Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1897: reshuffle the card

A wedding that was barely blessed was finally ended in the form of farce.

Zhe Lin Mengya can foresee that there will never be a peaceful future after the Bai family.

I sneered in my heart, so fair in this world.

When you want to take something from others, you have to realize the price.

The Bai family owner shook his head, and it seemed that he was even confused.

His old face is considered lost, but there are some things that he has to reluctantly put up to deal with.

"I don't know, Mr. Su Mei is satisfied?"

"I have nothing to be dissatisfied with, after all, it is your marriage to your daughter, and it has nothing to do with us."

She answered with a mockery, completely stunned Bai's words.

At this time, Bai Chunan said with dissatisfaction: "It is indeed a man who came out of the palace, and it is really a means. My niece was ruined in your hands, and it was not wronged."

Hey, do you want to continue provoking?

She raised an eyebrow and took a few steps forward.

"I do n’t dare to take this statement from Uncle Bai. Who asked Bai Jiarou to mistake my husband as her destined marriage, and who told Mrs. Bai that her daughter had a peach blossom, or who persuaded Bai Jiaru, I Believe that you should know better than me. "

A little bit of her, she tore apart the unwise camouflage from the truth that these Bai family members were most unwilling to admit, and exposed it to everyone.

The owner of the Bai Family looked at his eldest son in silence, as if the mist had disappeared, and some things appeared in his eyes easily.

"Mr. Su Mei is really eloquent."

Yun Baichun was a little disturbed by his father, but he still spared no effort to spill the dirty water on her head.

Lin Lin Mengya was not afraid at all, and she would not be the one who would cry in the future.

"You are not bad. Today ’s matter, even if it comes to a halt. The white lord, my great ancestor and the third brother, have moved to a house on Dongdajie. If you have any questions in the future, you might as well talk face to face, lest The incident that caused a person to hold a feather feather arrow, and said goodbye. "

No matter what the other party wants to say, Lin Mengya leaves with the winner.

As she passed by Bai Shi'an, she smiled at the other side with a profound smile.

At this time, Bai Shi'an finally understood what she meant before she came in.

Cowardly and strong, the fittest survives.

I am, how can he forget that this world has never been only tender and tender.

My eyes flashed, but my heart was decisive.

He walked straight out of the door of Bai's house, and no one dared to intercept them along the way.

When I was on the street, Lian Bo had long been ordered by his great ancestor to come here to meet them both.

"Miss, all right?"

Uncle Lian asked in anxiety, although the young lady wasn't the one who saw the big one from a young age, but the nature of protecting the calves of the palace family made them look a little wronged for the young people they loved.

He shook his head, Lin Mengya smiled at Lian Bo easily.

"Fortunately not disgraceful."

Uncle Leng froze, then laughed again.

"Yes, even the old lady said, our family is the best, the best lady."

This is the difference between the palace family and the white family.

The Haremiya family members also protect themselves, but they will not hide the children in the ivory tower, pull out their minions as much as possible, and turn them into pussyless kittens.

He will sharpen their steel claws and let them learn how to gain a place for themselves in this cruel time.

After all, neither the parents nor the other elders can help them forever.

"In the eyes of his old man, I'm afraid that our children are all good. Okay, I'm fine here now. It's better for you to go back and report to Lian Bo, and I'll go out with him."


Uncle Lian turned and left, busy returning to report to his great ancestors.

As soon as the Tatars left, Long Tianyu took hold of her shoulders.

With their tacit understanding today, Lin Mengya couldn't guess Long Tianyu's idea.

这 The man was punctual and saw that he almost cried and felt distressed.

This person, it really makes her wonder what to say.

"I acted well today."

She tilted her head on his shoulder, and obviously felt that the man hadn't responded yet.

He smiled, raised his head, and gently stroked his placket with his fingers.

"I mean, am I acting well in front of the Bai family. You see, even you are scared. Alas, my amazing acting skills, it is a pity not to enter the showbiz."

She said this easily, but after a long silence, Long Tianyu said "um".


如何 How can he not understand her?

It ’s just that it ’s not important to know or not, but he always cooperates with himself.

Long Tianyu like this, let her heart be wrapped in a layer of warmth, there is no trace of coldness and darkness.

"I miss mom."

For many years, it seems that since she knew what the orphanage meant, she had never said anything similar.

