Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1692: The meaning of drunk

However, these things are all Xiao Wang's family affairs, and if it is not about Gu Pan, she is too lazy to care.

He pinched Gu Pan's hand, Lin Mengya comforted.

"You don't need to worry about other things first, anyway, no one can embarrass you here. If you are not used to living here, follow me to the palace."

Gu Pan's eyes brightened, and finally he shook his head.

"No, wouldn't that give more opportunities to those girls? You don't know. In the circle of noble girls in the whole patriotic country, your five elder brothers in the family, but everyone has to eat the citron, I won't make up the fun and make you trouble. "

Lin Lin Mengya laughed.

It seems that when she went back, she had to mention this to Lien.

It's no problem to be happy, and I'm afraid that someone will use those tricks.

The two talked very well. After using lunch, until dusk, Ning Liang invited her three times, and the two people said goodbye reluctantly.

Princess Zheng happened to be looking for Gu Pan, so she was sent by the servants around Gu Pan.

As soon as she reached the door, she saw the woman who had threatened her in the afternoon got out of the car.

Wu Ningliang had been waiting at the door, welcoming herself when she came over.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to destroy her good interest, she just wanted to avoid this person.

I did not want to, the girl actually came forward.

That afternoon, the look of that pair of toes was very different. This time, the girl's smile was actually a little apologetic.

"Mr. Is this going back?"

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to talk to her too much, but when people came to her, she should have some courtesy.


She answered coldly, but did not destroy the other party's heart to want to talk to her.

The girl smiled tenderly before she spoke timidly.

"Before, Roujia took the liberty. Please forgive me, Roujia has always been such an open-minded temper. I didn't mean to be disrespectful to my husband, and I asked him to look at my sister's sake, and don't blame me."

After understanding the purpose of Princess Xiao's visit, Lin Mengya has become far away from the money in these Xiao's palaces.

Now when I see this young lady from Jiajia Jiao, she can barely herself, she is so humble to her, and her intention is even more firm.

"Miss Roujia is thinking too much. I still have something to do in the house.

Her meaning has been made clear.

She didn't want Qi Roujia to listen to this, and she obstructed her steps.

There was a bit of earnestness in his eyes, and it took a long time to narrow down the weak Tao.

"Then, can I go to the palace to visit Mr.?"


Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed.

The relationship between them does not seem to be familiar enough to visit.

But she soon knew that Qi Roujia was visiting her, and she was clearly drunk.

"Actually because I wanted to go to the door to thank you. In the afternoon, I had a little accident. It was the fourth son in your house who helped me clear the siege."

The next sentence, if she didn't hear well, I'm afraid she won't understand.

I dare to love, this is the peach blossom debt owed by the fourth brother.

I thought for a while, Lin Mengya thought that the fourth brother should be inadvertently aligned with Ruojia.

After all, the four elder brothers did not like this prideful woman before, and it was probably because she was a guest of the palace that she could make a clearance.

But there are some things that should be left to the fourth brother.

I can't say clearly about marriage.

原来 "That's the case. If the lady insists on thanking the fourth son, she can also borrow my name. But recently, if the lady is here, she probably told me in advance."

As soon as his voice fell, Qi Roujia nodded.

"I know, sir, rest assured, I will definitely say in advance! Roujia will not delay the husband, and another day, Roujia will come to visit!"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded slightly and returned to the palace with Ning Liang.

At this time, her elder brother had not returned yet. She was in the study room, and after dealing with the backlog, she returned to her bedroom.

I washed my hands and feet and was about to fall asleep, but I could hear Bai Su say.

"Sir, Your Highness said that he is not here today, so you can rest earlier."

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but be a little surprised.

她 Since she returned to the palace again, Long Tianyu has always stayed with her on the grounds that she wanted to protect her close to her.

Later, even the elder brother opened his eyes and closed them, never embarrassing him.

That guy even has to walk in. He doesn't have to carry people in and out.

I was so surprised today that she didn't come back.

I slept until dawn, alone, without the warm embrace of that person, but it made her unexpectedly unaccustomed.

What's more, I was not used to it, because this man didn't even eat breakfast with him.

While eating the overcooked chicken porridge, she listened to Ning Liang's report to her.

She waited until he had finished speaking before she asked.

"His Royal Highness, what are you doing?"

Wu Ningliang froze for a while, but she did not expect that she would ask about it.

He thought for a moment before answering carefully.

"His Royal Highness is naturally busy with business. Now Xiao Xiao is on duty at the palace, and some things are not well known. But if the husband wants to know, why not ask His Highness himself?"

