Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1762: Brave beast

"Your Highness, something is wrong."

He followed him, guarding his safe midnight, whispered.

Xiaolong Tianyu narrowed his eyes and looked at the seemingly endless beast. A pair of hands covered with blood of the beast could not help but clenched slightly.

"Well, be careful."

These beasts have been neat and orderly from the beginning, but have become a little messy now, making people have to be more prepared.

He chopped off a leaping hairless leopard and rescued his brother in front.

的 His team, like a sharp arrow, fiercely inserted into the center of the herd.

Although he is brave, others do not have such strength.

The team that could barely resist the attack of the entire herd before was now a semi-circle.

I also owe him good planning, these people are soldiers he trained himself.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that it will be broken long ago. Where can I keep the non-Yecheng like an iron bucket.

"Your Highness, go on like this, I'm afraid we can't live tonight! Otherwise, let's fight with them!"

The lieutenant next to him was already a little hasty.

The beasts are very strong, and they are already trying to support them.

Chen Long Tianyu looked at the brothers around him, and made a firm determination in his eyes.

"Ling Ye, you take someone to guard the gate. Remember, you must stay until dawn, at least, you have to wait until I come back!"

Xu Lingye hesitated for a moment, and asked a little puzzled, "His Royal Highness, where are you going to go?"

The sight of Chen Longtian Yu fell in the center of the herd.

It is the most dangerous place, and almost no one can get there.

"I'm going to kill the Beastmaster."


Suddenly, the lieutenant around him and the waiters were blocked in horror.

"Your Highness, these hairless beasts are really too cunning. If you go, I'm afraid there will be something unexpected!"

"Yes, Your Highness, why not, your subordinates go for you!"

Everyone was appalled in consolation, vying for their own sacrifice.

Wu Kelong Tianyu just glanced at them and suppressed the voice of these people.

"I will be back."

Simple four words, but has the magic that people have to convince.

Everyone's heart, even though he didn't want to let him take risks, was really unable to speak.

He couldn't help but feel ashamed. If they could be stronger, they could stand on their own, wouldn't they be able to do this instead of going to the temple?

复杂 Under the complicated and guilty eyes of his subordinates, Long Tianyu urged the war horse to go alone.

长 The sword in his hand is like electricity. Between the waves, a piece of animal blood splashes.

He was behind him, and Ling Ye, like thousands of times before, became his shadow, guarding the back road for him.

The soldiers who sweared to death around him saw their own coach and rushed to the herd alone, unable to help holding their breath.

One person and one horse walked around, surrounded by the beast group in an instant.

Everyone's heart missed a beat.

Never accident!


The hissing sound of the steed surpassed the roar of beasts.

The warhorse lifted its forefoot, struggling to leap over the herd.

Immediately, the man rose into the air, dancing with a sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the blood of the beast splattered like blood rain.

Among the beasts, he can be the king, without any prejudice!

Xun Rao is a fierce beast, and he seems to have been frightened, taking a few steps back subconsciously.

"Hanxing, go back!"

Xiaolong Tianyu gave a cold drink and landed in front of the horse.

The horse was quite human, and Chang Ming turned and retreated.

猛 Those fierce beasts wanted to come forward, but were coldly taught by Han Xing's four hoofs.

After a short while, the horse ran away from them smoothly and ran back to its own camp.

And Long Tianyu was a little tiptoe, and jumped to the back of one of the hairless tigers in an instant.

The beasts who wanted to attack him, roared towards him subconsciously, and the beast claws followed.

Wu Ke just wanted to roll and gave the guy on his back the big tiger who was thrown off, but he was very dissatisfied.

Although there is a relationship between Beastmaster and training, they can temporarily not attack the same kind.

But the premise is that the same class attacks themselves first.

At this moment, it was a mess.

Relying on her flexibility, Long Tianyu kept up and down in the herd.

Although there were many dangers, he did not hurt himself.

But this is not the way to go.

I had to find the white-haired tiger before things could be resolved smoothly.

Hey, but where is it?

He said that on the side of Lin Mengya, with the effectiveness of Hu Dad, walking became easier.

I lie on the tiger's back. As long as she doesn't sit up, no one will find her.

I met one person and one tiger, and came to the herd a few times.

But what surprised her was that no one was here just now, but now there are a lot more.

She patted Hu Dad's head, and the latter stopped immediately and lay a short distance away.

She slid down, leaned against the tiger's head, and looked out.

Isn't that the beast general standing in the forefront?

