Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1792: Old complaint

00, wonderful!

Mr. Liu stared at the group of Zhang Mao resentfully, scolding those idiots in his heart, and at the same time trying to find a way to excuse himself.

没 "Yes, I had some ideas before. But they also begged and pushed me. And that's what they did, I didn't do anything."

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows and watched their dog bite the dog.

She has seen such things a lot, like the few in front of her, but it's just a small scene.

The two sides did not want to let each other, at this time had a scuffle, and scolded the street.

The beacon snakes help those who are rough, and scold people for a variety of tricks. Don't look at the extremely simple and earthy words, but all aspects of Mr. Liu have taken care of it, which is called meticulous.

On the other hand, Mr. Liu's side, Xu is because the book has been read a lot, and there are so few words tossed over and over. If it is too deep, the group of reckless people helped by Huo Snake cannot understand.

When the meaning is simple, there is nothing to chew.

After I arrived, it was already a unilateral abuse of **** by the Fire Snake Gang. Mr. Liu could only breathe out of breath, almost dying at the scene.

She Lin Mengya heard it with great interest, and there were some golden sentences, and even she made a fuss.

Sure enough, we cannot underestimate the creativity of working people.

Holding her chin on her side looked attentive, and on the other side, Zhang Mao quietly withdrew from the war.

He's not a fool. How can he win over this big group of people if he doesn't have any sly means?

He knows that the man is not easy to mess with, but this woman looks like he can't fight.

If he could capture this woman, wouldn't he be afraid of the cold-faced man?

While the woman was watching the lively scene, Zhang Mao caught her attention and approached the woman step by step.

I'm closer, just a little closer.

He can hold this woman in his hand and recover the face he lost today.

When Xu Yan looked only one step away from the woman, Zhang Mao could hardly control the cricket on her face, and she was about to jump over.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw something flying over, and took a step back subconsciously.

He only saw where he stood, and was inserting a knife.

With a knife, he is very familiar.

He bought it personally and used it for his brothers.

Don't mention chopping people, chopping a firewood is strenuous.

现在 But now, the rusty blade is deeply submerged in the ground.

Shake the trembling handle, like his disorderly heart.

He only felt a coolness that penetrated the hearts of people, starting from the bottom of his heart.

Throat rolling and drooling.

Even the blue-brick floor can be penetrated. What if he replaced it with his flesh?

I always stood at the door, like Long Tianyu like a door god, slowly walked to this bad-hearted thief.


Low words, revealing coercion.

No one knows the meaning of these two words, but Zhang Mao understands it.

This is warning him, as long as he acted again, the next time he was penetrated by the sword, it was him.

Suddenly, Zhang Mao shuddered into a ball.

In Long Tianyu's cold gaze, he completely became a quail.

At this moment, Mr. Liu, who had been scolding with Fire Snake, suddenly exploded.

He's not Zhang Mao's fool, and he can still play with a firearm under his eyelids.

And he thought very well. He didn't go for the woman, but wanted to escape.

He didn't want a woman who had no power to fight back, but as soon as he raised his hand, a sound of breaking air sounded.

A "Beep", a small crossbow with a long palm, instantly fell into Mr. Liu's calf, accompanied by a terrible howl.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her ears and pointed to a small cricket beside her.

"Go, drag me back and stop his mouth by the way."

Xiao Xiaozhan did the same.

They now understand, where these two are the evil gods of the passing, is clearly Yan Luo who specifically came to order their lives.

I didn't care about it, I dragged the man like a dead dog back, and blocked Mr. Liu's mouth with a rag that he didn't know where to touch it.

Suddenly, these people have stopped.

"I'm not here to listen to your quarrel or want you to die. I just need you to answer some of my questions. If you answer well, I will let you go. If the answer is bad"

She deliberately prolonged the ending, her eyes were slightly raised, and she looked at Long Tianyu.

The latter didn't use her to speak at all, but just kicked Zhang Mao in front.

Hearing only a crisp sound of "click", Zhang Mao's thick calf showed a strange arc.

He screamed again, as if tortured the hearts of these people.

Now, they just hope that these two people will toss enough, and they will have a life to be satisfied.

Lin Lin Mengya gave Long Tianyu an admiring look, and this kind of thing was still done well by her man.

"I ask you, why are you targeting the merchants of the palace?"

