Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1920: Please enter

小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】, ♂ 小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】 ,

The private library of the Bai family is divided into two rooms.

The outermost room where Xi came in from Shimen is full of gold and silver jewelry, but in the family, these are not the most valuable.

These people did not look at the silver two, but went straight through those and went directly to the back.

门 The door from the outside to the separation is still locked.

The person in charge of unlocking the lock immediately flashed out to pry the lock, a crisp "click" sounded, and the door lock finally opened.

All of them can't wait to enter the inner room, leaving only one person to let the wind out.

I don't know why as soon as someone enters, the door closes automatically.

The man who let off the wind watched the door inside carefully, he didn't hear any other voice.

Probably, this is the organ in the private library.

I just took a few steps towards the door, and the man suddenly seemed to remember something, and went straight to the door to violently.

I just have one lurking in the dark.

The lethargic man stopped abruptly, because in front of him, the eyes of the man were like beasts staring at the prey, locking all his vitality.

相比 Compared with people outside, people inside are not better.

The door closes suddenly almost the moment they enter.

第一 The first reaction was to want to see if there was any mechanism at the door, but what disturbed them was that the door that took into account the room was already motionless.

For a moment, they noticed something.

The rest of the people leaned against the door panel and watched around vigilantly.

"Several people came to my Bai's house, I don't know why?"

Holding a white lantern, Bai Shi'an's face asked vaguely.

But those people communicated with each other's eyes, and the slightest killing appeared in the eyes of several people.

He seemed unconscious, and said coldly, "It seems that some of them are not going to tell me the truth."

I hit the feet of those people and attacked him with a little force. The short knife in their hands went straight to Bai Shi'an's chest. These people really wanted his life!

Between the electric light and flint, Bai Shi'an's figure never wavered, only to see a long sword cross in the darkness.

No more than a round, the thief's machete dropped his hand and landed on the ground, ringing.

Bai Shi'an's face was gloomy and ugly, and his eyes became worse.

"Steal my house and say, still want to kill me? No matter who your master is, my Bai family will never let go!"

These people finally realized that things were not good. Looking at this situation, I was afraid that they were well prepared.

They are now trapped in their private vaults, as if caught in a trance.

Several people had undergone rigorous training, knowing that they would be tortured if they were caught by the other party. When they wanted to bite the poison hidden in their teeth, they found themselves suddenly suddenly weak.

"If you want to kill yourself with poison, you have to ask me if I agree or disagree."

内 In the darkness, a soft voice came out.

These people went to the end, squinting their eyelids, trying to look around.

Bai Shi'an snorted coldly, went to the side and lit the oil lamps in the private room one by one.

With the arrival of the light, they finally saw everything here clearly.

But there are only a few of them. One is the Baiye Sanye, and the other two are a man and a woman.

The black man's body is tall, with an imposing look, and his expression is cold.

The niece is dignified and beautiful, especially with a pair of eyes shining in flames, which seems a little strange.

Family in the palace!

A few people were terrified in their hearts. They never dreamed that they were frustrated in the hands of the family.

I haven't waited for them to accept this fact. The door to the alienation opened again. It was actually the second young man in the palace. He was walking in with a soft guy.

Eriya Palace still fainted his companions on the ground, his face was slightly cold.

"It's just a few of you, and I have to chase the West for a few days. Well, do you deserve it?"

The scornful disdain in the man's eyes made this group of thieves uncomfortable.

Alas, they are now enlightened, let alone commit suicide, they can't even pick up their fingers, and their whole body strength is enough to provoke their eyelids.

Lin Lin Mengya looked down at the thieves, but her eyes were ruthless.

"Be assured that the second brother, they will always pay the price. Lord Bai, these people will be given to you. You are not afraid of the flesh and bones, just grind them a little bit with a stone."

Even though the woman's voice was very gentle, she fell into the bones of those thieves, but came out of deep coldness.

Bai Shi'an was also furious.

Everyone has an inverse scale, and his family is an important existence that Bai Shi'an has to guard for his whole life.

But these people hurt his family.

For the first time, my eyes were clear, and for the first time I had explicit brutality.

Damn, you can't be rushed.

白 This kind of work to clean up people, naturally, Bai family to do it.

Bai Shi'an and Gong Er treated people as if they were catching little chickens, and they were thrown out of the private library one by one. There was no need for Lin Mengya to worry about other things.