因为 Just because she knew that if she had a mother, she would not be here.

After returning here, her biggest regret was that she couldn't have another mother who loved her.

But who can say that she doesn't have the love of her mother?

Since her birth, her mother has been protecting her, and she has been protecting her till now.

Also, she has her father and brother waiting for her.

"My mother is your mother."

It was as if the tone of the child when sharing the beloved toy seriously and amused her, the little soreness disappeared.

"Yes. But, is there no news recently?"

知道 She knows that De Fei Niang Niang has a very important position in Yu's heart.

Even though he has forgotten something now, the nature between mother and child will not change.

"There has been some news, and it was discovered by people on Xie's side."

If it wasn't for Long Tianyu, Lin Mengya almost forgot Xie's group.

Today's Zhenlongtang, with the support of her secret medicine business, has almost become a party overlord in the ghost town.

The one beside me said that the bonuses that were sent to her every month were huge sums of money.

I do n’t think it will be long before she becomes richer than more than half of the patriarchs in the patriotic kingdom. Moreover, those who do n’t include those in the palace family.

"This kid's hands and feet are fast. When he sent a message to me last month, he said that 纭 Er already has a body. This is 纭 Er's first child, and it is not how it is."

After getting the news, she worked with her teacher to get a lot of medicine and good things, and the trustee took them home.

But 纭 儿 is now different from the past, if she has the opportunity, she still hopes to take someone over to give birth.

After all, compared to the town hall that had been fighting in the dark, the palace house has been built by her, which is more stable.

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, saying that he would mention this to Xie Yan.

He turned and talked to her about his mother.

照 "As you said, why did your father cooperate with the people in the ghost market, hoping to draw you out?"

"Well, even if he knew where I was, he never got a chance. So, I can't wait."

Speaking of his father, Long Tianyu's heart had already lost half of his father and son's affection.

Since he also became a father, he has no expectation for that person.

Mo Moyan and Ninger, as long as they saw a little bit of injury, they would feel distressed, not to mention counting their children.

"However, even if he catches you, what's the use of it? How about the one in the dragon capital? I'm afraid that even if you add those forces on the bright side, it's not enough. . "

When Xu brought this up, she felt that Jin Yuandi was really wishful thinking.

Don't talk about dominating the king. The current situation is so chaotic. If they are caught in a civil war, they don't have to wait for the people of Xiancheng to come to their conclusion. They lie down and slaughter.

When I thought of this, she suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Long Tianyu in shock.

Alas, things will not be what she guessed.

Xun Long Tianyu touched her head and knew that once these things were not fortified to her, with her intelligence, there was no possibility of concealment.

"He, is he crazy? Cooperating with Xiancheng is tantamount to making skins with tigers. Those people in Xiancheng are not stupid, how can they be used by him? In the end, I am afraid that Asuka is doing his best to hide, what good fruit is he eat?"

"Well, but how many people can the world see through? He is now full of brains how to obtain that huge right, but I don't know, it's just a flashy dream."

Nine Dragons Tianyu calmly summarized, but there was a bit of luck in his heart.

Think about herself when she didn't show up.

Fortunately, she was there so that I could understand what is the happiness I should strive for.

"So too. When he was in Jin Dynasty, he was an ambitious person. Even if it was for you, he didn't like the taste of power. He wanted to come back to the Patriotic Kingdom, and his life was not so good."

Su Ning is a chicken head, not a Phoenix tail.

Compared to the one who hadn't been in the Jin Dynasty at the beginning, he was still the emperor of the hegemony, I'm afraid he won't be willing to return to defending the country again.

From an emperor who called for wind and rain, to a younger brother who can only live in his own small enclosure, without real power, and can't even come out at will, he can accept such a difference.

She thought for a while and whispered: "Would you like to ask Xie Ye to help you?"

Although Xie Xie occasionally had contact with Long Tianyu, it was her people.

And because 纭 儿 was brainwashing beside Xie 晗 every day, now this person has been loyal to her.

Although the tone of each letter was still a bit awkward, after all, she regarded her as her own person, and occasionally asked her a few words of warmth under the "persecution" of her.

Xun Long Tian Yu shook her head and kissed her forehead gently.

"It's okay, you can thank me for your help. Now, it's better not to expose his relationship with us."

He was rejected by him and Lin Mengya didn't feel anything.

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