Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1803: ungrateful

Zheng Rongrong's mother is also a woman of family background.

Origin and Zheng Cong'en were considered to be on the same page, and they were in love with each other, but they hadn't had any movement in their stomach for several years.

Finally, Mrs. Zheng finally got pregnant, but her body was still weak, which caused Zheng Rongrong to become very weak after she was born. She would be raised for many years, and then she barely reached her current state.

夫人 And Mrs. Zheng was also hollowed out, and has never seen good.

Until later, when she was pregnant, she was about seven months pregnant and fell off the carriage, killing two lives.

These things are accidents to others, but where in the big family are there so many accidents?

"When I was thirteen years old, my grandmother was seriously ill. Because my grandmother missed my mother, I brought me back to my grandmother's house. I lived in the grandmother's house for a year, and my health was a little better. Later I still found something strange, so I found a doctor to give me a secret treatment, and I realized that my body was not because of my mother, but someone, while I was still in my mother's belly, A poisonous hand! "

When things come to an end, many things gradually become clear.

Zhe Lin Mengya grabbed Zheng Rongrong's hand, held her veins, and took a closer look.

Sure enough, this is not caused by the weakness of the mother.

Is more like the weakness after being poisoned.

Zheng Rongrong didn't know that the other party was examining her body, only if the other party was distressing her.

She didn't know why, she was buried in her heart, even if it was a dream, she would not tell the secret. In front of this woman whose name she did n’t know, she had a desire to confide. .

"I want to thoroughly investigate the events of that year, but in the end, my grandfather's family is just a small family, not the opponent of the Zheng family at all. Therefore, I have also kept a low profile and forbearance over the years. And I finally know why my mother told me The father ’s chambers can no longer give birth to children. For the father and son, they have long focused on the throne of the Lord. In order for my father to cut off the son-in-law, they do everything evil and do nothing. Extremely! "

That intense hatred almost broke through the sky.

Lin Mengya finally understood why Zheng Rongrong always gave her a sense of familiarity.

I used to, she didn't do the same, buried the hatred deep in her heart, would rather break the minions, but also bite the enemy's throat?

But she has experienced too much and possessed too many over the years.

Hate is no longer the only driving force driving her.

But those blood-stained emotions did not completely disappear from her heart.

Blood feud, still have to wash with blood.

Even if the enemy is strong, she will have to fight against her enemy and swear to death!

"These things have been in my heart for a long time. To be able to speak today is also a relief."

Zheng Rongrong walked out of that hell-like memory, and the whole person seemed to be drained of energy.

He was just those eyes, but he was exceptionally bright.

I like to wipe away all the fog from the past.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little uneasy. After all, Zheng Rongrong seemed to be weaker than ordinary people, but the foundation was already weak.

At the moment, I decided to personally condition Zheng Rongrong.

A good girl like this deserves a better future.

以后 "In the future, you will no longer be alone. I, as well as everyone in the palace family, will become your partner. We will return those hatred together. Don't worry, this day will not be far away."

She Mingming comforted her, but Zheng Rongrong felt that the woman's words would be realized.

He nodded heavyly, she felt only the chest, and for the first time there was a warmth.

Zhe Lin Mengya patted Zheng Rongrong's hand and told her to have a good rest, just follow the plan made before.

As for other things, just leave them to do it.

Su Linlin Mengya suddenly remembered that there seemed to be an important person missing in these things.

Why did the Zheng family owner have nothing to do with these things?

She thought, and asked.

不过 "But does your father know these things?"

Zheng Rongrong, who was in a better mood, heard a lot of gloom on his face.

Xu shook her head and sighed, her tone full of bitterness and helplessness.

"My father didn't know these things, maybe he knew it and couldn't handle it. After all, in his eyes, the safety of the family is the most important thing. Now, apart from my uncle's pulse, the Zheng family has no There is no child who can inherit the title of family. Perhaps between the family and my daughter, he values ​​the family more. "

的 The sadness and loss in these words only makes people feel sore.

Such a weak woman, who obviously has a father but cannot rely entirely on it, still has to live under the care of wolves, and has to avenge her mother and brother.

It is no wonder that this girl's body would be so weak.

"Whether he knows it or not, you deserve something, you must catch it. It's not too late today, and we should go back. If your father and Zheng Luxi are still trying to embarrass you, you pretend to be ill, Avoid them. We have now attracted their attention for the time being. You must try to set yourself apart, saying only that we are meeting each other, but the road is uneven. Now, it is not appropriate to expose our relationship. "

Zheng Rongrong nodded, silently remembering her orders in her heart.

After Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu looked at each other, the two got up and left quite tacitly.

And this time, the people in the yard almost did not dare to stop.

I waited until the two of them left the courtyard, and then someone went to the courtyard to ventilate and report.

The two did not deliberately conceal their place of residence, and returned to the inn where they stayed before.

I walked up to the second floor, and the two sat at the table. For a while, no one spoke.

I was still the sound of the second child knocking on the door, waking them both up.

I opened the door and saw Xiao Er's diligent look.

"Two guest officers, this is the dinner you just called."

Lin Lin Mengya didn't see it, just said a word.

"Let it be."

Wu Xiaoer didn't say much. He put very rich dishes on the table and closed the door quietly.

呵 "Oh, it's so fast."

Zhe Lin Mengya did not raise her eyelids, and did not know who was laughing at her.

Xun Long Tianyu understood her meaning and turned to the window.

I hide sideways by the window and look down secretly.

"How many people are here?"

In Lin Mengya's tone, there was no worry.

She even took out the antidote pills she brought with her and prepared one for Long Tianyu.

Xiao Long Tianyu returned to her with only a few glances and swallowed the pill without hesitation.

I don't care if I eat poison or antidote.

"Dozens more."

"How about Kung Fu?"


Gao Linmengya looked at him suspiciously, thinking of Long Tianyu's outstanding martial arts, could not help but raise this "weak" grade a little bit.

既然 "So, let me see, what else can they do?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu thought so too, picked up the chopsticks and clamped a fat and tender chicken leg to her first.

But she frowned and complained.

"Who gave the sweating medicine? Why is it so hard? Don't talk about me, an ordinary person can taste something wrong!"

Chen Long Tianyu swallowed his mouth silently, and tasted the hibiscus shrimp **** that seemed to have no smell.

夫人 His wife is not ordinary, yes, that's it.

When they had dinner, they brought water in to wash.

Everything is the same, except that the couple living on the second floor seems to be sleeping earlier today.

Downstairs, leaning on the stairs, his eyes kept staring at the man in the door. After seeing the lights in the room go out, he turned and walked into the back hall.

At this moment, there are more than twenty strong men gathered there.

My uncle immediately saw a flattering smile on his face when he saw these people.

"Several masters, the two upstairs are asleep."

The big man, headed by a cricket, had a look of horizontal meat and a very proud look.

He just because he is the top leader in the Zheng family's guards and the uncle's confidant.

I took a handful of broken silver out of my arms and threw it to my buddy.

伙 The guy's eyes lighted, and he immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, squatting on the ground and smiling.

"Thank you Grandpa! Thank you Grandpa!"

The head of the security guard looked at the pug-like man with contempt, waved his hand, and brought the person out.

There were also dinner guests downstairs, but these people immediately closed their mouths when they saw the strong men wearing shirts with Zheng family ancestors' emblems, as quiet as chickens.

The brave man was very satisfied, and stared again, begging them not to bother, and then took their own people to the second floor.

Uncle Khan ’s medicine was brought to them by Uncle Zheng himself.

Don't say two people, even if it is two tigers, it is estimated that people are sleeping unconsciously now.

Although the Uncle Zheng repeatedly warned them that the man's martial arts were very high, the strong man also relied on the many people on his side and did not take the warning seriously.

He lifted his feet, and the thin room door cracked into two.

A group of mermaids came in and went straight to the bed.

"Damn, dare to disrespect our grandpa, deserve to be killed!"

She smirked, raised the steel knife in his hand, and chopped down the bed.

But in the expectation, the feeling of being chopped on the person did not appear, but instead it was soft and soft, as if it had been chopped on a quilt.

Obviously the head of the security guard has realized, but unfortunately, it is always a step behind.

Before he could turn around to warn, he felt a pain in his chest, and saw a long white sword piercing through his chest.

Black figure, shaped like a ghost.

所有人 Under the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the man pulled out his sword effortlessly.

The guard leader who lost his support suddenly lay on the empty bed.

Everyone is stupid.

The light in the room was dark, but the figure was so clear.

The chill is like a poisonous snake, entangled in everyone's heart, tightly entwining their heart, making them unbearable and dead.

Fear became everything they could feel.

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