Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1883: Involve in

Unsurprisingly, on the second day of the incident, they received an invitation to meet with Bai Shi'an.

I still have the same steps as last time, when they arrived at the restaurant, Bai Shi'an arrived early.

When I saw them both, it was not as urgent as the last two times.

"Come, sit down."

The two still sat opposite him, but this time, Bai Shi'an frowned.

It seemed to me that something was difficult.

"What's the matter, Sanye?"

Bai Shi'an looked up, some glanced at them.

I honestly, he was a bit envious of the couple.

No matter when and where there is someone to accompany oneself, how lucky it should be.

This person can be a lover, or a relative or friend.

I will not be alone like him.

Gao Linmengya didn't know what he was thinking, but Long Tianyu had a sense of crisis, holding his daughter-in-law's hand.

My daughter-in-law is too popular.

Of course, come to chop one and plant it in the soil for garlic!

Gao Linmengya did not know that her own man would be so over-brained, but she subconsciously felt her own man's Bukaisen, and held his hand backhand, his fingers intertwined, and there was no half distance.

On the other side, Bai Shi'an, only felt that she was becoming more and more lonely.

Alas, if I knew it, I wouldn't blame myself.

如果 "If, I mean, if, one day, Girl Su discovers that the person you know is no longer the one you are most familiar with, then what will you do?"

Bai Shi'an apparently had something in her words, Lin Mengya couldn't guess the other party's thoughts, and could only consider deliberately, "It depends on whether the other party intentionally deceived or the situation was too extreme."

Actually, in the adult world, who is not hiding their true selves, putting on a mask to disguise themselves?

Especially in this world family, isn't Bai Shi'an himself using the uninhibited to conceal his true self?

But he could ask that, apparently, it was not bad.

I just don't know if it has anything to do with what she is looking for.

Bian Shi'an laughed at himself, in fact, why is he not clear?

The three of them remained silent for a while, and finally Bai Shi'an didn't hold back, saying, "I went to the guard camp yesterday, and besides the death of Song Guanshi, I knew something else."

He stared at the cup in his hand, the floating tea stalks, just like his mind.

"It was Xun Ziyang who framed Feng Chen at the beginning, but the person who tried to prove that he was the truth was, but it was my elder brother."

Feng Chen is the name of the fake son.

But Lin Mengya did not expect that this matter had such a background.

Besides, Bai Shi'an's elder brother, isn't he ill and can't afford to stay in bed all year round?

Why did he take part in it?

"But I heard that your elder brother doesn't care much about family affairs. Isn't your second brother in charge of everything?"

"I'm afraid that's why."

Xi Baishi'an said bitterly, and Lin Mengya responded immediately.

The outside world says that if the boss of the Bai family is healthy enough, the rights of the Bai family will not fall on the second child.

Although he is in poor health, lack does not mean that he has no ideas of his own.


Lin Lin Mengya was embarrassed to say that, to be honest, she can't trust Bai Shi'an 100%.

After all, the Bai family has only three of their brothers.

If Bai Shi'an wants to use them to eradicate his two brothers, it is not impossible.

Therefore, some things are better to be cautious.

"I know what you think. In fact, I have long since given up on this position of the homeowner. Our three brothers have been very harmonious since we were young. When the elder brother was in good health, my elder brother and I had a period of time. Lazy years. But how could it be what it is now? "

This kind of thing, she is not very clear.

Probably it is time-shifting. Everyone grows up and feels that the world is a little different from what he expected.

Also, the world constructed by young children is mostly relaxed and beautiful.

But in reality, where would be so easy.

I do n’t ask them for their opinions. I ’m afraid it ’s been a long time, so I want to vent my brain.

Lin Lin Mengya listened silently, and when the man said enough, the box was quiet again.

"Yes, I heard that this time, you were also targeted by Xun Ziyang? Why, Xun Ziyang, shot again and again to deal with you?"

Gao Linmengya lowered her eyes, and gently hooked the fingers of Gou Tianyu.

The latter shook it slightly, motioning her to say anything, no need to worry.

"That's because he was afraid we found out that Mr. Poyang was not simply a relapse of an old disease."

"What does this mean?"

"We once sneaked in and found out that Mr. Poyang was actually poisoned. And if there were no accidents, it would take no more than a few days and he would die because of his weakness."

