Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1943: Leave white house

Q: The content of Xinshu was cracked after Xiaoyao upgraded the decoding system. Why is that person also?

She focused on this volume of Qinxinshu and found that it says that if you want to perform Qinxinshu, the practitioner must first practice a skill.

Puppetry is verbal, gaze, or some other auxiliary measure that allows the caster to quickly hint at each other.

For example, the sound she heard before is a very special oral technique.

And the content of this mindbook is not everyone can practice.

Even if it is the simplest mind control technique, it will take a few years to practice it, let alone a more advanced questioning technique.

She couldn't help wondering what the last volume of homing was like.

But to her surprise, returning to mind is not a technique to teach people how to control the mind. The above content is aimed at the practitioner.

"Hearts have spirits, and those who practice mindfulness must correct their hearts, cultivate their nature, and cultivate their morality. Otherwise, they may suffer backlash."

This sentence made her feel cold.

It is indeed true that if after learning the mind art, the nature will do evil, then sooner or later, it will suffer its own consequences.

And the contents of the heart surgery are the cracking methods of the previous volumes of heart surgery.

After watching Lin Mengya, she suddenly understood the meaning of the return to heart.

If you just look at the previous ones, this book of mind can be called a banned book.

控制 Controlling people's hearts invisibly, this is almost an excellent means for those ambitious guys.

I control the owner of a family, and can get the help of the family. What if the owner of a country is controlled? Wouldn't it be possible to close the door in a blink of an eye?

So the last volume of homing is like a steel knife hanging from the caster's head.

Harm people and end up harming themselves.

Such a principle is unchanged in ancient times.

After reading it, she already knew it.

Even if she meets someone who will ask her mind next time, she will never be unprepared.

On the other side, the second brother's search was not unexpected, and it ended in failure.

I just, but not all.

"Sister, that miscellaneous thing runs fast, but I found it in his room."

The second stride of the palace came to her, holding an inconspicuous little wooden box in her hand.

That thing looks like a small can of oil for women, but inside it is some incense.

I do n’t need to smell, she knows what it is.

The Jain man dressed as a garrison would naturally have access to Xun Ziyang.

Alas, and because he did not do anything extraordinary, no one could detect his behavior.

Under the hint of day after day, Xun Ziyang's heart was already terrified.

This time, it was because she had no way to detect it, nor did she lose.

Nian Gonger looked at the little girl in front of her, and seemed more calm than before.

It was strange to say that, she rarely cried, but even a frown would make him feel like a heavy object in his heart.

Lin Lin Mengya put away the box, no matter what kind of enemy she was facing, she would always level it one by one!

"Brother, let's go home."


After all, this is not their home. It's time to go home.

In Fengyuan City, Lin Mengya and their party walked silently.

Xun Gonger stayed first and waited to **** those gentlemen who had been finalized to teach at Sitai College.

Before Lin's departure, Lin Mengya was afraid that her second brother would also be recruited, and he temporarily learned a trick in Guixinshu to ensure his safety.

The two babies reluctantly said goodbye to the burly second sister, and then followed the mother to get into the carriage.

"Sanye, don't you really loose them?"

In the restaurant, Bai Shian sat safely in the box on the second floor, drank the glass of wine, and allowed the table to taste delicious, and the dog could not look at him.

He stared motionlessly at the seemingly unusual convoy, slowly walking down the street until he disappeared at the end of his line of sight.


I do n’t know why it ’s bitter.

He waved his hand to let the shopkeeper back down.

Xun Junjun must finally say a thousand miles, not to mention that his fate with her has long been doomed.

Hopefully, they will have another day to meet.

The martyrdom was precious, but I didn't know whether it was for myself or someone else.

"Boss, people are gone."

At this moment, in a small courtyard in Fengyuan City, a very ordinary man is humble to return to his boss.

"Well, how is it going?"

The man who was called the Boss covered his entire face under a black mask.

He could only see that he was tall and his voice was low and powerful, but too indifferent.

"I'm afraid the Bai family's affairs are not so easy. Bai Jiarou has failed. The Bai family has already noticed that it is difficult to start again."


He slightly raised his voice, but shocked his men.

He immediately knelt down on the ground, begging unceasingly: "Please give me another chance, this time, I will definitely bring out the things of the Bai family."

The man seemed a little careless in the face of his request.

