Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1868: Baijia Invitation

Between Bai Bai and Gong, the so-called holidays are only those past events between the two elderly people.

But these things, presumably the two old people will not take it out everywhere, so that the juniors are going to do some small moves in the back.

Moreover, even if the Bai family wanted to discredit her, it was for Mr. Puyang to get angry.

She shouldn't have focused on her fire either.

I want to know that the festival between Mr. Poyang and the third brother is still a trivial matter.

If she dragged her into the water, it would be a major issue affecting the relationship between the two.

She believes that the Bai family is definitely not so confused.

I deliberately insulted a family owner, and that was to openly declare war on that family.

Not to mention that the relationship between the Bai family and the Gong family is a bit subtle. Even if the two sides have a bad relationship, like the Baili family, they can only stab it in secret, and engage in some conspiracy and tricks that they are hard to detect?

So she felt strange.

"Is there any other news?"

Qi Long Tianyu asked indifferently.

An Wei hesitated for a moment before he replied: "Subordinates noticed that in addition to the Bai family, there was another force in the dark that helped to make things worse. But for a while, it was difficult to trace the root cause."

I didn't expect that there was something else going on here.

Chen Long Tianyu nodded and ordered him to continue his careful investigation, and the dark guard left.

Leaning by the window, Lin Mengya sorted out the information she already knew.

Now it is obvious that someone in the Bai family wants to target them.

Maybe from the moment Mr. Poyang stood up and accused them, they smashed into this trap.

Now it's pointless to blame someone.

She just wanted to know why Bai's family did this.

Chen Long Tianyu stood behind her, stroking her long hair gently.

She was surrounded by the familiar atmosphere, and her complex mood gradually calmed down.

I naturally leaned on the chest behind the insight behind her, and she joked in a tone of pleasure.

"Did you say that the attributes of our family members are inherited?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu raised his eyebrows and intuitively told him that it was still good to shut up.

Lin Mengya froze lazily and said with a smile: "I found that no matter what happened to the country, there is always the participation of our palace family. Do you say that the ancestors of my family are like me, one day No time to stop? "

Nine Dragons Tianyu let her lean against her, her arms embracing her.

"The ancestors of the palace family are smart people."

She nodded and agreed.

"Yes, I want to know that they can have a place in this patriarchal society, and they can also stabilize the palace family within the top ten families, naturally they need to work hard."

The Kuniya family is a serious female ruler.

任 Every homeowner has absolute right to control the palace family, not relying on his brother-in-law as a concubine, as guessed outside.

So when she returned to inherit the title of the head of the family, there would be no objection from all over the house.

Of course, this has something to do with the situation of the palace family at the time.

However, it is also because some ancestors have set an example, so that the people of the palace family have been affected subtly.

In addition, she gradually learned how much the palace ancestors did, and after she didn't even think about it, she had a little more respect for those deceased ancestors.

They are the ones who have great wisdom.

The two were silent and enjoying a rare moment of warmth.

It didn't take long for someone to knock at the door.

"Can Mr. Su Yan be inside?"

He seems to be Lian Bo.

After the two looked at each other, Long Tianyu pressed her on a chair and turned to open the door.

Seeing him coming out, Lian Bo said immediately, "Sir, someone is looking for you outside."

"who is it?"

"It is a lady of the Bai family."

I said here, Lian Bo's eyes flickered slightly.

As one of the few people in the family who knows the inside, he knows that the man in front of him is not only a college gentleman, but also the husband of his young lady, the father of two babies.

But when this person just arrived, there was something wrong with Miss Bai's name and name.

I didn't even know that Long Tianyu, who was almost imprinted as a "derailed scumbag", also seemed a bit surprised.

He didn't go to meet immediately, but continued to ask, "Which lady in the Bai family, what can I do for you?"

After raising his head quickly and glancing at him, Lian Bo responded gently: "It's Miss Bai Jiarou. She said you had left something in the store before. She brought it back to you in person. I have invited her to the main hall. Is it here, sir?


Chen Longtianyu immediately thought that when he was in the gold shop before, he forgot to take the small gold crown.

But the treasurer also confiscated his money, and those things were given away in vain, so he didn't want to collect it again.

以后 Anyway, he can find a better one for his dear wife.

"Forget it, let her go. Just say this gold crown, I don't want to."

Li Lianbo refused to hear him without hesitation at all, and his mood improved a lot.

"Okay, I'll talk back."

In the room, Lin Mengya also listened to the conversation clearly.

