Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1913: Opportunity in hand

小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】, ♂ 小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】 ,

Lin Mengya was not willing to make fun of him, but snuggled up in his arms, and said softly, "Well, this thing is only a small matter. How can it be more important than you?"

Then, successfully surrendered Long Tianyu.

The latter nodded with satisfaction and turned to another matter, as if the childish guy was not his.

"Do you want to fight for the Mu family?"

"how do you know?"

She looked at her man with a little surprise.

To tell the truth, the appeal of the top ten families is much stronger than that of the three kings, one emperor, and one saint.

As the saying goes, magistrates are better off as they are now in charge. The top ten families are like a large circle, and the small and medium families are like small circles in these large circles.

Their interests are tied to the Da Shijia, so if she wants to concentrate, the best way is not to try to fight the Da Shijia as much as possible.

From the current point of view, the Mu family is the best candidate.

"If someone else had framed the second brother just because of the Mu family's people, you would definitely beat them out directly. Why would they still leave the person in the non-leaf city?"

Xun Long Tianyu glanced at her with a contempt for her tone.

Lin Mengya squinted his teeth, and politely rubbed a hand around his waist.

"Tell me like a mother-in-law, I think you owe it."

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned, his own hand, his wife, really had a little strength, and it was accurate enough to make him painful. Now, I dare not continue to tease people, but can only coax.

"I have a way to make you successful."


"Mu Yucheng has a problem with his identity. If you can help him solve this problem, I think he will choose to cooperate with you."

"Is there a problem with your identity?"

She didn't know the news.

Long Tianyu put people back in his arms and said, "The woman named Song Liner was originally Mu Yucheng's niece. But about half a year ago, Song Liner's mother became Mu Yucheng's ancestor. A puppet with a lot of real power filled the house. This time, he became his cousin again. "

关系 This relationship is really not a messy word to describe.

It is no wonder that when Mu Yucheng was fighting for Mu's heir, his grandparents' family could help him.

I have been in trouble for a long time, and this is my destiny.

Isn't Mu Yucheng's older sister the same as his uncle's niece?

Is there any relationship between you and you? Let the nephew daughter marry her first, but this makes people temporarily unable to accept it.

既然 "So, what's wrong with his identity?"

"The problem lies with this sister. The original Song Liner's father was the daughter-in-law of the Mu family's powerful vassal family. Her original husband was weak and went early. But Song Liner was a The posthumous son. The original family didn't think there was any problem, but when Mu Yucheng's sister got married, the family suddenly found out that Song Liner looked very similar to the original daughter of that family. Therefore, they suspected that Song Liner and his The stepfather was originally a father-daughter. Moreover, Song Lin's mother was not the biological daughter of the Mu family. It was brought by Mu Yucheng's mother after remarriage. Now, the Song family is not stubborn, and those who have seen Mu Yucheng long ago Those who are not pleasing to the eye again may raise some questions about Mu Yucheng's life. In this way, his position as a young owner will be less secure. "

Fortunately, systematically, Lin Mengya was not fainted by this intricate relationship.

But she also heard the most crucial information.

The owner of the Mu family is lascivious.

It is not uncommon for my family to have such a problem.

However, Mu Yucheng used to be the position of a young master who earned his income through his grandparents' family. Now this is a trouble, at least on the bright side. The power that his grandparents can lend him is not much.

Otherwise, it is the two blatantly tearing their faces, and the situation is even worse for him.

But for her, it is a good opportunity.

"No wonder Mu Yucheng is here this time, and every effort is made to get in touch with our family."

Zhe Lin Mengya sneered and said that with this one, she can figure out other things.

This Mu Yucheng is a powerful figure.

He framed his second elder brother, whether it was his hands or not, but he took advantage of it.

I'm afraid it was then that he wanted to use the palace to help him seize the position of owner.

What a pity, but met her.

This time, we can't say who is using it.

"Thank you for giving me such good news, how can I thank you?"

She tilted her head and asked knowingly.

Xun Long Tianyu saw her in a pleasant mood, and was not polite, and kissed her lips with a sip, and received "remuneration".

On the second day, Lin Mengya, who had a spirit in her heart, was even more emotional.

But the wind direction in the city changed a lot overnight.

Xun has gradually begun to spread, saying that this time, in order to please the palace family, he did not hesitate to start with Xun Ziyang.

Xun even made it up, saying that it was Mr. Xun Yang who wanted to save his son. He was even placed under house arrest by the Bai family.