先生 Mr. Liu's mouth was blocked, and he could not speak for a while. After Zhang Mao screamed, he lost his strength.

The remaining people looked at each other. In the end, he was a shy man with some right to speak, and said tremblingly: "Women, women, we are actually forced to do nothing. Both Mr. Liu and Zhang Mao The idea of ​​two people. They said that the merchants of the palace family were wealthy and did not care about these three fruits. Moreover, the palace patrol team could not chase them out, so they selected these people specifically.

Zhe Lin Mengya was angry when she heard it. The reason why the patrol team couldn't chase it out was because this was the junction between the palace family and other homes.

In the unlikely event that the patrol is in trouble, there will be a gap between the two.

I didn't want to, but it became a means for these people to make money.

"How do you know this kind of thing?"

"All, that's what Mr. Liu said. He also said that the palace family now dare not mess with the surrounding families. Even if they knew it, they would have to eat this dumb loss."

The man was pouring beans in bamboo tubes.

But Lin Mengya looked at that Mr. Liu. This person was an individual at first glance, and he wasn't the kind of cursed scholar at all.

既然 Since he knows the situation of the palace family so much, he must have been to the palace to seal the land.

He is so, his motive is worthy of consideration.

He pointed at Mr. Liu, and she continued to ask, "What is this man from?"

For a moment, the talking aunt just became silent.

并非 He didn't mean not to say, but he really didn't know.

Gao Linmengya frowned, guessing every possibility in her heart.

In fact, before she heard this man say that he would let the palace family carry the pot, she guessed that this person must have some holiday with the palace family.

I heard now, I am afraid that this Mr. Liu, the festival with the palace family is not small.

But she is also strange, she has not seen this person, and the palace family is now managed quite well by several brothers.

Is it the root cause of Gong Tu at that time?

He was not right. According to the time of the rise of the Fire Snake Gang, Gong Tu hadn't held the big thick leg yet.

what is the problem?

"Do you really not know his origin? If you say, I can spare you not to die."

She said so, but in fact she didn't want their lives at all.

However, those young 喽 啰 不 did not think so, thinking that these two demon kings really wanted to destroy them.

Suddenly, these puppets almost didn't cry, they hoeed for mercy, fearing that they would be killed.

"Large, heroine, we really don't know!"

"Yeah, this Mr. Liu was just a poor scholar who had a single order before. If it wasn't for our boss to lift him up and make him a military division, I'm afraid he's starved to death now."

"Women's life is terrible! I remember, I once overheard that he seemed to have been a college's gentleman, and it seemed to have been stunned!"

"Yes, yes, I have heard from my elder brother, who is he from? Who knows what he did wrong, maybe he stole someone else's stuff!"

As soon as these people have a chance to survive, they start to talk nonsense.

Although Lin Mengya was impatient to hear, some of the messages attracted her.

Squinting her eyes, she glanced at Mr. Liu.

I have been pretending to be dead since these people exposed him.

When Xun Wei mentioned something like a college or a gentleman, the man's eyes widened sharply and he shot two resentful eyes.

She remembered one thing.

A lot of gentlemen were recruited in the college before, because the college requires more teachers, not only to pass the professional level, but also the teacher's morality is an important part.

Big Brother Xi once said that a group of people had been demobilized before, all of whom were flawed in character.

Mr. Liu is the type of careful eyes at first glance, is it difficult, is it because of this, the beam that was formed?

She looked at Mr. Liu, but the thought of removing the other party was in her heart.

人 This man wants to fight against the palace family with all his heart, maybe he will cause other things in the future.

If you hurt the students of the academy, you should be dead.

He calmly continued to listen to these people making up, Lin Mengya had already figured out how to deal with these people.

Chen Longtianyu turned a deaf ear to the noise here, and his presence was sufficient deterrent to these people.

At this moment, he went to Lin Mengya, bent down slightly, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "These people are still useful."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him, and then came to understand.

行 "Okay, even if the waste is used."

She pursed her lips and smiled a bit.

However, Long Tianyu picked his lips slightly. It is undeniable that his woman looks different and lively when calculating others.

Long Tianyu at this time, didn't even know himself at all, and belonged to the kind of bear parents who loved bear children.

Lin Mengya, who was more bear than bear children, sighed softly.

He seemed to be regretful of something like that.

For a moment, the noisy room quieted down.

Those women who are looking at them crying and crying, regret in their hearts.

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