Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1749: Change owner

"Oh, I see. You are the gangsters of the palace family, find the accomplice!"

"Hey, is it worthy of you to occupy the position of house owner?"

Xi Zhonghua stared at God.

She originally thought that this man was really a helper that Gong Ya found.

现在 But now, it seems that things are not the same as what she thinks.

Chonghua lost his thoughts and tentatively said, "Well, it seems you don't know anything. I am the real owner of the palace family. The people in the palace family are just trying to seize me when I am not prepared. All beasts! "

Through these words, Lin Mengya knew that Chonghua still did not dare to reveal the fact that she was not Gong Ya.

This way, she can count it.

"It's because you abandoned the family first! If it wasn't for the ancestors and some young masters who are struggling to support them, where else is today! I think you are a traitor!"

"Stop me!"

Wu Zhonghua was slightly relieved, but she couldn't help sneering.

What if Geng Rao is so powerful? Still not abandoned by the family she trusts?

看着 She looked at the woman in front of her, and had other plans in her heart.

"Gongjia, I don't care at all. But since you come to the door, it's even better. Big poison division, use her to make 傀儡, I think it's suitable!"

"My husband is very curious. How did this girl capture my animal husbandry?"

The hoarse voice revealed a coldness like a serpent.

Gao Linmengya looked at an old man coming out from behind the crowd. He was covered in a black cloak, and the little beast kept struggling in his arms, but he could not escape.

I did not expect that the owner of the animal husbandry beast is actually here.

Lin Lin Mengya turned her mind and looked at the other side alertly without saying a word.

The man seemed to be in a bad mood. He tried to touch the animal husbandry several times, but this little guy just didn't give face, and when he got the chance, he used his claws and fangs to bite.

"Girl, it's good, it doesn't seem to be righteous?"

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm a bad person, did you not listen to her just now?"

Wu Daduoshi raised his head, a pair of cat eyes, with blue eyes, nailed to her.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but shiver slightly. In the eyes of that man, she only saw pure indifference.

As if she is not a living person, but just an object like the white scorpion on the ground.

That is a kind of indifference that is purely above life. There is no longer good or evil in the heart of such a person.

Because everything is nothing more than a condition to achieve his goal.

"Yes, a small beast, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed."

Hold his hand, and suddenly pinched the neck of the beast in his arms.

The brave little beast just now suddenly sobbed, and his limbs desperately scratched the big hand, trying his best to escape.


Lin Lin Mengya drank loudly, and with the strong emotional fluctuations in her heart, she had a completely strange feeling, which came out of her heart.

似乎 She seems to be able to sense the will of a little life a little.

小 The little thing is struggling and trying to survive, it doesn't want to die.

Since you don't want to die, use up your fangs and wave your sharp claws to take back your life from that person!

She was almost subconscious, sending such a message to that strange connection.

No one noticed the magic purple light flashing in her black pupils.

After hearing only a scream that could almost penetrate the tympanic membrane, the big poison division suddenly shoved away the small object held in his hand.

Almost at the same time, the little thing bounced to the ground again, and then fell into her arms just right.


The little cat crawled onto her shoulders, docilely clinging to her neck.

And the small induction in her heart burst into a new meaning.

I seem to be cheering.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled subconsciously, and touched the head of the beast on her shoulder.

"Good job!"

"Huhuhuhu" The happy beast returned to his catnip again. Huh, this mint belongs to it, and no one wants to grab it!

Over there, the big poison division looked at his wrists, and the two small blood holes that had turned blue and purple were in shock in my heart.

The name of his big poison division is not a stigma.

蛊 The animal husbandry was carefully fed by him, and it took a lot of effort to develop.

Because he is most proud of him, he is the most poisonous body in the world.

Even the most powerful poisonous insect can't poison him.

现在 Now, he felt the overbearing toxins from his wrists, and almost all his hands were scrapped.

The fluttering ecstasy made him look fierce at the woman's eyes.

If such a poison is controlled by him, he must be invincible!

姑娘 "Girl, if you can give me the poison that feeds this little beast to me, I'll let you go."

Lin Lin Mengya was shocked.

What a mess, why did she forget it.

I'm afraid it would be even worse if someone knew about her blood poisoning.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand."

I saw her pretending to be stupid, and the big poison division didn't believe it at all.