他们 This game they won for the time being, but Lin Mengya's heart has greater doubts.

What are these people thinking about what they want to get?

"Don't go out?"

Xun Long Tianyu looked at his wife as if she didn't mean to leave, and could not help asking.

The latter shook his head and said, "Before I came, the owner of the Bai family told me that the most precious part of the collection of books that the Bai family had promised to show me was hidden here. Anyway, I want to see it for myself.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not object.

But he was not very interested in those historical histories, but leaned aside and followed her.

The private library is the most important place for each family.

It is obviously sincere that the Bai family owner can do this.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not go through the real estate deeds, books, etc., but according to the words of the Bai family owner, came to the second half of the interior.

Six oversized bookshelves, inlaid on the wall.

In the small drawers are rare rare pieces.

She started from the first grid, and soon she discovered that these collections were not only literary works, but also all-encompassing, and felt various disciplines.

Fortunately, with the help of the system, she only needs to double it slightly, and the system can completely copy out the contents.

Although some of them are not very kind, as long as these books are used well, the college's teaching materials will not be lacking, and the level of teaching, I am afraid that we need to improve to a higher level.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't watch it, and he took the initiative to take over the book ascending.

They are fast and gradually reach the last bookshelf.

Lin Lin Mengya turned out a little tired of turning it out. Even if it didn't take much effort for one book, it would be tiring to increase the number.

"Are these either?"

Stepping on the ladder, Long Tianyu took out a boxy box from the highest row of drawers.

Lin Lin Mengya asked, looking up, "Can you open it?"

He looked over and over again, but found that the box did not seem to have any openings, but by weight, it did not seem to be solid.

Gao Linmengya just wanted him to put the box back, but suddenly remembered the second lady's words.

不 Are those people looking for a book in a box?

Xu waved his hand at him, Long Tianyu lightly climbed down and gave it to her.

看着 She looked at the box and the system also enabled detection mode.

Only, the test results told her that the box was welded to death, and indeed there was a book in it.

除此之外 But other than that, nothing seems special.

This is a bit difficult to handle. After all, it is something from others. Even if she is curious, it is not easy to break the box to see it?

Why don't you go and ask Bai?

She had an idea in her heart, but she just carefully set the box aside and took it out to ask when she was ready to go out.

But strange things happen one after another.

In addition to the first iron box, they found several iron boxes again on the last bookshelf.

盒子 The appearance of these boxes is a little different, but the only thing is the same, that is, these boxes are all welded to death.

This is a little strange.

He said that if these books were not intended for the Bai family, it would be understandable that they would be sealed.


She looked at these variously shaped boxes, wouldn't it be the owners of the Bai family's ancestors, as well as this leisurely feeling?

Nine Dragons Tianyu is just like her, except that he is always moody and indifferent, but he does not show much surprise.

Lin Lin Mengya fiddled with these boxes at will, and suddenly she froze.

Return to consciousness system.

She asked Xiaoyao to copy the shape of each box, and then she found that these boxes are actually pieces of a puzzle!

And not only one side of these boxes, sometimes even the sides of the boxes, is the real puzzle shape.

Fortunately, there is a small medicine in it, or even if she flashes this light occasionally, it will not help.

"These boxes are puzzles, hurry up, let's fight together!"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, a little surprised in his eyes.

Fortunately, both of them are smart and flexible.

Under the guidance of the small medicine simulation map, the two quickly landed on the ground and completed the puzzle.

After putting down the last iron box, Lin Mengya stood up and saw the whole pattern, but she seemed a little bit confused.

模拟 The simulation maps in the system are almost the same as the actual objects in front of you. If you don't feel it alone, now you can see that these different boxes are like a map.

Also, it seems like a mountain.

She touched her chin. There is no satellite map in this world. Even if the medicine is powerful, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

For a moment, she couldn't help it.

"Have you ever seen anything like this?"

She can only ask her own man for help, and the latter shook her head regretfully after a little thought.

What should I do? I can't let her find them one by one.

And it looks like this may be a scaled-down top view.

It's even harder now.

Where Long Yun Yu was disappointed, she raised her hand and touched the top of her head.

"I'll find it for you."

Jain's tone was full of petting. It seemed that if she liked it, he would hold her in front of everything.

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