Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1731: Line fishing

In the empty room where sundries were stored in the backyard, the slumped nest in the corner of Shangguan Qing was already quite old at the moment.

She used to have a good life, she came from a wealthy family, and her sister is a queen, so she can be said to be endlessly loved.

So when she was full of the man with her eyes full, even if he already had a heart, even the woman, won the praise of the city.

But she still, by her own means, became Lin Muzhi's wife.

Yes, she was most proud of taking his husband from Zuo Shuqing's hands!

她 When she was covered with Feng Guanxia, ​​wearing a wedding dress covered with beadwork, sitting in a flower sedan with a spirit, and being carried to Lin Fu, she felt as if she had the whole world.

But what she didn't expect was that the man, obstructing the imperial will and the queen's will, had to marry the man who entered the door, but took the woman's pair of children to play in the backyard, not even welcoming the relatives.

Xi Huajia waited for a long time, she was shaking with anger.

Lin Muzhi finally came, but he only waited in the hall and refused to go out to meet her.

She heard laughter in her ears.

A heart only felt like she was being burned on the fire, jealous and angry, and tore her heartbreak.

She, but she seemed to be a demon, and entered the Lin family's door.

He only willing to worship her with the high court monarch, not even heaven and earth refused to worship her. The funny thing is that as his wife, she never even had a husband and wife worship.

On the wedding night, because the young girl who was left by the woman cried, he stayed with her children and would never return.

The next day, she went to the palace and complained to her sister.

What did your sister say then?

既然 "Since you are going to marry yourself, you should take care of everything in the future. This palace and the emperor can force him to marry you, but there is no way to force him to love you."

She still remembers that when her sister said this, her elegant and noble face was full of coldness.

Look, even her favorite sister is like her. She wants to get what she wants, so that they can never make fun of her again.

Everything that happened afterwards, in her memory, seemed to be blurred.

It wasn't until she had danced that she came back to life.

Her dance, so weak and pitiful, so beautiful and cute.

So she must give her dancer everything best.

Lin Mengya is a stumbling block, a disaster star!

She must get rid of her at all costs.

But why, why can that woman's daughter be so lucky?

She is not reconciled, since she can win that woman, her daughter must also win Lin Mengya!

Thinking of her enemies, she was still enjoying an excellent life, and Shang Guanqing's stunned face suddenly got a lot of energy.

No way, Wuer still needs her protection, and Lin Mengya's little bitch, how can she keep the little **** alive?

"You open the door! Open the door! I want to see Miss Er, who is the second lady of the palace family, and the second lady who is on the genealogical line! You can't treat her like this, you can't!"

"Noisy? Want to die?"

The guard at the gate has long been bored by the fact that she is going to be so troubled every three minutes and ruthlessly rebuked.

Suddenly, the woman in the room seemed to be mad, patting the door panel constantly.

"Let me out! I want to see Miss Er, I tell you, Miss Er is the serious lady of your palace family. She wants to be the owner! You ca n’t treat her like this, you bastards, want to rebel against the owner? ? "

"Oh, what did I hear?"

Unfamiliar female voice, with merciless ridicule.

Then there was another voice, mocking the delusional delusions of the people inside.

"Hear the funnyest joke in the world. Who doesn't know, that palace dance has long given the palace family a long name. Oh, our palace family, there is only this unique young lady, Miyaya, where is there any Miss Palace dance second What about? "

"I'm going to tear your mouth! Miss Two is Miss Two, you don't want to frame Miss Two!"

Shangguan Qing in the yamen seemed to be crazy.

She is paranoid that as long as it is Lin Mengya, it should be her dancer.

She even forgot that she simply forgot that the palace family was the family of Lin Mengwu's biological mother and had nothing to do with them at all.

But she just couldn't stand it. Her own dance was less than that little bitch.

The two women looked at each other and burst into a burst of more intense and harsh laughter.

"It's shameless to be home! What second lady, I 呸! She deserves too!"

就是 "That is, I do not know which wild species climbed out of the belly of the bitch, and dare to come to our palace as a lady. I think it's almost like being a sister in a kiln!"

These two mother-in-laws were selected by Bai Su from the chef.

He not only scolds people, but also has a large waist and round sides, and men don't dare to mess with them easily.

两个 These two women burst out of temper, and have long been dissatisfied with Lin Mengwu and Gong Tu. Now that they have such an errand, it is natural to scold them first.

