But for a moment, she was no longer affected by these external forces.

She smiled at the man and said politely: "Your presumption is the owner of this shop, so please take the liberty to ask for medicine, and please forgive me."

The young man nodded and said, "What medicine is the girl asking for?"

She immediately passed the names of the scarce medicinal herbs to her partner.

The young man just glanced at him and ordered the young man.

"Go get it."

"Yes, son."

It's so easy, is it here?

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but be a bit surprised. You should know that she just saw the brand, but she was fully prepared for being embarrassed.

Fortunately, she quickly responded.

"Thank you, my son, I know these medicines are rare, and I will give them a lot of money."

The young boy nodded, and it looked as if he didn't care about these things outside.

Until the teenager packed the medicine and sent it to her, Lin Mengya couldn't help showing a relaxed smile.

At this time, the young boy spoke again.

"Can the girl answer me a question?"

"Please tell me."

The young boy was still gentle, only a brow, but wrinkled unconsciously.

"Although the girl does not show people in true face, but she can feel that the girl is not a ferocious person. In this case, why should the girl bring those poisons?"

Lin Mengya froze.

She does have some on her body, but since the other party is a medical expert, she can smell it, but it doesn't surprise her much.

So I explained with a smile: "I also have a cause because of something. Besides, I said that these poisons are just for self-defense and I will never use them to do bad things."

But the young boy still looks disapproving.

"The girl's words are bad. People who use poison are the most ruthless. The poison on the girl is very toxic. It is not ordinary. I advise the girl, it is better to stay away from those poisonous doctors. They, but It's a demon who kills without blinking. "

一 As soon as she said this, she felt a great deal of disappointment in her mind.

She is a poison doctor, and her teacher is a poison doctor.

But she and her teacher saved more people than they were poisoned.

The thought of this man is too radical.

But she didn't want to quarrel with him, she just said lightly: "Poison can harm and save people. This method of attacking poison with poison must be clear to the son. Poison is a good medicine to save people in the hands of good doctors It ’s the steel knife that ’s terrible. After some son-in-law gives me medicine, after I go back, he will be ordered to send the money over, or the son-in-law ’s person will accompany me on a trip. ”

Suddenly she was quite indifferent, and the young man may not feel it.

However, he rarely cares about other people's gossip. He only thinks that this girl doesn't look like a bad person, so he wants to speak to remind him.

I didn't want to, the girl didn't appreciate it at all, and she was impatient now.

"Since the girl is obsessed and obsessed, then there is no need to say more. You and I are fate, and this medicine is a gift I give you. But I have to persuade the girl at the end that the sea of ​​bitterness is the shore, and there is no I hope the girl can get lost before she makes a big mistake. "

"Thank you for your kindness."

In the end, it was she who received the favor. Even if her heart was awkward, Lin Mengya did not lose her due courtesy.

She took the medicine and turned away.

What happened to the poison doctor? Did not eat at his house again!

Wu Ping gave a lesson for no reason, and now she has no affection for that person.

"Master, someone is following you!"

In the system, Xiaoyao probably noticed that she was in a bad mood, so she reminded her with a playful tone.

"How did you notice it?"

Now the system is powerful and complex, and it is her biological energy that keeps the system running.

In order not to let myself be too tired, I usually open several self-protection functions.

Xiao Xiaoyao automatically projected an impact in her right eye, and her round little flesh chewed her small mouth.

"He was carrying a lot of drugs, and I found them a long distance away."

In the eyes of the outside world, her conversation with Xiaoyao was just a little lost of thought.

Hey, who will follow me?

The people who greeted Hanyuwei and Yu were not vegetarian, and that person was willing to follow.

She returned to the drug store without any worries, taking advantage of the effort of entering the door, pretending to glance back inadvertently.

Sure enough, there was a shadow flashing in the alley near her.

She flashed her eyes and returned to the backyard to attract a dark guard.

"Go and find out who is following me today."

I didn't notice where the guards were, and then he replied: "He came out of the shop in Qiu'an and has always been behind you. He hasn't done anything else. Want to be subordinate and get people back?"

She thought about it and shook her head.

虽然 Although what the young boy said was biased, he did something to her.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she would not have done such a kind of revenge.

In a blink of an eye, the little episode was still behind her, and she hurriedly prepared the medicine, and after boiling it, it was brought to the family.

But what she doesn't know is that some people in this world just like to go about their business.

