Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1739: He wants her

Lin Lin Mengya returned to Confucian Garden. Unfortunately, the fourth elder brother had already left.

She was sitting alone at the window with the night rose in her hand.

I just left the glowing leaves, and there is nothing particularly surprising about this flower.

I leaned against the window, she turned over and over, thinking about tonight.

The night breeze floats, seemingly doped with fragrance.

She twitched her nose a little, thinking that which girl's powdery fragrance was so chic and quiet, but the taste gradually became clear again.

Suddenly, there was a touch of softness in her open palm.

Lin Lin Mengya lowered her head and looked at it, it turned out to be a plum flower petal.

Strange, now is autumn, where's the plum blossom?

She couldn't help but stand up and look out the window.

The faint scent of plum blossoms is like being around.

Looking at the window, she suddenly felt countless white plum blossoms. The gentle touch made her even more surprised.

His subconsciously followed the source and looked up. He saw only one figure, standing under the eaves, holding a wooden woven basket slightly in his hand, and let the wind blow the plum blossoms inside.

The man saw her too, his steps moved slightly, and he turned smartly in.

It was almost a blink of an eye, Lin Mengya saw that there was a figure in front of her.


She just wanted to ask her why he was here, but she held a plum blossom in her hand and asked her with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Xu Qing is cold and low, but with irresistible hegemony.

He is different from Long Tianyu's coldness. The man in front of him behaves absurdly, and seems to be more like a colorful cobra king.


She immediately spit out three words: "I don't like it!"

I took a few steps back and forth, looking at Chong Shuang alertly.

Hey, why did you find it again?

Alas, the reaction when Fang Cai refused his mask was a little different.

The man was lazy, leaning back in a chair, and a pair of black eyes fell on her with a little smile.

"What do you like then, shall I find you?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I don't bother you anymore."

She doesn't think that double-double is trying to pursue her.

人 The behavior of this person is too weird. She doesn't want to have anything to do with this person until she understands the details.

Wu Zhongshuang was not bothered, a slender hand, tapped gently on the desktop.

"Can plum not work? Why do you like roses alone?"

Alas, it seemed quite puzzled.

Zhe Lin Mengya calmly let the doorway move.

有 There are people outside Long Tianyu, as long as she sends something, someone will come to her.

"What I like is not something I can decide. Besides, if I like roses, there must be someone who likes plum blossoms. Son, you might as well find someone who likes plum blossoms."

"But I want you alone."

For a while, Lin Mengya felt only a basin of cold water and poured it down.

She looked at the guy opposite in shock. If she didn't hallucinate in her hearing, did this person confess to her?

怎么 "What? Happy silly?"

Tong Zhong got up and walked towards her step by step.

Lin Lin Mengya only felt that the hair in her mouth was bitter. She really didn't want to have anything to do with the other party.

Especially in such weird situations.

"Son, I think you misunderstood something?"

"No misunderstanding. From the first time I saw you, I knew that you should be mine."

Alas, this made her a little bit upset.

She's not something, why is he?

"But I already have a sweetheart, and we love each other."

While observing the action of double, she calculated that it would take a few steps to escape from here to the door.

But she walked in front of her in a couple of steps, reached out her hand, and touched her cheek with her eyes. At this moment, she suddenly wrapped an arm around her waist, and was almost protected by someone in.

The sound of a "ding" and the sound of weapons making her feel shocked.

The familiar temperature and breath made her relax instantly.

"Look for death!"

Xun Long Tianyu held her in one hand, holding a sword in one hand, and looked coldly at the weird man with a mask.

The latter also pulled out the sword, but at this time just retreated to the dark, staring at them both deadly.

"Oh, it's you again!"

I do not know why, Lin Mengya only heard He's hate from these words.

Chen Long Tianyu's eyes sank, and he said politely: "She is my person, whoever touches her will die!"

人 This man's thoughts on Ya'er were so clear that he couldn't stay.

But Chong Shuang didn't choose to go against Yu Yu. After glaring at them, he turned and fled along the window.


Xiaolong Tianyu shouted, the guards hiding in the dark immediately chased out along the shadow.

Gao Lin Mengya was finally relieved, only then did she feel that Yu's arm seemed to be shaking.

"what happened?"

She looked up and asked in doubt.

Alas, she saw the terror in his eyes before she could hide it.