人 This man is really a bad animal. He killed his companion, and let two tigers carry it.

At this moment, he was standing beside the herd, leaning his neck, and learning the sound of the beasts.

此时 At this moment, Lin Mengya's system is also performing a decoding operation.

The call of the beast learned by the general Beast was ordered.

Simple and effective instructions similar to human "forward" and "backward".

But his instructions were given to the beasts lying in front of him.

The beasts are exactly the kind of beasts that Lin Mengya observed before.

Orders were passed on and on, but there were still a few scattered herds, and now they are quite neat.

Jain General had some patience.

Lin Lin Mengya turned over and glanced at Hu Dad.

I don't know why, she always felt that the father of the tiger seemed to be very afraid of the beast general.

At the same time, its body has been tense, as if trying to get up at any time, eat the beast general.

I could not help reminding her of the beasts trained with a whip and hunger inside the circus.

In the end, it was humans who imprisoned their lives for their own selfish desires.

Gao Linmengya made a note that tonight, whether for herself or for these animals, after all, he must keep him.

She took out the bow and put it in front of Hu Dad.

Hu Hudaddy licked his cherishes as if licking his child.

Lin Lin Mengya pointed to the Beast General over there, and pointed to the bow.

"To see your son, you have to be brave, you know?"

She touched Hu Dad's head and said softly.

Huge beast pupil looked at her, Lin Mengya stared at it with no hesitation, and did not hide her confession in Hu Dad's eyes.

After a while, Hu Dad lowered her head again and arched her forward, as if she wanted her to climb up.

"Okay, now that you promised me, let's fight side by side."

She rode on Hu Dad again, and patted Hu Dad's head.

Only heard a roar, the sound of the tiger howling shook through all directions and ran across Kyushu!

I stood in front of the beast general who was giving instructions, but was shocked.

That is

不 Before he turned around, he saw a huge white beast above his head, jumping into the herd.

His eyes narrowed for a while, why isn't this beast dead?

And who is it?

Lin Lin Mengya pinched the fur around the neck of Bai Hu, sneered and shouted at the Beast General behind him: "You dare to kill even the royal family. It seems that you really have an antipathy!"

This voice changed her voice on purpose, and she was no longer clear.

General Ke Keju's face changed greatly, because beside him, there were several people from the royal family.

"You bullshit! Who the **** are you, dare to slander Ben!"

The Beast General denied it immediately and questioned loudly.

Unfortunately, the white tiger was in a strong posture. When he arrived in the beast, it was the king who returned. Where is the beast who dared to block its way.

But for a moment, it disappeared into the herd.

But the beast general, but a cold sweat.

"What did the woman just said?"

The sound of icy snow was coming from behind him.

It was almost a moment when General Moonkin died, and all the blood on his body was frozen and frozen, and he couldn't even laugh.

"She just talked nonsense. I, how could I possibly be against the royal family?"

He turned tremblingly, but held his weapon tightly.

Wu Ke didn't wait for his sneak attack, even though he didn't feel much pain, he saw his head, separated from his body, and finally landed in the herd not far away.

"It's just a bad waste, let him stay here with its beasts."

声音 That voice is still bland, as if talking about something that doesn't matter.

The people around me are not strange, anyway, the beast general is just a slave, and life and death will not affect them.

大 "Sir, I don't know what is happening today, do we still have a chance to save?"

The person behind him stepped forward and asked carefully.

But the man shook his head, with a bit of regret in his tone: "It's useless, we have missed the opportunity, and the sky is about to light up."

No one dares to refute his words.

A few people didn't stop any more and left quickly.

He was the only one left, and stretched out an arm wrapped in black, pointing distantly to the east.

"Oh, dead?"

Although Lin Lin Mengya was sheltering by the herd of beasts, her positioning of the beast general was always there.

She originally wanted to rely on the herd and cooperate with the tiger father to destroy the beast general before mastering the entire herd.

I didn't expect that she hadn't waited to find a chance. The signals over there showed that the beast general was dead.

It seemed to me that the sentence she had just shouted had some effect.

Yeah, it ’s her who saves the dogs biting the dog.

走 "Go, let's go over to the gate!"

The situation is critical, even though Tiger Father keeps roaring, warning the herd to stop attacking, but after all, the herd is huge, and it is difficult to stop for a while.

She rode on the tiger's back, keeping her eyes tightly in the direction of the gate.

Hurry up, hurry up!

Do not let the herd break through the last barrier!

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