She wanted to go, but she was afraid that it would delay him.

He looked hesitant, and Ning Liang said a few more words.

"Actually, for your Highness, naturally there is no substitute for your Highness. However, it is only a small news that the husband and wife must be properly managed for long-term love."

Alas, why did she hear something wrong?

Wu Ningliang walked away after speaking, Lin Mengya knew that he didn't dare to reveal too much, so he had to go to his four brothers to find out after breakfast.

As soon as I entered the yard, I didn't come to the door. I heard from my elder brother in the study, angrily: "He has already married my little girl, but he dare not know how to check it! I have to discount his leg! "

Staggering, Lin Mengya suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart.

Brother Sisi has always been gentle and kind, and rarely has such a big temper.

Moreover, it seems that Long Tianyu got in trouble.

what is the problem?

He walked a few steps into the room, and saw his elder brother, who was furious, looked at him with a constant glance.

"What did you just say?"

The two people in the house were stupid.

"Sister, you drink a cup of tea first, listen to me slowly tell you."

The four faces of the palace were complex, and she gave her a cup of fragrant tea, her eyes full of distress and helplessness.

I knew early on that the disciple was so shameless that he would not let the young girl be with that person anyway.

Fortunately, it is too late.

I just make the little girl sad.

"What the **** is it, you say it!"

She can be sure now that Long Tianyu's nagging has caused her some romantic debt.

In recent years, she has been able to deal with these mad bees and butterflies.

Moreover, Long Tianyu's thoughts, of course, she knew.

Even if he gave him a courage, he would not dare to climb the wall.

The fourth house of the palace is to stop talking and to dilemma.

I finally decided to speak up, after all, it really wasn't working, and he could take care of my little sister I.

"Yesterday, Her Royal Highness Princess Xi came."

With a click, Lin Mengya's tea cup lid fell into the cup.

Well, the water is warm, but she didn't get hot.

Suimiya thought she was angry and sad, and immediately took the cup, and wiped her hands with distress.

"My sister, don't worry, I will give you a fair deal. What about His Royal Highness? Our palace family will not let you eat this secret loss!"

But Lin Mengya didn't think about it, it was just a surprise.

"His Royal Highness Princess Xi? Brother elder, are you sure you are not impersonated?"

This is simply impossible.

Not to mention that she and Long Tianyu were married to each other. Since these days, the relationship between them has become deeper and deeper. If this happened, Long Tianyu would not hide her.


"I thought so at first, but the person who escorted her, but His Highness Xi's brother. And he didn't come back last night. It must be this betrayal man who has left you behind."

Little brother? Where did a younger brother come from?

Que Lin Mengya's questions came out one after another.

It seemed to me that Ning Liang had urged her to go and see for herself, should this be the reason?

The family's attitude in this matter is unprecedented.

"Forget it, instead of making random guesses here, I'd better go and see."

"Yes, you should go and tear down their true face as a couple of men and women! I will go with you. If they dare to bully you, I will beat them out!"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her four brothers with tears of tears and persuaded.

"I'm just going to see it, not to arrest. Okay, elder brother, what kind of princess, it has nothing to do with him. Don't forget, now he is Su Yan, not His Highness Xi."

My eyes flashed, Lin Mengya wanted to give her a thumbs up in her heart.

In the face of news that her husband might be derailed, why is she so calm and witty?


She was stunned by Gong Shiyi for a while, and did not understand the meaning of her words.

I couldn't help it, she had no choice but to talk to her brother.

"If it really is his princess, then it is absolutely impossible to come to recognize him at this time. Do you think that with his temper, you would want someone who doesn't know how important it is?"

The reason why the four brothers were angry was that they were preconceived. Long Tianyu was His Royal Highness Xi, so His Royal Highness Princess naturally ran to him.

But now there is only Su Yan in Non-Yecheng, His Royal Highness Xi.

Even if he is stupid, he cannot make this mistake, right?

还有 "Also, no one knows His Royal Highness Xi is here, so no one dares to call His Royal Highness Princess Xi. So I am more sure that this matter has nothing to do with him."

"But why didn't he come back last night? Little sister, Her Royal Highness Princess Xi, also stayed in the college!"

That's what made her sure of her judgment.

"If he doesn't come back, he probably wants to figure out what the other party is doing. Besides, the college was set up by His Royal Highness Xi, and it is a courtship between His Highness Xi and the housekeeper. If she doesn't go, It looks fake. "

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