This lady Bai is kind of kind.

If she sends in accordance with this method, the Bai family will be afraid of being hollowed out sooner or later.

But this matter has nothing to do with her again, and I don't think about it anymore.

What I did not think of her was that the second day of the Miss Bai Family had even posted a post to them, which stated that she would be invited to visit Long Tianyu.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the post in her hand, her frown slightly.

She can understand how Bai Jiarou gave them a free bill at that time. After all, it happened in the store of the Bai family. If they get into trouble, I'm afraid the loss will be even greater.

But she could know so quickly the identity of the two of them, and she came to deliver gold crowns and name cards in person, which was obviously not easy.

Is it because the other party wants to talk to her about something else?

If this is the case, they have to go to this appointment.

She told the third brother and great ancestor that this was the case. The two of them were no strangers to this Miss Bai Jiarou.

"Miss Bai is an extremely gentle person. When we were accused at the Bai family before, only she stood up and said a few words for us."

Mi Gong San recalled the scene of the day and thanked Bai Jiarou a bit.

On this point, Lin Mengya did not doubt it.

From the behavior of Bai Jiarou in Zhenlongfang that day, you can see that this Miss Bai family is not a muddy person.

Therefore, she even felt that the other party might use this as an excuse to actually resolve the intention of resentment between the two parties.

So the two did not delay. After finishing a little, they entered the city with the famous post.

After the two arrived at Bai's old house, they saw Bai Jiarou and his maid waiting at the door.

"Mr. Su, you are finally here."

Bai Jiarou's face, with a soft smile, was also a little sincere in her tone.

Lin Lin Mengya greeted her for a few moments, and, under the guidance of the other party, entered the old house of the Bai family.

The courtyard of Wu Bai's house is the same as the outside style. It only looks quaint, but it is difficult to see luxury.

Bai Jiarou led them to a small hall, which was delicately arranged, and his heart was visible everywhere.

I want to come, this should be the place where the ladies of the Bai family meet.

The three of them sat down, and Bai Jiarou made tea again.

"In fact, this time I took the liberty to invite two of you to come, mainly to resolve the grievances between the two of us."

Sure enough, as she had expected before.

But Lin Mengya is not in a hurry, for this matter, I am afraid that Bai Jiarou is not counting.

But she can come up with some useful information.

"This is also the wish of my family owner and ancestors. Originally, there were a lot of misunderstandings. I wonder if Ms. Bai can refer us for me, so that I can meet with your host, so I can express my affection and turn my grief into jade. . "

Bai Jiarou frowned slightly, obviously this matter was beyond her ability.

After thinking for a while, she said, "It may be difficult to meet the owner of my house now. In fact, I think that it would be better for your government to apologize first, or to make things better."

I asked them to apologize, wouldn't that be equivalent to those crimes?

But she is not angry. Bai Jiarou is Bai family in the end, and the starting point is naturally to Bai family.

"Miss Bai, it really isn't that we don't want to apologize, but this matter has something to do with the innocence of my homeowner. And you also know the rumors outside, if we apologize without things being clear, wouldn't it be true that we don't have the necessary charges? ? Please forgive me, we will never obey. "

Bian Baijiarou bit her lip and said sincerely: "I know it must have caused you some grievances, but Mr. Poyang hasn't woke up to now. I think this matter can be equalized, right?"

林梦雅 一愣, what does this mean?

I saw Bai Jiarou's eyes with light sorrow, and really persuaded them both.

"Even though there are thousands of different people, Mr. Liyang is also after all to protect his students. Besides, now that he has relapsed and is lingering on the sickbed, I ca n’t bear to see it. In this case, both of you It's better to take a step back. In case Mr. Liyang aggravates the illness, I believe that everyone will be uneasy. "

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes turned a little colder.

How can there be such a truth in the world? It is clear that Mr. Poyang is the first to cause trouble, and her palace family is humiliated behind. How can I listen to Bai Jiarou's meaning, but it seems they are wrong?

"Miss Bai, you mean, Mr. Po Yang is ill, so are we going to apologize?"

Bai Jiarou's eyes were red, and he shook his head hurriedly.

"No, I'm not saying that you are wrong. But I think that Mr. Po Yang is too pathetic now. Who is right and wrong, is it really that heavy? Or is it heavier than others' lives?"

What did she say? Is Bai Jiarou crying?

Fortunately, Bai Jiarou just had red eyes and did not shed tears. It was just such a tolerant look that made people feel a little bit more intolerable.

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