This nonsense, with noses and eyes, has also been spread, inciting many people to want to "rescue" Mr. Li Yang.

But Bai Shi'an is not a good stubble. Not only did they all see Mr. Po Yang, but he also showed his attitude.

I heard Mr. Li Yang personally explain that Li Ziyang had indeed killed an administrative officer in his house, and that three years ago, indeed, there were doubts, and most people stopped again.

There are still a small group of people who still bite to death, saying that it was Mr. Po Yang who was coerced by the Bai family.

Why else would he always be upright, why would he lie?

For such an argument, Lin Mengya was too lazy to listen.

Now that the so-called facts have been determined, they can be regarded as false if the truth is before them.

Why bother to waste time with such people?

I just don't care, but she still has to pay attention.

This time, the source of the news has nothing to do with Bai Chunan.

But her people followed the path and did not find the person behind the scenes.

In my opinion, it was quite hidden.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya was so calm, in short those people will definitely come to do things.

She's not as good as defending the rabbits.

Early in the morning, she rushed to the guard camp.

In order to protect Feng Chen's safety, he has stayed in the guard camp.

Bian Bailu's duty is to add another personal protection to the parties.

After her guidance yesterday, Feng Chen no longer looks so boring, but has a little more positive confidence.

Xun Wei, he is still so resistant to Bai Lu's problem.

刚 As soon as they arrived, they heard Feng Chen sarcastic Bai Lu's clumsy hands before entering the room.

The latter has a good temper, but Wei Nuo Nuo dare not speak up.

In this regard, Lin Mengya only has two words to summarize-deserve it!

晨 Feng Chen saw them, and immediately let go of Bai Lu, who was scolded as a dog, and passed over to meet him.

相比 Compared with yesterday, Feng Chen's body has also recovered some of the scholar's elegance.

It is true that he is not particularly similar in appearance to Mr. Po Yang, but this is probably due to his mother's sake.

But that temperament and stubborn temperament are in the same vein.

At the beginning, Mr. Poyang was blind, and then he felt that this detachment was a copy of his own child, not his own flesh.

He was so embarrassed that he almost became an accomplice to kill his child, and was also used by the white-eyed wolf to frame him.

All this is karma.

After the two sides said hello, she asked directly: "Before I left yesterday, let me write about what you wrote, can you write?"

晨 Feng Chen immediately passed to her what she wrote last night, not to mention that it was quite thick in her hands.

Lin Lin Mengya flipped page by page and gave it to her third brother.

"We probably understand this matter. I read this and said that the reason why you were able to get back was because someone found your adoptive parents. From their mouth, you were identified. Xun Ziyang was Because of the unintentional reveal of the token that Mr. Liyang had left to the child, there was a subsequent storm? What is this token? Do you not remember this token? "

What is written on the paper is not detailed, but it briefly explains the general situation.

In the face of her problems, Feng Chen seemed to resist, not to her, but to a memory that was no less than **** for him.

"Actually, when I was a kid, I hardly remember anything. Over the years, my adoptive father and mother have loved me quite a lot. I have long regarded them as my biological parents. After I came here, it was because I told myself about my life. Listen to him, because my adoptive father and mother picked me up where he lost his child, so he met my adoptive parents and talked to them to determine my identity. Actually, I did n’t Don't want to recognize him. "

晨 Feng Chen still has resentment against Mr. Li Yang's biological father.

But these are not within the scope of her concern. Feng Chen also continued to say, "Later Ziyang appeared, and he told people from the beginning that he was here to find relatives. Hey, I thought at the time that I followed He was sympathetic to the illness, so he took good care of him and introduced him to that person. Xun Ziyang was a man better than me, and soon he got a foothold among his classmates. During a banquet, everyone said that he was homesick. Questions, each wrote a poem to help. When he arrived, he took out a copper seal saying that this was the only thing his biological parents left him. The person thought the copper seal was familiar, so he deliberately Check it out, the results "

Feng Chen said here, shook his head with a mockery.

哪里 Where did he think at the time, it was this guy who had a close relationship with him and was also introduced by the wolf into the room himself, and would use such a ruthless method to take everything away from him and almost kill him.

Even if it is a thousand swords, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart!

"This bronze seal, do you really have no impression at all?"

Lin Lin Mengya also listened to the question and asked.

The latter shook his head and said, "When I was lost, but I was only five years old. My adoptive parents said that when I was picked up, I was burned for three days because I was too frightened."

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