那就 "That's good, I never raise people without people."

The people in hand immediately thanked them again and again.

He knows the means of his boss. If he wins or loses again this time, I am afraid that in this world, he will soon have no one of his own.

"OK, go and do something."

"Yes, my subordinates obey."

The man ignored his men, opened the door by himself, and walked to the street.

At this moment, the horse team of the palace family just happened to walk past him.


A trace of cold laughter overflowed from his mouth.

The only black eyes that were not covered were like cold stars.

Return journey is always pleasant.

It's different from when they came here, at least this time they don't have to sneak up.

She even went out of the Bai family's fiefdom, and when she arrived at the Zheng family's fiefdom, she was very interested, and took what happened to her at the Zheng family with Long Tianyu as a travel journal and told it to her family.

The people in the Xiong Palace heard it with interest, but Lin Nansheng felt it was a bit uncomfortable.

In his impression, his little girl should be a delicate and delicate girl, without half a setback, a delicate girl who was raised in a honeypot.

However, the reality is that the little girl not only experienced many difficulties, but also carried the pressure he should bear.

After all, he is too incompetent to be an elder brother.

Xu Zheng blamed himself, and he was tapped lightly on his shoulders, looked up, and saw the smiling face of Miyazo.

"Do you want to try it? This is my little girl's herbal tea."

递 He handed Lin Nansheng a cup of tea, there was no bitterness of the usual medicinal tea, only a faint aftertaste.

He drank it and sipped it slightly. Before the slight bitterness turned around on the tip of his tongue, he was scattered back to Gan.

He seems to have drank this cup of tea, and the sorrows in his heart are just like bitterness, which dissipated seven or seven or eight.

其实 "In fact, when she is her brother, she always feels a little frustrated, right?"

开口 He spoke softly, his voice full of lingering.

Lin Linsheng looked at the girl who was joking with the children and sighed quietly.

"My sister, she has been a distressing child since she was a child. My mother went after giving birth to her. Later, her father was forced by the imperial power to marry his stepmother. The woman was so vicious that she almost killed her."

This matter has always become a thorn in his heart.

The mother and daughter, he could not wait to pluck their skins and dig out their black heart!

There was also a gleam of light in the eyes of Sannomiya. It turned out that Lin Mengwu was actually so abominable.

"I have also seen the daughter of your stepmother."

When Lin Linsheng heard this, he immediately asked, "Where? Where are they now?"

别 "Don't worry, let them go, it's the little girl's meaning."


Zhe Lin Nansheng did not understand.

Sister Shangguan Qing's mother and daughter framed her sister, the sister can not remain indifferent.

Unless she has any last distress, otherwise, the young girl will never let them go so easily.

Squinting his eyes, Miyazo laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

"Who knows, my little girl is always smart enough to make me feel embarrassed. But I know that the reason she would let go of the mother and daughter, she would definitely fish for a long line. You should learn to trust her, in our palace, Everyone believes in her. "

Zhe Lin Nansheng saw Gong San's face with a gentle glow.

He used to think that the family members were afraid of using his sister.

现在 But now he is not so determined.

Because of something, I can't fool people at all.

Sannomiya seemed to be aware, and asked with a smile: "Do you think that we can almost tell you that we are strangers, but why did we accept the little girl so quickly?"

I was told that Lin Nansheng didn't feel anything, but nodded and admitted.

The Lin family has always been very honest on this issue.

Sannomiya Hiromi smiled secretly, and felt that they were indeed brothers and sisters.

"Before I answer your question, I have to tell you something. For the past few decades, since I have memories, the little girl is our only hope. She is not just a loved one for us, It's not just a homeowner, she is the spiritual backbone of all the family members. "

His almost pious look reminded Lin Nansheng of a small village passing by by chance when he was leading a war.

Qiang Village is very poor. There is not even a run-down temple. Some are just small temples built with stones.

The buddha statue inside was smoky, and it was almost impossible to see which deity was.

But the people in the village come to wipe the stones every day.

The stones in the Xiaoxiao Temple are clean, and there is almost no dust except for the ash.

的 The people here don't have any extra tribute, but they truly love this **** and Buddha, so every day people spontaneously give this **** and Buddha who has protected them for many years, rub the stones and sweep the yard.

Compared with those monasteries and golden buddhas he has seen, the people here worship simpler, but they are more sincere.

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