"You and I both know that if you want to tame a herd of beasts, you must feed it with the most poisonous things in this time. You little girl, even with such ability to get such poison, is also an adventure. Unfortunately, you do n’t know about this The magical use of it. Take it out and change your life. "

Zhe Lin Mengya reacted. It seemed that the other party did not suspect her blood poison, but felt that she had poisoned the poison and fed it to herdsmen.

Around him, he was surrounded by people tightly.

While receiving control of herd beasts, she is also receiving control of those white scorpions.

But its former owner is still here, I'm afraid she can't ask for any cheap.

"How can I easily give you this thing?"

Wu Daduoshi was even more certain that she had such a supreme poison in her hands and was almost trembling with excitement.

"Catch her, I will interrogate her myself!"

As soon as the people around him rushed up, Lin Mengya immediately passed the herd beast to direct the surrounding white scorpions.

She can't directly react with the scorpion army, but she can convey her meaning to the beast.

For a moment, the white scorpion was like a creepy rug, scrambling away in the direction of those people.

But the big poison division standing in the middle snorted coldly.

He took off his gloves, grabbed a guard closest to him, grabbed the knife in his hand, and cut off one of his hands.


Screaming sternly, infiltrating and bloody.

But the big poison division is still unheard of. He quickly bit his own finger, forced out the black blood and directly wiped it on the man's broken hand.

For a moment, the man's complexion became dark blue, as if strangled alive, staring at his eyes.

As soon as the big poison division pushed, the body dropped into the white scorpion heap.

I was like a shark smelling a **** smell in the sea. Those white scorpions couldn't resist the temptation, and immediately gave up other targets and drilled to the corpse.

"Now, hold her!"

I did not look at the person he had fed the scorpion, the big poison division drank.

It seems that the people around me are not surprised, but the Zhonghua County Master frowns, showing an uncomfortable look.

But she just feels sick.

Lin Lin Mengya ran and ran, but the little beast on her shoulder leaped suddenly and landed on the ground.

She froze, and then felt the emotion from the beast.

That is, the hunter is eager to try.

"My little ancestor, this is not a willful time!"

Since Xiao Xiao recognizes her as the master, naturally she cannot leave it behind.

After a long delay, I lost weight and became surrounded by people again and again.


The little cat yelled from the sky, but Lin Mengya heard the excitement from her cry.

The tadpole is like a king, pride in facing those ants.

To be a human being is-to die, you chickens!

Lin Lin Mengya now just wants to turn her head and then don't know it.

I am so small, it ’s a big life without being trampled to death.

But the little beast posed an offensive posture.

"I can't help it, I really thought that without me, can you control the world?"

The big poisonist put on his gloves slowly.

Because of poisoning, he is already poisoned all over his body.

Ordinary people cannot come close unless they wear special robes.

He was full of resentment about the capture of the animal husbandry beast. Now, this little animal has to challenge himself, it is beyond his control.

如何 "How can't it be? Isn't it the world's millionaires? I can let it do it if it wants to."

Lin Lin Mengya did not escape.

In fact, although she still has a chance to fight, it is clear that she has no advantage in terms of numbers.

Since this little guy chooses to be rigid and positive, as a new owner, she can't advise.

It's a big deal, and they are poisoned to death with serious injuries.

Tonight, the winner will still be her!

"It really is a young man, I do not know the heights and heights."

The sorrowful satire of the Great Poison Division, and Lin Mengya is not to be outdone.

"It's comparable to your old man, all buried in the ground, naturally knows how thick the ground is, unfortunately, it's not as thick as your skin!"

"Presumptuous! What are you still doing, do it!"

The commander who was completely enraged by the big poison division commanded his teeth, and those people rushed up immediately, but due to the big poison division's order to catch, he never dare to kill her.

Lin Lin Mengya has systematic help. In addition, she had special training before. Nothing else, but dodging is very fast.

Nevertheless, she still hit a few punches, only feeling the blood on her chest twitched, fearing that it would not be long before she would be caught by life.

At this time, the animal husbandry beast exploded, and then shouted three times in the direction of the gate.


I was still meowing with a small milky voice, but at this moment was full of domineering.

In fact, even Lin Mengya thinks it funny, where is such a small dumpling, domineering?

I did not expect that as soon as the voice of the animal husbandry fell, another voice responded.

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