她 Under the care of her sleeplessness, 纭 儿 's condition has finally improved, but it is not enough to withstand the bumps.

Fortunately, here is not far from home, she let people go back first, and brought the most spacious and comfortable carriage in the house.

Although the Zheng family is also good, it is worse than the palace family.

I can't get along for a few days, but the clever and lively sister-in-law has a feeling of meeting and hating Zheng Rongrong.

Couple with A Xiu, the three little girls talked and laughed all day, as if they were three girls who are not worldly.

"Sister Ya, you are here! Rong Rong said she was coming to you just now. Why did she run away this time?"

A Xiu came to hold her hand with a smile, Lin Mengya touched A Xiu's head.

"Might be wrong."

She was either in the room or in the pharmacy all these days, thinking that Zheng Rongrong may not know her whereabouts.

When the two of them were thinking about going to see their children together, they saw Zheng Rongrong worried and walked in from the outside.

"Rong Rong, why did you run outside?"

Xi Axiu ran over immediately and asked with a smile.

Zheng Rongrong didn't explain, just smiled slightly reluctantly.

Suddenly, Axiu and her both saw it.

"what happened?"

She asked softly, but Zheng Rongrong shook her head and said, "It's nothing, but there's something wrong with the business at home. I won't go to see you with you first, I have to go home first."

Since there is something, Lin Mengya is not good to stay.

After the two sent her out, they saw the loyal old housekeeper of the Zheng family waiting anxiously beside the carriage.

"I'll go back first, and come to see you later."

In front of them, Zheng Rongrong didn't show much.

But judging by the appearance of the old housekeeper, obviously the trouble of the Zheng family this time is not so simple.


Axiu gazed around and murmured.


Lin Mengya didn't know what she found, and the latter immediately fell to her ears and said quietly: "The business of the Zheng Family Medicine Co. was really good a few days ago, but how so lonely it is today. And I think those outside People, it seems that they are somewhat dissatisfied with the Zheng family medicine company. "

After A Xiu reminded him, Lin Mengya immediately discovered that indeed, those passersby had no special reaction to Zheng Family Medicine Company. How today, those passers-by seem to be dismissive of the Zheng family medicine company.

Not far away, there are still many people pointing.

But these days, she lived here, and did not notice anything abnormal?

After bidding farewell to Zheng Rongrong, Lin Mengya found the dispenser of the pharmacy and asked what was going on outside.

But the shopkeeper's attitude was dodgy. In the end, it was really anxious, and he could only ask: "Oh, I didn't tell you, it was the young lady who ordered it, and I was not allowed to bother you with these things. If the little said, I'm afraid the young lady will blame me for talking. "

This is the case, Lin Mengya said immediately: "I know the difficulty of the shopkeeper. You can rest assured that I will not tell this to Rong Rong. Furthermore, I am a guest and the Zheng family is the master. Where is the master in trouble, the guests stand by and watch reason."

In fact, the shopkeeper was also grieved with a stomachache. After all, he had a chance and was thinking of spitting out.

"Well, I'd like you to give the little one something in front of the young lady. In fact, I'm wondering about this, too. The merchants of the Zheng family's pharmaceutical business do not like to do business with the Zheng family's pharmaceutical business. I do n’t know what happened a few days ago, those customers who had previously set medicinal herbs have to break the contract. The young asked them why, and they refused to say anything. In the end, one of my fellow villagers quietly told me that it was ours Someone has sinned against the Zheng family medicine company. You said that we can do business honestly, and who can sin? For this matter, the young lady is probably anxious. "

The Zheng Family Medicine Shop has provoked people?

No, this is the land of the Zheng family. After this period of operation, the Zheng family has gone to the original chaos and revived.

Even if someone wants to target the Zheng family, at least it wo n’t work here.

随后 But then, she thought of a possibility.

I immediately grabbed the dejected shopkeeper and asked, "Does anyone who offend you have anything to do with the doctor?"

She thought it was Baili's house.

After all, she punished last time, but the in-laws of the Baili family.

And the Baili family is full of famous doctors. If they intend to target the Zheng family's medicine, it can be explained.

The shopkeeper also asked in surprise: "How do you know? But yes, the doctors in the past all liked our Zheng family's drugstore very much. But for some days now, they have not only avoided but refused Use our herbs. I don't know, what the **** is the crime. "

In my opinion, it should be the Baili family who was stumbling from it.

But Lin Mengya felt that something was wrong.

Alas. Wonderful book house

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