her hand, and gently massaged her head.

The warm and powerful ten fingers seemed to carry other magic.

Quickly, she felt groggy and awake.

He leaned habitually in his arms, sniffed the scent of medicine that had been scorched by his body temperature, and the dissipated sleepiness surged again.

"I'm not giving it to you. Have you got some competent clerks?"

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned, but also could not bear to blame her again.

At the beginning of checking the accounts, Long Tianyu was afraid of her fatigue, so he sent five outstanding accountants.

But Xiaoyao has an inherent advantage in the calculation of numbers. If those people come, I am afraid that it will take at least ten days and a half months to complete it.

It's just the current situation of the palace family. It's better to know these things as soon as possible.

"Isn't that because your wife is the most capable? You don't often say, does the person able work harder?"

"Yaer, you won't be stubborn anymore."

I heard a bit of dissatisfaction in the man's words, and Lin Mengya naturally admits wrongly.

Opened his eyes and circled his waist, and he pussy-eyed his solid abs.

"Sorry, I didn't think very well, I will never do it again."

She's extremely sleepy, and her tone is slightly nasal.

Lazy and soft, where is Long Tianyu still willing to anger her?

Big hand stroking her long hair, Long Tianyu held her up and hugged her, walked back to her room, and placed the person on the bed.

As soon as the tired body was next to the pillow, Lin Mengya was so comfortable that she never wanted to move again.

After a deep sleep, knowing that she feels that all her physical strength has been restored in the past few days, she opened her eyes and saw the man sitting next to his bed.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was also looking at her, and the two of them looked at each other suddenly, showing an unspoken smile to each other.

"Woke up?"

She nodded, and as soon as she wanted to go down, she hugged her and placed it on a stool.

"I'll let you steam a bowl of nectar butter, you taste it."

Lin Mengya, who was sober-headed, was unusually well-behaved.

I took a sip of the sweet honey, and smiled sweetly at Long Tianyu.

Until that man can't hold it anymore, he sighed and said.

"I'm just angry that you don't know how to take care of your own body. This is also a problem that I haven't thought about. Only now I have made people look for more than a dozen tents to be selected and adjusted by your fourth brother. I will never let you Suffer these hardships. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and smiled.

How big is the Xiong Palace family and need more than twenty accountants?

But she didn't dare to say it now.

I ate something and Long Tianyu personally wore her shoes and socks.

The two then walked out of the door, but it was already full of red clouds outside.

I felt this sleep and slept straight all day.

After the previous storm, the palace family was even more united.

In the past few days, the palace family has returned to normal.

After taking a patrol around with Jiu Long Tianyu, she found that there was really nothing to do. In the end, it was Lin Mengya's proposal that it was better to go out for a stroll.

Although it is early autumn, it is still a bit hot at night.

Ban Fei Yecheng has lifted the curfew and also supports Yefang.

The excitement of the day can't see anything. Only at night can we see the real condition of non-Yecheng.

Of course, the other thing is that she hasn't dated Long Tianyu for a long time.

Although I am an old wife and wife, sometimes this mood is also very needed.

Two people left quietly through the back door, and the guards who were with them were not far from each other, hiding in the crowd.

The dark night blurred people's faces and seemed to be able to bring people closer together.

Holding hands with him, she slowly walked on the lively long street, it seems like the most ordinary couple in this world, quiet years, keep their heads together.

Nine Dragons Tianyu always likes to protect her in his arms. He is tall and hovering in front of her, like a towering mountain.

For the first time, she gave birth to a person's mind.

Xiao Xiao's hand hugged his waist and pressed his face against his back.

Who knows, the man actually mentioned himself on his back.

"欸, you"

"Get on your stomach."

He patted her buttocks, and Lin Mengya dared not move.

Crouching on his wide back, at that moment, her eyes were a little bit of pantothenic acid.



"Can you try to rely on me?"

He is not relying on nothing, but relying on trust in his hands.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that this person really understood the uneasiness hidden in her heart.