For so many years, she had seen who Yu was afraid of, but today, she really felt it, and he was afraid, and he was afraid.

I didn't ask him why, even Lin Mengya didn't see anything, but just stretched out her hands and hugged him tightly.

"This clear fox is also true, and I don't know where I went."

She pretended to say in a complaining tone, and Long Tianyu's arm finally recovered calmly after it was collected again.

"He has a way to hide Qinghu's eyes, and I'll send someone to find him later."

Everything seems to return to normal, and when she looks at him again, she sees her eyes with deep affection.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, and at the same time blinded the restless anxiety in her heart.

All of this, what is going on?

When Long Tianyu's man found Qinghu, the man was sitting under the outer wall and fell asleep in darkness.

He just waited for him to wake up and reappear in front of Lin Mengya, but Qinghu was a mist of water.

Because he didn't know why he slept there.

After Lin Mengya examined his body carefully, he did not see any abnormalities.

But they all know that this is an anomaly.

I lived and tossed all night, and the sky was just bright, and she was dug out of the quilt by A Xiu and Liu Qianrong.

Washing her face, dressing, putting on makeup, and by the time she was fully awake, a beautiful woman in the mirror was well prepared.

"Mrs. Lian sent a message early in the morning, saying that the lady does not have to be nervous. Everything has to be lined up with the master and the two masters Cheng and Cheng. The lady just needs to do everything she should."

Wu Axiu knew the pressure she was facing today, and smiled and explained.

But Ke Mengya exhaled softly, this is what she should do, so she can't always rely on others.

After all, the palace family has to rely on its wings to rise up and down. Today is just the first step.

With the foundation of visiting the college last night, today ’s ceremony has also made those family elders have a lot of expectations.

But during the day, Sitai College was completely different from what I saw last night.

Last night tour, they saw the vitality and youthful taste of this college.

今日 But today, when the sound of heavy courtesy and music rang, and the teachers and students in the uniform of the college lined up at the door to welcome guests from all directions, the young Sitai College exudes solemnity.

After everyone entered the conference hall of the academy, there were twelve servants wearing brocade clothes, carrying a heavy base on their shoulders.

Above the base of the dark red satin, there are two imperial edicts.

The dark golden dragon pattern on the front is the honor of the royal family.

And the white ripple bottom at the back is the glory from the temple.

With these two purposes alone, Sitai College is a well-known college that can recruit students for the entire Wei Kingdom.

The two wills were placed at the very top of the platform set up by the college. Everyone looked at those two wills with awe or envy.

This is an honor that has never been achieved. How can one not be envied by the fact that a family dominated by a woman today?

After the will, He came from the palace family slowly.

Lin Lin Mengya's dress today is amazing.

虽然 Although she is easy to look different, her skeleton will not change.

The clothes that looked a bit bloated in the past were replaced by fitted dresses today.

The waist is slim and elegant.

Holding her head up, with a proper smile, step by step, came to the crowd.

Even though in the crowd, countless people have mocked her and framed her.

But how about that, after all, didn't she let her come here?

The fourth son of the palace next to him, a black dress, more and more set off his face like a crown jade, handsome and extraordinary.

The two of them are like immortals in the painting, attracting the attention of many people.

"Welcome everyone, come to the opening ceremony of Sitai College hosted by my house. Thank you all in the next palace."

Sunda's tone was somewhat polite, but this made some people secretly dissatisfied.

This is obviously the idea of ​​the temple and the royal family. How can the credit be given to the house now?

What's more, looking at the scenery like them, those who secretly want to annex the palace family have a dark fire in their hearts.

Gao Linmengya's gaze turned for a week, and the expressions of those people fell into her eyes.

After exchanging a gaze with his elder brother calmly, the latter continued to say with a gentle smile: "Below, I have invited the new dean of our college, Miyako!"

As soon as his voice fell, a man came in from the outside.

Everyone saw that the man dressed in black and white and similar in style to the gentlemen in the academy was not the uterine horn of the palace man who was ill in a coma in the rumor?

Although Gong Gongjiao looked thinner, he was very energetic.

Ningong Shiji looked at his third brother, with a little smile in his eyes.

From the hand of the attendant next to him, he took out the letter of appointment stamped with the college seal, and when he was about to hand it to Gongjiao, he heard a cry from the crowd: "Let him be the dean The old man looked at these four Thai colleges, but that's it! "

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