Either He is a divine doctor or Xia Ziyang, but they are all waiting for the day to come.

Lin Mengya's words made Bai Shi'an's brows frown tightly.

"Poisoning? Who on earth wants to kill this poisonous hand against Mr. Poyang? But why do you have to be him? Does it mean that the two of us will become enemies from now on? ? "

In fact, Lin Mengya thought so before.

Even if the Bai family is fighting for justice, it is also a big family.

If the palace family pays enough, it may not be possible to ask the Bai family for help.

But at that time, for both of them, the losses were huge and the gains outweighed the gains.

If you really want to do this thing, you want to use a lot of methods.

But after seeing those letters, she understood the other party's reason why she chose Mr. Puyang to start.

Because once he died, Sitai College couldn't keep it, and even made her the housekeeper's reputation.

It is not vicious to use its means.

When they searched Mr. Li Yang's bedroom, the letters disappeared.

I was obviously thinking behind the scenes that the letter had not yet arrived in the day.

Xun also explained that in addition to Xun Ziyang, Mr. Xun Yang's house had other people who knew the inside story.

After they act, they have to be more careful.

"I don't think so, Mr. Po Yang's identity is a bit special. If he really died because of the palace family, I'm afraid that the two of us will not be so easy."

For the sake of insurance, she didn't say everything.

Because now, they are not sure whether Bai Shi'an has anything to do with this matter.

Bai Shi'an was sure, nodded and said, "Well, I know the significance of the matter. Today I saw the fake **** doctor, and I think he should be a liar. I think I can start from this aspect. Otherwise, they have You are always inconvenient. "

Qi Bai Shi'an has been in Fengyuan City for many years, and has been contacted by three religions and nine streams.

Those who scam gods and liars have also seen too much.

Now some people dare to lie to him Bai San Ye, it is tantamount to breaking the ground on the head of too old.

"This matter is not urgent, I have used the method to maintain Mr. Li Yang's life. However, I am afraid that over time, some people will not be able to bear it."

Then, Bai Shi'an understood.

"I will clean up those people as soon as possible. By the way, my niece, have you been to you recently?"

The two looked at each other and looked at the guilty glance of her own man, and she knew what was going on.

"No, we didn't receive any news. What happened to Miss Bai?"

"Oh, I have no face to mention."

Speaking of this, Bai Shi'an is a look of sadness and mist.

怎么 How he didn't find out before, Xiao Rouer still has such a stubborn temper.

Since the misunderstanding between him and Su Mei has been resolved, he is still patient and says nothing.

But I don't know what happened to this little niece. She almost leaves the house every day and doesn't go elsewhere. She just stands at the gate of the city.

At the beginning, he didn't know what was going on.

Later, when she noticed something was wrong, she asked someone around her niece, and it turned out that this silly girl was waiting for Su Yan and was going to have a chance encounter with others.

At that time, he was so angry that he was born one Buddha and two Buddhas were ascended to heaven. For the first time in many years, he severely rebuked his niece and told her to keep her duty and not to do such shameful things.

Who knows, Bai Jiarou fainted and fainted. After that, he ignored his uncle.

Everyday's whereabouts also ordered his subordinates to stop talking.

In the last few days, he only knew that the niece had taken someone out, but he didn't know where the person had gone.

To be honest, he was also a little worried.

"In any case, the third master should know that strong twisted melon is not sweet."

She raised the corners of her lips and said politely.

But the opposite Bai Shi'an, from the woman's words, heard a bit murderous.

He immediately shook his head reflectively, but he heard a lot of anecdotes about the housekeeper and this Mr. Su Mei.

Don't look at them, they are all weak and weak girls, but really do things, I'm afraid that they are more neat than him.

If such a person, even if he is stupid, he cannot easily open the crime.

I was very satisfied with the attitude of the other party, Lin Mengya didn't mind and reminded him.

"Instead of asking us outsiders, find out why your nephew's personality changed."

In fact, Lin Mengya is not surprised. Although girls like Bai Jiarou look invincible and tender and sweet, it is because of this that they make them think that everything will be as smooth as they imagine.

What a pity, she is a vicious woman like Snow White's stepmother, and always makes those delicate girls who are raised in the boudoir feel the full maliciousness from this real world.

"I will find out myself, so as not to make her bother her. Please ask them to look at me. Don't worry about her with a child."

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