I was probably because of being left behind from an early age.

I didn't even realize it myself. In fact, she was in the bottom of her heart and didn't believe that anyone could rely on her.

I sucked my nose, she didn't agree, but she didn't refuse.

"I know, I'm still a little short of doing it right now. But believe me, I can solve all your troubles. Of course, it's us together."

He speaks very slowly, it seems to be a deliberate thought, not a hot head.

She was on his back, only to feel the heart warmed by his tenderness.

"I can try it, sorry, I"

Some words, she wanted to say, but found it difficult to tell.

Before I met them, even after going through storms and storming together, they always lacked such a tacit understanding.

I knew each other, far from being as natural as a heart with a rhinoceros.

I was just that she was willing to open up and he was willing to tolerate everything.

"Since you feel sorry for me, you might as well give me some compensation."

In the angles she couldn't see, his eyes were as bright as stars.

Hagi was cheap with her mouth on her mouth, but she did not expect that the beloved on her back held her head with her little hand.

He was forced to turn his head, followed by her breath, and suddenly approached.

The delicate cherry petals blocked his lips, leaving all his words hidden in his tongue.

Around, people come and go.

No one is beside them, in their eyes, there is only one world left.

At that moment, she had no reservations and proved to him his love.

And he was the same, the bulging emotion in his heart overflowed.

After a long time, Lin Mengya flushed her face and buried her head on his shoulder.

还 "Also, don't leave now!"

Xiao Long Tianyu laughed dumbly.

"I don't know who it was just now, so brave."

"What's the matter, you are mine, I'll kiss as soon as I want!"

As soon as he raised his head, he saw a smile on his face.

Lin Lin Mengya glared at him, and continued to bury him on the shoulder, but always smiled and frowned.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was in a good mood and turned upside down.

"Sit tight, we go."

The people who were just attracted to the party just looked at them curiously.

However, they are not afraid of being recognized by acquaintances because of their cover at night.

Lin Lin Mengya laughed enough, and was put down from the back by Long Tianyu, and the two began to browse in the night square.

The things that happened before Gong Tu still affected the economy of Yecheng more or less.

There are a lot fewer people here than before, and the business of street vendors is mostly weak.

"Non-Yecheng looks like this, but imagine other places, it would not be too good."

Business is the lifeblood of the economy.

没有 There is nothing she wants to do that does not require the support of money.

Lin Mengya didn't want to use the priceless treasure left by the ancestors of the palace family.

If something is a little bit, just go for this simple method instead of trying to solve the problem. In the end, she will only be poor.

In my opinion, she must think of a way to re-establish the economy in the fiefdom.

Apart from observation, she was not idle.

Every time I take the opportunity to buy things, I go to ask the stall owner.

Soon, she knew that the reason why the night square became so depressed was because Gong Tu raised the taxes privately a while ago.

Coupled with the city, a lot of small gangs have suddenly emerged this time.

These people are usually in groups of three or five, eating various types of cards to get their cards.

The shops under the name of the palace family in Wucheng are okay, but they are retail investors who have suffered from seedlings.

And behind these people, most of them are inextricably linked with the palace family.

Zhe Lin Mengya heard that she could not help but hate Gong Tu and others more and more.

The fruit is really a rat feces and a pot of porridge. The image of the palace family almost made this group of people mess up.

"No rush."

Nine Dragons Tianyu squeezed her hand and gently advised.

Qi Lin Mengya exhaled, knowing what he meant, first suppressed the fire in her heart.

I rubbed my belly, she said deliberately and easily.

"I ate such a bowl of butter in one day, and I walked for so long. I am a bit hungry. Why not go and buy me something?"

Nine Dragons Tian Yu naturally agreed, but she hoped she would go together.

But Lin Mengya shook her head gently, pointed to a stone bench not far from the rest and said.

"The night here is beautiful, and you can see the river surface. I think it is better than squeezing with them."

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