Countless verbal abuse, with the cooperation of the two women singing one and one, smashed directly into Shangguanqing's body in the house.

Where could the woman inside be subjected to such abuse. It was already a thunderous storm.

"You, you"

I just yelled at each other, and Shangguan Qing lost.

Because of her inexperience and perennial pride, where are the opponents of these two women?

I was so angry that my chest hurt, but I couldn't repay it.

And the two mother-in-law did not resume work until after venting well.

"Don't you know yet? There aren't any Miss Er in this yard."

In the room, Shangguan almost rolled his eyes, but when he heard this, he rolled his eyes again.

She clung to the door desperately, roaring hoarsely.

"You don't want to be bad for Miss Er, she is the future owner of the palace family. If you dare to be bad for her, you are just trying to die! They will not let you do this!"

Suddenly, the two women didn't notice the deep meaning in her words.

I only said that she was the master Tu who should kill a thousand swords.

怎么 "How can we do that kind of wicked thing like you. But these two ladies are really unlucky. The thief entered the yard and did not steal anything, only stole Miss two."

"Maybe, I haven't seen such a fine-skinned tender meat, so I just grabbed people and become a Mrs. Zhai!"

The two mother-in-law made fun of herself, but did not find that the woman inside was actually silent.

Ying Shangqing heard the news like a lightning strike.

But suddenly, there was an idea that caught her heart.

Perhaps, Wuer was rescued by "them"!

Yes, "they" will never give up dancing easily, it must be "they"!

The mockery of the two women outside was still going on, while Shangguan Qing inside seemed to have calmed down.

She was sitting on the ground, whispering along the dusty hair of the wolverine.

面 Her face became very soft, and even her eyes re-glowed.

"Wuer is still young, she needs my protection."

She murmured almost tenderly, but the enchanting look made people feel creepy.

The two mother-in-laws outside were boring when she saw that she was silent.

The two of them spit into it, and after a few more words of curse, they left together.

Bai Su, who had been hiding in the dark, watched the whole journey and turned back to Lin Mengya's side.

"Master, Shang Guanqing already knows that Lin Mengwu is missing. And she also said that some people will not let go of the palace family and the like."

嗯 "Well, it's okay. Go down and let the nursing home leave a flaw. Remember, you have to let her suffer, and it's best to make this an accident."


内 In the mirror, Lin Mengya, who had taken off her mask, looked at her familiar face.

Those who have harmed her mother, those who have assaulted her, and those who, for their own purpose, are trying to harm their family and force them to have their wives dispersed !!

I just entered the night, and Shangguan Qing, who had been crouching in the corner to sleep, was always watching the situation outside.

In the afternoon, she learned from the mouths of the two women that Wuer had been rescued, and then made up her mind to run away to help her daughter.

But she was very tightly guarded outside, she had no chance to escape.

This matter, the sound of unlocking came from outside.

"Your meal!"

Two white-faced buns were thrown in front of her like a charity beggar. The dusty buns were proof of her shame.

Usually, she lost her temper and had to swallow her gimmicks in the beatings and scolds.

But today, she has learned to be good.

I grabbed one in one hand and swallowed hard.

"Well, have you changed your character today? This is, figured it out?"

I was in charge of delivering food to a little girl in my house.

He didn't look down on this woman, but because of the orders of the masters, he didn't dare to go too far.

Shang Shangqing ignored him, just holding a hoe, squatting at the corner, desperately eating.

The man was also bored, turned around and went out, then locked the door neatly.

"The two are also working hard, I think this girl is pretty obedient tonight, and everyone can sleep peacefully."

"Haha, it's not the afternoon. The two women in the kitchen came and scolded her. Maybe I knew that the so-called Miss Two was gone, and I couldn't rely on it. Can you be obedient?"

The ridicule from outside made her bite her head more fiercely, as if it were the flesh of those lowly people.

As long as she can go out, these people will all die!

But before that, she must find a chance, a chance to escape and find a chance for dancing!

In the middle of the night, the entire palace house seemed to fall asleep.

Except for the guards patrolling back and forth, even the voices of chickens and dogs are rarely heard.

After Shangguan Qing was full, he slept quietly.

In the dream, she saw herself and the dancers, and restored the scenery of the past, but Lin Mengya's little **** was stunned by them!

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